Saturday, March 15, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Robert asks…

How can I recycle from home with no recycle bins?

I live in an apartment complex that has no recycling options. I would really like to make sure I am doing my part in recycling but this makes it really hard. I am in the process of requesting the complex put in recycling stations. What can I do in the mean time? What public places allow people to bring their recycling in or what places have recycling stations?

The Expert answers:

Good for you to nudge the complex.
As to recycling, call the garbage company and ask them.
Find a recycling co. Prices for aluminum are HIGH, and very profitable.
Good luck.

Jenny asks…

i heard that some people have recycle bins on there phone?

is this allready on there when its bought? or is there a way to get one on your phone…i have a sony ericsson s500. can i get a recycle bin on mine?

The Expert answers:

The recycle bin is usually a function of the Windows Mobile operating system. If there’s something that you don’t want on your phone and it DOESN’T have a Windows OS or a recycle bin, just delete the file. Just be sure you KNOW what you’re deleting, so that you don’t screw up the operating system.

Chris asks…

How bad is it to go through recycle bins when they are on the curb to get certain items?

I estimate the process would take me 30-45 seconds per bin to take out what I want. How risky is this and what could happen? I am not afraid of people really just police.

The Expert answers:

Well if you are just talking about police action and not safety or anything else. Then the act you describe is illegal since it is theft. The items belong to the company or entity who own the bins. The law is different then regular trash.

Michael asks…

Where can you get the green recycle bins?

are they free or how much do they cost?

The Expert answers:

You can go to your local cities website and get information on where to purchase them. In my city they are $6.00. Or maybe even call the city ask ask for information about the bins. Glad to know that you are reclying and taking interest, keep it up!

James asks…

where can i find recycle bins for paper, and small things like plastic wrappers?

oh, and can you recycle styrafoam?

The Expert answers:

This site has over a million products, feel free to bookmark it for future use..


Charles asks…

My (small)city doesn’t pick up materials from recycling bins, is there any way I can still recycle?

And does anyone have a specific list of what to put in recycling bins?

The Expert answers:

Look in your phone book for a local recycling center. I hope there’s one not too far away. My daughter lives in a small town with no recycling too, but having come from a state/county that has a great recycling program, she couldn’t stand sending all that recyclable stuff away to a landfill. She found a recycling center in her town and she just bags her things separately — glass, plastic, paper/cardboard — and drops it off when she has full bags. Sadly, her friends and neighbors think she’s crazy, they don’t get it. :o( Recycling should be mandatory — everywhere.

Sandra asks…

Where can I get free recycle bins for work?

I’ve seen them around they are made of plastic and have the recycle logo on them but I want to know where I can get them…We need one badly here at work.
if i was in UK i’d have asked this question there not in the US section…..durr

The Expert answers:

Well, you can just make your own.

Mark asks…

How do i find my recycle bins?

On a HP laptop with windows vista? my icon on my desktop got deleted.. how and where do i go to get the icon back on my desktop?

The Expert answers:

Open Personalization by clicking the Start button Picture of the Start button, clicking Control Panel, clicking Appearance and Personalization, and then clicking Personalization.

In the left pane, click Change desktop icons, and then do one of the following:

To remove the Recycle Bin from the desktop, clear the Recycle Bin check box.

To display the Recycle Bin on the desktop, select the Recycle Bin check box.

Click OK.

Steven asks…

Is it legal to go around and collecting bottles and cans from people recycle bins?

i saw a lady digging through some ones trash can looking for cans.
im not sure if this is legal?

The Expert answers:

Some cities have laws against it…….others do not

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