Monday, February 24, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Mandy asks…

Why do some recycling centers ask you to remove the caps off the plastic bottles and others do not ?

The Expert answers:

The ones that leave the cap on probably are just burnt in an incinerator. Having generally the same product (plastic) makes it more efficient. People often throw all kinds of crap in recycling collection sites. The product needs to be really clean for it to be worth the effort to recycle it into new, quality materials. Not enough people care enough to recycle correctly so it all can be reused.

Betty asks…

Where are some recycling centers in Colorado where you can get paid?

Preferably grocery stores with places where you can get a receipt for the amount of cans you put in, but anything is ok

The Expert answers:

Go to to find local recycle centers.

James asks…

How Much Do Recycling centers give you for can openers?

I mean those little things things that you have too pull so that it can ope cans?(:

The Expert answers:

Recycling centers give you nothing.

Scrap yards give you about $0.50 per pound.

Nancy asks…

What recycling centers are there in New Mexico that recycle glass?

The Expert answers:

Here is a site that has many pages of glass recyclers in New Mexico

Joseph asks…

Are there any recycling centers in Hernando County that pay you?

Specifically for plastics.

The Expert answers:

Is that Hernando County – Florida?

Try looking on Earth 911.
Just enter in your zip code and the material you have to recycle. The site will then give you a list of the closest recyclers near you.

Michael asks…

Are then any recycling centers that will pay you for old newspapers in New York City?

I have a ton.

The Expert answers:

No, NYC won’t pay you to recycle any of your stuff. It’s actually the law out here that you recycle. If you don’t, you get a fine when they throw your trash out.

Charles asks…

What is the best way to find the recycling centers where you can recycle bottles and cans and get money back?

The Expert answers:

You can check for those sites in the yellow pages of your area. It’s a good way to save the environment. Good luck!!

Maria asks…

How profitable are recycling centers?

I am thinking of opening one (and may I add this just ocurred to me recently) because aside from opening a business that is profitable the idea of having a positive impact on our environment appeals to me, however I have no idea wether it would be a sound investement.

The Expert answers:

It would be a credit to the environment but there are a lot of headaches with business and I wouldn’t open one.

Daniel asks…

What are some good sites to find recycling centers.?

I am looking for a website (besides that can tell me where places are in Ohio that you can recycle aluminum cans and get money for them. THANK YOU!

The Expert answers: is my favorite. It’s easy to use and you can easily enter the option of what your trying to recycle and in what area

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