Your Questions About Recycling
Filed under Recycling Q & A
Michael asks…
How much of a positive impact on both the oil issue along with the energy issue would be addressed?
by Our government simply insisting that all beverages like soda pop, milk, gator-aid etc, all be sold in glass container, that require a deposit like the old pop bottle did, that they be recycled by the original sellers.
I’m not one for government butting into business, but this seems to me to be a simple, non intrusive steep that would cut out so much waste from plastic milk jugs to plastic pop and bottle of water. I know it worked in the past, why would it not make a big difference now?
The Expert answers:
I like your idea, but there are a few problems you need to address:
First, there is already a major infrastructure in place to recycle plastics and aluminum cans. Even some cartons for milk/juice can be recycled now. What your proposing will take this billion-dollar infrastructure and render it pretty useless – which is okay, if we could easily convert these recycling centers to being recycling other material.
Second, the government simply doesn’t have the balls to propose such a demanding thing from these companies. With the economy in the pits right now (and recession already starting), it would be foolish for them – from an economic point of view – to begin imposing such harsh restrictions on companies. Not to mention they do not have the infrastructure, themselves, to being handling the recycling of their own materials, the way Breweries do.
If it did come in place in say, five years, then the impact on the energy and oil wouldn’t be too large I don’t think. You’d still need to transport the materials back to the store to be refilled, the entire cleaning/refilling process will still consume energy, and even still after some point those glass bottles will become no good and you’ll have to make more – which is much more expensive than today’s aluminum/cartons. Transportation of materials would be about the same here, and I’m sure energy will go down a bit and we would save on materials, I don’t see it being a HUGE difference for such a drastic cost to the economy. Not to mention the public is very lazy.
Mary asks…
The ________works with the Environmental Protection Agency to enforce marine biology regulations along the coa?
24. The ________works with the Environmental Protection Agency to enforce marine biology regulations along the coast and in the Great Lakes channels. (Points :4)
Coast Guard
Department of the Interior (DOI)
Center for Disease Control (CDC)
Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
25. A main division of the Department of Health, the _________ is responsible for efforts to prevent diseases, disabilities, and environmental health threats. (Points :4)
Coast Guard
Department of the Interior (DOI)
Center for Disease Control (CDC)
Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
26. The _________is the branch of the Department of Health that is responsible for overseeing the food inspection processes, prohibits the shipping of mislabeled products, and checks quality controls and labels for cosmetics and pharmaceuticals. (Points :4)
Coast Guard
Department of the Interior (DOI)
Center for Disease Control (CDC)
Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
27. The US Department of the Interior (DOI) is in charge of many different divisions dealing with the natural resources of the country. Connect the following descriptions with the following divisions of the DOI for questions 4-7.
This division is in charge of recycling water for reuse on agricultural areas and landscape areas in National Parks. (Points :4)
US Geological Survey
US Fish and Wildlife Service
Bureau of Reclamation
Mineral Management Service
28. This division is in charge of mapping land and water, and global positioning technologies for the United States. (Points :4)
US Geological Survey
US Fish and Wildlife Service
Bureau of Reclamation
Mineral Management Service
29. This division is in charge of reestablishing the endangered species that are facing possible extinction. (Points :4)
US Geological Survey
US Fish and Wildlife Service
Bureau of Reclamation
Mineral Management Service
30. This division is in charge of US oil reserves, all mining activities, oil drilling, and natural gas extraction procedures, abandoned mines, polluted wells, strip mining scares and other earth damage are the main repair concepts of this department. (Points :4)
US Geological Survey
US Fish and Wildlife Service
Bureau of Reclamation
Mineral Management Service
31. Use the following Agencies to match with their primary functions listed in questions 8-11.
This agency was implemented to develop regulations for a more efficient and safe national transportation system. They are in charge of all forms of transport systems and vehicles. They have improved the safety standards for rail service, commercial jets, and for American ships. (Points :4)
Bureau of Land Management (BLM)
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
The Department of Transportation (DOT)
The Department of Energy (DOE)
32. This is a division of DOI, in charge of the health, biodiversity, and control of the use of public lands and reserves. It regulates cattle grazing on public lands, controls populations of wild burros and horses on reserves, and is in charge of keeping records on native and endemic species. (Points :4)
Bureau of Land Management (BLM)
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
The Department of Transportation (DOT)
The Department of Energy (DOE)
33. This Agency was established by Congress to oversee all aspects of pollution, including contamination, endangered species, environmental clean up, toxic substances, hazardous waste, pesticide use and many, many more. It has control of researching solutions, policy development, and regulation enforcement. (Points :4)
Bureau of Land Management (BLM)
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
The Department of Transportation (DOT)
The Department of Energy (DOE)
34. This agency is in charge of finding reliable energy sources. Current energy fuels coming from foreign oil, coal, and other fossil fuels are required to be reduced over the next ten years. Replacement fuels and technologies are part of its research and development division. It is currently looking into renewable and environmentally compatible wind power, solar energy, and new biomass energy sources. (Points :4)
Bureau of Land Management (BLM)
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
The Department of Transportation (DOT)
The Department of Energy (DOE)
35. The Environmental Protection Agency is in charge of all of these except: (Points :4)
1970 The Clean Air Act (CAA) – Required the reduction of pollutants being released into the air.
1972 The Marine Protection, Research, and Sanctuaries Act (MPRSA) – Regulated dumping of ha
The Expert answers:
I would suggest that you do the work required to answer these questions. You were given a brain, and it will never grow if I or others in here do your work for you. The internet has made finding answers rather easy. Plus, there is always the text book assigned for your class. Yes, that rectangular thing with pages. You will never be underserved by knowledge, only ignorance
Charles asks…
What must be done to recycle “Spent Earth” back into reusable “Bleaching Earth”?
In processing CRUDE Coconut Oil into REFINED edible Coconut Oil, Refiners use “Bleach Earth” as a Filter Medium. After some use, the un-usable “Bleach Earth” becomes “Spent Earth” – the Refiners’ By-Product Industrial Waste (with about 20% Oil Content) simply dumped in the Plant’s Open Yard. Hence, I ask 3 questions: (Q1) What would make a good low-cost environmental-friendly “Recycling Technology”?; (Q2) Could this Recycling Technology be easily adapted & located within the Plants’ Premises?; (Q3) How much would this Recycling Facility cost?
The Expert answers:
Recycling is the reprocessing of old materials into new products, with the aims of preventing the waste of potentially useful materials, reducing the consumption of fresh raw materials, reducing energy usage, reducing air (from incineration) and water (from landfilling) pollution by reducing the need for “conventional” waste disposal, and lowering greenhouse gas emissions as compared to virgin production.[1][2] Recycling is a key concept of modern waste management and is the third component of the “Reduce, Reuse, Recycle” waste hierarchy, though colloquial usage of “recycling” can also include “reuse”.
“Recyclable materials” or “recyclables” may originate from home, business or industry. They include glass, paper, metal, textiles and plastics. Though analogous, the composting of biodegradable waste—such as food or garden waste—is not typically considered recycling.[2] These materials are either brought to a collection centre or picked-up from the curbside; and sorted, cleaned and reprocessed into new products bound for manufacturing.
To judge the environmental benefits of recycling, the cost of this entire process must be compared to the cost of virgin extraction. In order for recycling to be economically viable, there usually must be a steady supply of recyclates and constant demand for the reprocessed goods; both of which can be stimulated through government legislation.[2]
Meanwhile, critics claim that government mandated recycling wastes more resources than it saves. These critics claim that free market prices, and not politicians, are the most accurate way to determine whether or not any particular type of garbage should be recycled. According to these critics, whenever recycling truly does save resources, the private sector will voluntarily offer people money for their garbage.[3][4]
Jenny asks…
democratic national committee?
In the past Al Gore as a candidate has frustrated me. I thought that he paid too much attention to pollsters and conflicting advisors, and failed to heed his own convictions. He knew that the environment is the most important long-term concern that this nation faces (pollution, global warming, energy resources, topsoil erosion, etc.), but he was afraid that the American people would not listen, or that he would be tarred as an out-of-touch policy wonk.
Now things have changed. The nation seems to be spontaneously greening. The big oil companies tout their green energy programs; evangelical Christians are going green; architects win prizes for their green building designs; large companies spontaneously are capping carbon emissions; environmental organizations are finding new clout (witness their influence in the recent $45 billion buyout of the energy giant TXU in Texas); people are buying hybrid cars; trying to reduce waste, recycle, and compost. We have a long way to go as a nation, but it is becoming obvious that the people (the electorate) are way ahead of the politicians. A critical mass may be coalescing. A sea change in public thinking may be on the horizon.
Major cultural changes don’t happen until the time is ripe. That is why I believe that it may be time to draft Al Gore for the Democratic 2008 Presidential race. I don’t believe he will aggressively seek the nomination and confront Hillary. But his recent Oscar for “An Inconvenient Truth” has undoubtedly stoked the old fires of political ambition. Gore is smart and articulate, deeply comprehends foreign and domestic policy issues, and will be a shrewder campaigner than before. And he does have a dry sense of humor. Hillary remains a polarizing figure. Obama is young and inexperienced. Gore is unquestionably the best-qualified individual on the scene today to lead our country out of the current morass.
What sane person would today want the daunting job of U.S. President?
Gore is indeed sane, and if he can be persuaded to run, our country will be very fortunate. Let’s try to see that he is drafted. Please join me in discussing him with progressive influential friends, forwarding this e-mail, or whatever you can do to get the ball rolling. We owe it to our country – to our children and grandchildren, — and to our planet, which is our only home.
Neal Chandler, March 2007
The Expert answers:
I think Al Gore is a hypocrite for talking the talk, but not walking the walk when it comes to the enviroment.
Lisa asks…
Is everyone dazzled by Barack Obama, or do you see him for who he really is? Naive and irresponsible.?
Who cares about the spotted owl who may be endagered because we drill for oil at ANWR the American people are hurting and starving. Obama is against drilling and raising taxes on oil companies, great, that just means higher gas prices, he wants to tax big corporations wonderful, they lay off entry level, not CEO’s, he wants to talk to the terrorists, so did FDR, Pearl Harbor was bombed. Obama is against Nuclear energy, which could recycle our waste and create millions of new jobs, and “explore new energy” we’ve been doing so for thirty years with no solution, at least no solution that will pass legislation. McCain is just as bad, his immigration stance is appalling, his views on Iraq, well, we’ll see, but we owe it to our troops who have sacrificed themselves to see it through and not let their lives to be shed in vain. McCain 4 more years of stand still, Obama World War 3. I know not how World War 3 will be fought, but World War 4 will be fought with sticks and stones. Vote McCain.
The Expert answers:
There are sane people out there and think logically….i thought i was alone!!
Same views!!!!!!!! Omg ive never met someone who hates both canidates for the same reason before!
And what is this change obama is promising? O right the change to marxism…
And mccain, i say he better have a good vice president cause hes gonna have a heart attack as he’s sworn in
Linda asks…
San Francisco’s new law good or bad idea?
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) – Thirsty San Francisco city workers will no longer have bottled water to drink under an order by Mayor Gavin Newsom, who says it costs too much, worsens pollution and is no better than tap water.
Newsom’s executive order bars city departments, agencies and contractors from using city funds to serve water in plastic bottles and in larger dispensers when tap water is available.
“In San Francisco, for the price of one 1 gallon (3.8 litres) of bottled water, local residents can purchase 1,000 gallons (38,000 litres) of tap water,” according to the mayor’s order.
Newsom estimates San Francisco could save $500,000 (250,196 pounds) a year under his directive, which also addresses environmental concerns over the amount of oil used to make and transport plastic water bottles.
“All of this waste and pollution is generated by a product that by objective standards is often inferior to the quality of San Francisco’s pristine tap water,” according to the order.
The ban on the ubiquitous plastic bottles follows a prohibition in March by city officials on plastic shopping bags in large supermarkets because recycling efforts had largely failed.
The Expert answers:
It seems reasonable if just for the fact that they have been getting free bottled water off the tax payer. Most employers do not provide this. I’m used to seeing work crews drinking from the large orange plastic coolers that are filled from the tap.
Joseph asks…
How come Liberal Progressives can’t let go of the past and come to the future?
Really, they hold onto old idea’s and President Obama is leading the way.
Democrat Jimmy Carter put into law a wind fall tax profit on oil companies. To record each profit then send it off to the IRS created a tax increase to consumers at the gas pump along with waiting lines for gas. Gas was so high that the cost to transport food went up along with home heating oil. Reagan got rid of that and gas prices went down, people could get gas whenever they wanted, food prices went down and home heating oil went down.
Now why is President Obama seeking to tax the use of Energy?
France uses about 80% of Nuclear and 95% of the waste is recycled.
In the USA on the Morning Joe show today a spokes woman for Nuclear Power said it wouldn’t cost the tax payers as they have investors and the capability to reuse the waste.
SO which would you prefer going broke with Obama’s Energy Tax knowing that there will be no laws protecting the money collected (like the raiding of social security).
Nuclear Power which won’t cost us but it will cost us less to flick on a switch. Also Nuclear Power is the CLEANEST power around.
caldude1…DUH….? Your answer is WRONG and You didn’t answer my ASK question which shows your afraid.
zaza : Your right but Nuclear doesn’t TAX the consumer or Businesses.
It’s clear the Enviormentalist’s Goals are to TAX and then get rich.
If Obama’s Cap n Trade goes through Gore stands to make billions.
SO people need to ask themselves why does ALL enviromentalists Programs INCLUDE A TAX .
It’s all a HOAX to soak us.
Kevin A.R.T. : FULL of it?
YOU can’t run out of money you don’t spend.
How much is Obama collecting in taxes?
Beside the liberals are putting Ronald down as his plans worked and Obama’s just don’t.
FRANCE has CLEAR AIR and your wrong on Nuclear not being the Cleanest.
Air Emissions
Nuclear power plants do not emit carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, or nitrogen oxides.
The Expert answers:
Progressive is actually a reference to STATIST! They PROGRESS away from the constitution and it’s original meaning in order to PROMOTE their liberal agenda in the name of humanity, environment, equality and rights. It’s sounds AMAZINGLY good on the surface until you dig deeper into the true meaning of what they want. If you dare oppose their views, you HATE the planet and all mankind. It’s a double edged sword with a hidden agenda.
John asks…
Help with crossword!?
I’m stuck on this crossword based on recycling! This is for homework!!
Match up these answers to the clues:
3) The process of burning rubbish
5) You should “was and……..” plastic bottle before recycling them
8) To utilise an item more than once
9) Material that comes from the Quercus suber tree?
11) Rubbish
12) Collective name for food wrapping and boxes
14) What type of material is made from oil?
15) Rubbish dumped illegally is called……..tipping
1) Items decay naturally in the eviroment are called this.
2)To convert rubbish into either the same product or a different one
4) Old clothes and toys can bo donated to………….
6) This metal does not stick to your recycle-more magnet
7) Where you take your packaging to be recycled
10) Rubbish is buried in a ………. site
13) Organic kitchen and garden waste can be turned into this.
The Expert answers:
3) Incineration
5) Squash
8) Reuse
9) Cork
11) Waste
12) Packaging
14) Plastic
15) Fly
1) Biodegradeable.
2) Recycle
4) Charity
6) Aluminium
7) Bringbank
10) Landfill
13) Compost.
Helen asks…
why are people so hung up on this religion thing and no one is worrying about the environment?
i think instead of all these fights and arguments about religion, people should stop being lazy and acctually give a sh1t about the earth. ya i am aware of all the crap going on around the world, but if all plants die than all the wild animals die, and if the wild animals die than guess who comes next? humans!!! now if people cant have enough compassion for animals to save them just for the sake of doing it, than help the environment because if you dont you will DIE!! and dont pull that whole “global warming is a myth” thing because it most certaintly is not. their is of course already an atmosphere and such that holds in gases, and yes cows contribute to those gases along with other natural occurances. but humans with our cars and factories and other things are mulitpling that naturally occuring number of greenhouse gases several times. and that equals sun coming into the atmosphere, and bouncing around inside, making it heat up and causing all the polar bears to die. and ya i know we need cars and factories and all that stuff, but it is just so angering when you hear of another oil spill or another disaster caused because big company men were to cheap to actually pay for the correct back up systems. their are so many little things that anyone can do to help, recycle, compost, dont waste energy, take all this seriously and dont just think i am a stupid environmentalist. and no this is not a rant, i am asking. do you care at all about the environment, and is it on your list of small things you can do to help the world?? 8]
do you unplug your computer at night when it is off? if it is plugged in while off it is just sucking in energy that is put to not use.
The Expert answers:
Living the green life here 🙂 thats the great thing about being an Atheist i actually give a crap about our world instead of just assuming “god will look after us”
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