Sunday, March 9, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Paul asks…

What are some good crafts to make, using things from around to house, to sell?

I work in a little shop that sells hand made knitted items, hand made jewellery, etc. and i want to make things to sell and i haven’t got as lot of money for supplies, so i would like to make things to sell using products from around the house, like recycled items. TIA 🙂

The Expert answers:

There is a lot of great info on crafts to make and sell online.

I found a few with a simple search, the best seemed to be this one:

Steven asks…

Anyone need scrap mirror for crafts or mosaics?

If you’re in or near Calgary, Alberta Canada and need glass for your crafts I have a bunch of 2 x 3 panels of bronzy colored mirrors and also a couple of large mirrored closet doors……lots of glass to break for mosaic art!!! I’ve tried places like Freecycle already and will take it all to recycling soon, I was just hoping someone could use it all for something creative instead. If you can use it here it is!!! Thanks.
Have also now posted to craigslist thank you for that suggestion!! And have emailed our local art college, thanks!!

The Expert answers:

Have you tried posting this in the free section of They have a sale/wanted section that you can post things in. I know that I go there if freecycle doesn’t work for me. Also, you could try posting on a message board for your local arts college. I wish I lived nearby!

Carol asks…

i have a roll of single face cardboard any crafts i can use it for?

i have a 15 foot roll of 12 inch wide single face cardboard that came with my chickens starter kit to use as a play [en type thing. now they’re older and i no longer use it so i wanna recycle it before my dogs destroy it. i love making art pieces. ill be moving into an apartment soon so ive been recycling magazines and making basket out of em. so any cool decoration type DIY craft i could use em for?

The Expert answers:

I’ve seen people use it to:

Cover boxes for storage
Cover a waste paper basket
Cover a can for pencils
Make a picture frame
Use it to make greeting cards

Chris asks…

REcycled Craft Projects?

Got any ideas?

The Expert answers:

If you know how to crochet, you can cut plastic bags into loops, connect them together, and use it like yarn to crochet. It makes a pretty cool bag once you attach a handle. You can also crochet strips of old jeans to make a rug. You can probably find patterns for these online.

Linda asks…

What sort of product could i make and sell in a home business?

We have to do a Entrepreneur unit for English. We have to make a home Business and sell 1-2 products. We can choose from these categories:
I don’t want to do a business like everyone else is doing (mainly cookies). I like cupcakes, guinea pigs and sewing. Any ideas on what sort of product i could sell? Any help much appreciated.

The Expert answers:

Think out of the box.
Instead focusing on product, focus on customers. Look around you and see what type of customers there are:
Maybe you have retirement village near by, maybe a building site, maybe a busy picnic area, Maybe a church. Obviously there is a school. Maybe there is a shopping centre, a factory?
Do you see where I am getting? Each of these attract different category of people (old, young, tourists, shoppers etc)

Now you can think what you could sell to each group of people.
Fruit salad at retirement village, sandwiches and pies at building site,
Craft at shopping centre, refreshments and craft at picnic site,

This is what entrepreneur does:
You contact recycling agency and find out how much they pay for various recycling items. Then you employ friends to collect recycling material around town and deliver to a “depot”, you pay your “employees” 1/2 the money you will receive from recycling plant.

What just happened?
You help your friends make money, you help environment, and you made money. You made money and did not even work. You got paid for putting deal together.
Because you did your market research you can tell your friends where they can sell their products and charge them commission.
That is what Entrepreneur does. The others are just employees in their own business.

What ever you do keep an open mind and do it. If you make mistake you have one mistake less to your success.

Good luck

Mandy asks…

Recycling crafts?

What are cool or interesting things that teenagers would be interested in making out of recyclables? I’ve found a lot of good things for younger kids but what about High School agrd teens?

The Expert answers:

The teenagers around here are really into the recycled carton bags. To make they are basically cut into strips and plaited or woven.

Recycling old clothes is another popular one, or clothes made from rubbish, then put on a fashion show to get the message across.

What about revamping old t-shirts with tie dying, fabric art etc.

Recycling old cds – see link below

What about ‘junk’ jewelery. Or using small scraps of wood to make bat boxes, bird boxes or a joint project such as a bird table or dove cote?

Any project that is to do with computers or mobile phones will go down well too.

Joseph asks…

looking for cute recycling crafts.. best idea wins 10 pts.?

The Expert answers:

My daughter made a castle in Brownies out of paper towel and toilet paper tubes. They positioned the tubes together vertically and put glue in between. They then stretched a rubber band around the whole thing to hold it in place until the glue dried. They made little construction paper cones for roofs on the tubes making then into castle towers, and used makers to draw doors and windows.

Have fun!

Sharon asks…

Does Michael’s arts and crafts recycle?

just wondering, and do you know if other big companies like them recycle unused products and also the boxes and packaging the products come in? I know a lot of companies just throw everything away to be dumped in a landfill…

The Expert answers:

Thats a good question! Call the corporate office and find out or just ask the manager. That would be awesome is all of the stores recycled.

William asks…

What crafts can I make with old day-by-day calendars?

I have 4 day-by-day calendars by an artist I really like. I hate to throw them out because the pictures are great and so are the quotes. I would like to somehow recycle them by making them into art, or some sort of project. Any ideas?

The Expert answers:

Scrapbooks, photo mats in a small frame, or frame the picture without a photo with it, small envelopes for scrapbooks. Recycle into cards.

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