Sunday, March 9, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

David asks…

After this halloween will you still celebrate halloween ?

(Read this chilling story about a senseless murder this halloween of a family that were “trick-or-treating it could have been in any really nice and quiet neighborhood it could have been in your neighborhood.)

Trick-or-Treat Tragedy
November 02, 2008 23:54 PM

The Sumter Coroner’s Office identified the child as 12-year-old Tony “TJ” Darrisaw.

Quentin Patrick, 22, has been arrested in what police are referring to as an attempted murder. Investigators have arrested a woman who lives with Patrick and charged her with obstruction of justice.

Police say 19-year-old Ericka Patrice Pee, and her two-year-old daughter tried to leave the home with Patrck after the shooting. Investigators say Pee and Patrick took $7500 in bundled cash from the home.

Sumter Police Chief Patty Patterson says father Freddie Grinnell and three of his children were trick-or-treating Friday night when the shooting occurred.

The Grinnell family had just finished trick-or-treating at a city of Sumter sponsored event, when they decided to make a couple of stops in their neighborhood before they retired for the night.

Chief Patterson says the family stopped at the home on Wise Drive around 8:30 p.m., where the porch light was lit. Investigators say Freddie Grinnell and three of the couple’s four children left to knock on the door, while mother Daphne and a son stayed inside the car.

As the family made their way to the door of the home, they could hear what they thought were fireworks. They say TJ Darrisaw, Freddie Grinnell and a nine-year-old son were each struck by the gunfire. “The children were celebrating the traditional Halloween trick or treat and were attempting to knock on doors for candies when Quentin Patrck opened ire on them,” says Patterson.

Investigators say Patrick told them that he could see people wearing masks on his front porch, one of which was Darrisaw. Patrick told police that he had been shot before and wasn’t going to be shot again.

That’s when Patterson said Patrick opened fire on the family with an AK-47 assault rifle, unloading over 29 rounds in the assault.

Darrisaw died at the hospital, Moore said. Grinnell and one child were injured, and have each been released from the hospital.

“It’s very shocking that something like this would happen and especiallly to kids who were trick or treating. You just wouldn’t think about something like that happening,” says Nell Welch, a neighbor of the suspect. Darrisaw and his brothers knocked on her door, just before heading to Patrick’s house.

“They had real nice manners. They said thank you and sounded real sweet,” she says.

It’s hard news for even a seasoned law enforcement officer like Patterson. “The loss of a bright young man whose life was snuffed out for no apparent reason,” she describes the situation.

Patrick is being detained at the Sumter-Lee Regional Detention Center, and is charged with one count of murder, two counts of attempted murder and one count of assault and battery with intent to kill.

Jail officials say Patrick most likely will not appear in front of a judge until sometime this upcoming week.

Patterson said there were other people inside the home at the time of the shooting, but she didn’t expect any of them to be charged. Patterson did say that Patrick “is known to law enforcment,” and was convicted of possession with intent to distribute cocaine, making Patrick a convicted felon.

According to South Carolina law, convicted felons are prohibited from purchasing or owning any kind of firearm.

“The investigation is continuing into what has been a very tragic evening,” Patterson said. “Our sorrow and sympathy goes out to this family.”

A neighbor said he heard a loud noise about the time of the shooting and thought it was simply Halloween mischief.

“I thought, trick-or-treat night – pranks go down. Anything goes,” said Lenwood Dixon, 49, who works at a hazardous waste and recycling company. “I heard a noise like maybe gunfire, then my daughter saw a bunch of lights flashing and saw some cops.”

In his six years in the neighborhood, he said he wasn’t aware of any violent crimes. He said a few trick-or-treaters had been on his block that night.

“I’m surprised. Since I was here, I’d never heard of anything like that happening. It’s a quiet neighborhood,” he said. “You don’t see many children in the neighborhood. It’s more elderly.”

The Expert answers:

I will still celebrate, I won’t allow myself to allow others to ruin a holiday for me. Ask yourself, would you stop celebrating Easter or Christmas if a murder happened then too? Probably not. As a matter of fact, there are alot of murders at Christmas time. Usually family members killing family members.

Jenny asks…

Is there any organization or company in alexandria that would support us in our environmental project?

Me and my friends in (Egypt-Alexandria) are part of the Global Environmental Youth Convention taking part in August 2008 in (China). And we were part of it last year in Dubai and took the 1st place prize in the Paper Waste project.
In part 3(starting now) of our course we have to do a project related to sustainable development and the environment.
We need an organization or company or hotel or supermarket or resort(any of the kind) that would be eager to support our project and idea “by carrying/trying them out”. We are going to be dealing with (Waste recycling/reducing) issue. e.g. reducing usage of paper and recycling. or reducing the usage of plastic.
I urgently need to find it.
Thanks in advance.

The Expert answers:

Good luck

Charles asks…

Biffa Waste company, cost of services, please help?

How much do Biffa charge for their general waste and confidential waste disposal?
Hi there

I am in need of a confidential shredding company and I know biffa is a big name. Any ideas how much they charge for general waste and confidential waste destruction? Is it an on site or off site process? is it all recycled.
I have had a look at the website and called them but no one is prepared to give me basic costs over the phone…I havent time to see lots of sales guys so just need costs to compare to other providers.

The Expert answers:

Try here

Carol asks…

papaer recycling for school.?

i go to a school in the philadelphia, pennsylvania area. what is the paper recycling company jawn that gives you dumpsters to put paper in? i feel that my school wastes a lot of paper and really needs to recycle.

The Expert answers:

If they waste allot of paper you don’t really need to know all that be brave and come up to the principle and talk to them about it.

William asks…

Why do I get so many phone books?

I used to get one new phone book once a year and that was it. Now I’m getiing them three or four times a year from different companies. What a waste of trees! They all have the same info in them and I’m not paying for them so there can’t be much competition. Just one more thing clogging up my recycling bin.

The Expert answers:

Just cancell it all. You can find people number/address online for free!

Sharon asks…

X-ray film disposal/recycling services in Central Ontario? ?

I’m looking for a waste management company to pick up and properly dispose of several years worth of inactive X-rays. My business is located in the Peterborough/Whitby Area. Does anybody know of a place that may offer this service?

The Expert answers:

Those XRAY films are valuable to a recycling company because they contain silver that can be recycled.

I would expect if you were to look in your telephone book for metals recyclers you would find someone that wants them to recycle for the silver they contain.

Ruth asks…

Can Someone help me Edit this essay?

Im supposed to act like a landfill can anyone help me check this? .. Whoever helps me the MOST will be chosen as best answer 😀 thank you!! I really appreciate anyones help !
Dear Companies,

I’m a landfill and I believe that recycling is more important than my job. Anyhow, my job of being a landfill is to dispose more trash than regular dumps or junkyards. There is many reasons on why you as companies that manufacture goods should promote recycling.

To start, recycling is important to environment and business, according to the EPA students , that I can pollute groundwater because the waste people throw seeps into the soil and then pollutes the groundwater. Compare to recycling, this has a positive impact, it saves earth because it preserves our natural recourses, instead of wasting them. For example, you as companies can recycle paper. Since, every year over 3 to 6 billion trees are cut down to make paper according to Brant Olson a strategist on national corporate campaigns.

Furthermore, recycling saves up some space in my land and saves up energy. I get approximately over 2,000 tons of garbage each day. Instead of letting trash go to waste, recycling is the best idea. An expert named Peter Bonenberger, found that recycling one tin can save enough energy to power a television for three hours. In addition to that, recycling glass bottle saves enough energy to power a computer for twenty-five minutes. Eventually, recycling is the best resource to save energy than disposing trash and polluting groundwater.

Moreover, decomposing waste in my land often releases noxious gases and chemicals. These gases and chemicals often cause air pollution. Air pollution kills humans, animals and plants. In 2000 people recycled solid waste and prevented the release of 32.9 million metric tons of poisoning gases and chemicals in air. Researched a environmental journalist named, Brian Bass.

As a result, you should take this in consideration, if you throw more trash out and put it in my land than recycling, you can cause pollution and other environmental problems. However, you can help by recycling and generating the amount of trash you will use up.



The Expert answers:


Dear Companies,

I’m a Landfill and I believe that recycling is more important than my job. My job of being a landfill is to dispose more trash than regular dumps or junkyards. There ARE many reasons why you, as companies that manufacture goods, should promote recycling.

To start, recycling is important to environment and business, according to the EPA students. I can pollute groundwater because the waste people throw IN ME seeps into the soil and then pollutes the groundwater. CompareD to recycling, this has a NEGATIVE impact. RECYCLING saves THE Earth because it preserves our natural reSourCes instead of wasting them. For example, you as companies can (MAYBE USE SHOULD INSTEAD OF CAN?) recycle paper. ACCORDING TO BRANT OLSEN, A STRATEGIST ON NATIONAL CORPORATE CAMPAIGNS, BETWEEN 3 AND 6 billion trees are cut down EVERY YEAR to make paper.

Furthermore, recycling saves up some space in my land and ALSO saves energy. I get approximately over 2,000 tons of garbage PUT IN ME each day. Instead of letting trash go to waste, recycling is the best idea. An expert (WHAT KIND OF EXPERT?) named Peter Bonenberger found that recycling one tin can saveS enough energy to power a television for three hours. In addition to that, recycling ONE glass bottle saves enough energy to power a computer for twenty-five minutes. THIS SHOWS THAT recycling EVEN A LITTLE is the best resource to save energy than disposing trash.

FURTHERMORE, decomposing waste in my land often releases noxious gases and chemicals. These gases and chemicals often cause air pollution, WHICH kills humans, animals and plants. ACCORDING TO BRIAN BASS, AN ENVIORNMENTAL JOURNALIST, IF 2000 people recycled solid waste, THEY COULD PREVENT the release of 32.9 million metric tons of poisoning gases and chemicals in air. (IN HOW LONG? ONE YEAR? ONE DAY?)

As a result, you should take this in consideration. If you PUT MORE TRASH in my land than YOU recycLE, you WILL cause pollution and other environmental problems. However, you can help by recycling and generating the amount of trash you will use up. (I’M NOT TOO SURE WHAT YOU WANT TO SAY HERE, BUT GENERATING ISN’T THE RIGHT WORD TO USE)



Maria asks…

Who do you think is responsible for ensuring that waste is recycled and that pollution is alleviate?

A Government (local/national/international
B Scientists
C Everyone
D Industrial companies e..g manufacturers
E other
F all the above
Alleviated* sorry

The Expert answers:

E- charities.

BTW – is C exclusive of the other groups, or is F just really redundant?

Susan asks…

How can I get my apartment office to place a recycling trash can in our neighborhood?

I have been writing letters to the apartment for the past 3 years about the inconvenience of not having a recycling trash can in our apartment neighborhood, but I have never got a positive response. Every week, we still have to carry all our recyclable trashes to the recycling trash can in our old apartment. Other residents though, don’t seem like they want to feel ridiculous making that trip, as we did at first, and they throw all their trashes–recyclable or not–into the same trash can… These trashes are probably all going into landfills. I feel really bad every time I see people throwing cardboards and bottles and stuff away. WHAT CAN I DO TO PERSUADE MY APARTMENT? Should I do a petition? Should I call the waste services company? Any suggestions??
hair – Do you know which city I live in? I think you’re probably talking about a different “City”. But I certainly hope that my city also has a similar policy! Thanks for your response. I will find out more about it and maybe it will serve as the impetus for my apartment to finally install a recycling garbage can.
OK. I think I might have used the wrong words here… I’m not talking about a small garbage can but one of those really big, metal DUMPSTERS. Sorry about the confusion.

The Expert answers:

The apartment complex would have to pay a recycling collection service to place a collection bin onsite. Obviously they don’t want to be the bad guy in raising the rent just for recyclables unless they feel the renters would be inclined to pay more if such a bin were available. You’ve already mentioned that your neighbours don’t seem overly concerned about recycling.

As a commercial business, the apartment can not take advantage of the city’s recycling program, just as it can’t take advantage of the city’s trash collection and has to contract with a collection service separately hence the ubiquitous metal bins.

Your best bet would be to have your neighbours sign a petition stating that you all want recycling bins but don’t be surprised if a separate recycling fee shows up on your shared utilities or your rent goes up with a memo blaming it on recycling.

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