Sunday, March 9, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Mark asks…

administration job?????????????

i have got an interview this friday with the council… does anybody know what sort of question they may ask? its an admin/clerk/receptionist job.


The Expert answers:

Equal Opportunities will the big thing, check the Authority’s website to see what they say – when I did my interview many moons ago, I also discussed how equal opportunities applied to the area I work in. You could even ring the area that the job is being offered in, ask to speak to an admin, get an idea of what they do & what the equal opportunities policy means to them.

You might also be asked if you or any you know has been discriminated against.

You may be asked about the packages you’ve used like Word, Excel, how you would use Outlook to diary events & meetings, the task manager etc

If you’ve never worked in the Council, or the particular area that you’re applying for a job in, you might be asked general questions about the Council’s recent policy changes or any initiatives they’ve recently undertaken – just to see if you know what’s going on in the area, it should be on the Authority website or in the local newspapers. For instance, are there any regeneration projects going on? Have they started recycling recently?

You should also be asked obvious questions like how you would deal with a difficult client, for instance, if someone was standing in front demanding to see the Director of the particular section you work for.

You should also be prepared to undertake some sort of task such as typing a letter but they may not do that.

Edit: don’t forget to re-read your application form & the job advertisement, the application got you shortlisted so there must be good stuff on it plus if you’ve forgotten what you said & they ask you about it, it won’t look well

At the end of the interview, if you feel you didn’t say enough in a question or you want to expand further on an answer, maybe you forgot something you thought was important, let them know & tell them

If you’re asked what research you did for this interview, tell them – you posted on a q&a forum and some current or ex Local Authority employees responded with advice, you also checked out their website & tell them if you spoke to anyone in the section or in the Council about the job

Paul asks…

Can I recycle warehouse materials?

I work in a good-sized shipping and receiving department, and my job is to keep the place clean and organized. We have a lot of skids come in with shrink wrap and metal bands, and it really bothers me to load that much material into the garbage. Can any of this, particularly the shrink wrap, be recycled?

The Expert answers:

Hopefully this is a more helpful answer, as it is rare you can just dump that stuff in your regular recycling. Depending on where you live, you should be able to find a venue to recycle all of it. I would call the local recycling entity (municipal or private depending on the locale) and ask if they take the materials or if they have a “hotline” where someone can help you locate a recycler. Most places have a brochure on the various typical business/residential/agricultural recycling needs that list the local places. For example, in my area, we have a non-profit that runs the hotline for the county… Http://

Donna asks…

What types of jobs can help the environment?

What jobs can help the current situation with our environment such as carbon emissions, eutrophication etc.

The Expert answers:


However it’s not just the jobs that you do but how you go about your daily lifestyle for example, recycling, taking public transport instead of driving your car or taking it a step further and walking or riding a bike. Also trying to save electricity and finding alternative gases can all help the current situation with our environment.

I hope that helps 😀

Richard asks…

What Should I Recycle and Where should I Give It To For Money?

Since i cant gind a job for myself i would like to recycle for money. its very quick and easy. i would like to know which places to go near the town of Country Club Hills, Illinois(60478). Should I recycle everything recycable or just the things that give me the better profit.


The Expert answers:

Recycle everything. You may not get as much for a couple things but at least you are cleaning the environment.

Thomas asks…

Is your job or family doing something green for Earth Day?

My job had a free booth at one of the weekend fairs, and my family is very green year round.

The Expert answers:

All day today, i recycled, cut down on car exhaution, and saved some electricity.

Happy Earth Day!

Helen asks…

how do we recycle our antenna?

There was a huge antenna on our roof when we bought our house. It was useless but we never bothered to remove it. About 2 weeks ago, one of the cables holding it snapped so we had to take it down. Unfortunately, we don’t know what to do with it. The pole and the antenna itself are pretty big, does anyone know about companies that could pick it up and reuse the metal?

The Expert answers:

The horizontal elements are aluminum. They would have some recycle value, but the weight is so light that it wouldn’t be much, not more than a small stack of aluminum cans. I would simply pull them off the boom, fold the larger ones in half, and stick them in the trash. If you can add them to a larger collection of aluminum for actual recycling, all the better.

The mast is galvanized steel, in ten-foot sections from 10 to 50 feet. If yours is up more than 10 feet, you remove it with several helpers on the guy wires while you pull the retaining pins under each section until they all telescope into the bottom section. This might be very difficult without a special tool for the purpose, which I used to call an antenna jack. Once the sections are all telescoped, the mast can be lowered to the ground, and it’s heavy. It’s probably a job you’d want to leave to a professional if it’s multi-section mast.

A junk dealer would be interested in the galvanized steel. Check the classified ads in your paper.

William asks…

Looking For A Job…?

I’m a fourteen year old female…looking for a part time job. I get good grades, and am really responsible. When I grow up, I’m thinking I want to be a chef, marine biologist, or a detective. I was just wondering if you people out there had any ideas for me…? Part time = after school, weekends?

a lot of people in my grade at school work at corner stores, recycling depots, dishwashers, small restaurants, candy stores and coaching/reffing for sports teams.

Any ideas??

The Expert answers:

My first job was at 15 helping a local self employed snow cone vendor. Most jobs require that you be 16-18 to work. I also did other things to make money back then such as cutting grass, string trimming, washing/waxing cars, cleaning homes, providing services that your good at (mine was working on computers/networking), also tutoring.

Also I had a friend that took advantage of a situation to make money. After a storm that knocked down a lot of trees, he and a few friends went door to door offering to cut up the trees and remove them from the yard. He told me he made >$1000 doing this.

Nancy asks…

Where can i get a job ? I’m 13?

So i’m 13 and i wanna some money
i live in australia where can i get a job?

The Expert answers:

The best way to get good pocket money and I’m talking $5 and up man, is doing jobs for seniors, especially the ladies.

And the best thing about it is that the old ladies love to hear that a young lad is keen to work hard.
You just don’t get any better than that, believe me. They have a real but prideful and well hidden need for your help.

The perks are as follows:

1. Good dollars
2. Lovely ladies
3. Easy to get work
4. Cakes and cookies and extras

I just have to say that this is one of the techniques I rarely used when younger because there was glass bottle and drink crate recycling/returns. I used to get $2.50 per crate return.
Unfortunately this isn’t around anymore, so you’ll have to brave the cheek cripples and smile.

Good luck!

Ken asks…

mystery shopper jobs?

has anyone had a go at mystery shopper jobs at is this a genuine job offer and if so, why do you have to pay £30 up front? in other words is this a scam?

The Expert answers:

Total scam. I would not even send them my name and personal info and no way would I send them any money.

Often these will turn into basically pyramid scams, where they want to you to participate in other offers or get your friends to sign up to. Almost always, they require you to make purchases every month from their online partners in order to stay active. That is in addition to any upfront costs. Still interested?

Possibly, you MAY at some point begin getting some money back, in very small amounts, as long as you follow all the “rules” to keep your account active.

Scam, scam, scam.

In your country, may you collect empty bottles and cans and sell them to the recycle? I think this is much more profitable.

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