Saturday, March 15, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Mandy asks…

Recycling Electronics?

My husband recently upgraded his computer and now has a left over power source(?). He wanted to throw it in the garbage, however I would like to recycle it. I have searched online, and I cannot find a place that I can easily drop it off for recycling. I am tired of it sitting on my desk. Does anyone know where I can take computer components for recycling? I am in the Los Angeles area… Thanks in advance!

The Expert answers:

I can not speak for your area, but here in my area I take them to a metal recycler.

They pay for monitors, power supplies and other items by the pound.

These items have a lot of metals in them including gold (gold is at nearly $1,000.00 per ounce) and the recyclers want the metal to reclaim and sell to third world countries and China.

Mark asks…

Do I get any money from recycling electronics?

I had thoughts of recycling some old electronics and I wonder if I get any money from recycling a couple old laptops of mine. If I do recycle them, then do I get money from that like recycling bottles and cans? Just wondering.

The Expert answers:

Where I live, you have to pay money to get electronics recycled.

James asks…

Is there a better competetor to For recycling Electronics and getting Paid?

I want to recycle some not really old electronics that are still in excellent condition but get some cash for it like I was wondering if there is a good competetor thanks.

The Expert answers:

Yes there is.

Lisa asks…

Can someone please direct me to a link that proves, recycling electronics can help the economy.?

Can someone please direct me to a link that proves, recycling electronics can help the economy.

The Expert answers:


William asks…

Is there going to be another electronics recycling days in Austin Texas?

Last year waste management and Sony did an electronics recycling collection day. I was wondering if they are going to have another one this year. I looked on the Sony website but couldn’t find it. Anyone know?

The Expert answers:

Check your city website or go to city hall and ask. They will know for sure.

Carol asks…

CA law requiring name for electronics recycling?

I received a very plain form today. The form said that it was from a group doing electronics recycling, and that I needed to fill the form out with my name and address, and leave it outside with the item.

Does CA law require that a name and address be submitted along with electronics recycling? I worry about this being a scam.

The Expert answers:

I actually work for an electronics recycling company in California so let me explain why they ask this.

Recylers in California are paid to recycle electronics with a screen larger than 4 inches–if you have purchased one of these electronics in California after 2005, you were charged a fee to cover these costs.

Now California requires recyclers to keep careful records to get paid. This includes a phone number and an address– so the state can verify details if necessary. Any legitimate recycler in the state will ask for this information.

I don’t know what company your form is from, so I can’t say for sure whether it’s a scam. However, it could easily be legitimate. My company, All Green Electronics Recycling (, does door-to-door events like this–so if it’s us, you’re safe! You can even check out our CalRecycle ID and EPA ID on our website if you’d like to verify matters. If it wasn’t us, we do recycle electronics for free all over the state so you should still check us out if you’d like to recycle something.

I hope this helped! I wasn’t trying to sound like an advertisement there at the end, but I just answered with what I know.

John asks…

Where can I learn more about starting a business recycling electronics?

Where can I learn how to find, extract and sell high value parts from old computers cell phones TV’s etc? I’m located in New York/ New England area.

The Expert answers:

Try the checking out the EPA website to see what materials requires material safety data sheet or MSDS and special handling. You can look up MSDS by product and part number. The original maufactuer is a good place as well they can assist in by telling you what they deem worth recycling and they are a source of MSDS information as well.

Donna asks…

What are some of the dangers of not properly recycling electronics?

The Expert answers:

Mercury poisoning

Sandra asks…

Can I Take Electronics from Recycling Center?

Can I Take Electronics from Recycling Center? Well not loads and loads of items, but maybe one bad condition cell phone, and one old computer desktop?

The Expert answers:

Only if you ask and they say yes and they just might ! Otherwise you are stealing and they could have you arrested . Thrift stores carry both and sell really cheap .

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