Friday, February 28, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Linda asks…

Why is my recycle bin empty?

Always, in the past, when I deleted anything from my computer, if I wanted to retrieve it later I could find it in the recycle bin. Now I find the bin empty and deleted items are not showing up there anymore. Please help me. Using Windows XP.

The Expert answers:

You may have accidentally set the bypass Recycle Bin option. Check this out:

In Windows XP:

1. Right-click the My Computer icon and select Properties.
2. Click the tab for C: Drive.
2. If the Do not move files to the Recycle Bin checkbox is checked, uncheck it. The Recycle Bin was turned off.
3. Click OK.

In Windows Vista:

1. Right-click the Recycle Bin and select Properties.
2. If the Do not move files to the Recycle Bin radio button is selected, select Custom Size instead. The Recycle Bin was turned off.
3. Click OK.

Hope that helps.

Joseph asks…

want to reinstall recycle bin?

accidently deleted recycle bin want it back

The Expert answers:

Recycle Bin is like Internet Explorer, it’s built in. You probably didn’t get rid of it permanently, and they have software to recover deleted files. If you google file recovery software you will get loads of amazing programs and you will have it back in no time.

Good luck


Susan asks…

How to delete items past recycle bin?

How do I delete items past the recycling bin? In class today my teacher said computer scientists can see all of your deleted items past your recycling bin. How do I do it?

The Expert answers:

1. Put whatever you want to delete in the Recycle Bin normally. DO NOT DELETE FROM THE RECYCLE BIN THOUGH.

2. Download CCleaner. Http://

3. After it has been installed, go to Options (on the left side) – Settings – Under Secure Deletion, check the circle that says Secure File Deletion. From the drop down box you can select several options. I think the NSA 7 Passes option should be good enough. You can pick Gutmann (the most secure) if you want.

4. Click “Cleaner” on the left side. Make sure “Empty Recycle Bin” is checked under System which is under the list of cleaning options. Now click “Run Cleaner” on the bottom right.

Michael asks…

Changing around Windows 7 recycle bin?

Is there a way to make it so my recycle bin automatically empties every period of time? And if so, how? First one to help me with a correct answer gets picked.

The Expert answers:

You can use BinManager, which you can set to empty the Recycle Bin by date. Http:// You can set it to empty after two days, three days, a week, a month, etc. Alternatively, you can completely skip sending files to the Recycle Bin by pressing Shift+Delete. This will immediately delete the file, skipping the Recycle Bin all together. That way, you would never have to empty it. Be careful with this, though, as you won’t have the option to restore the file unlike if you just sent it to the Recycle Bin.

Sandy asks…

Recycle Bin?

Every time I delete something it gets deleted from the recycle bin!
I also can’t download anything.

I did a system restore, I scanned.
I also tried Trojan hunter.

I am the administrator.

Everything ok. What’s the problem?

The Expert answers:

Right click the Recycle Bin, click Properties, and change the setting that says “Do not move files to the recycle bin”.

Lisa asks…

Vista, Recycle Bin Wont Empty!?

I’m running windows Vista Business, and I tried to delete the “windows.old” folder since I already backed up everything I wanted. It moved it to the recycle bin, but now when I try to empty it nothing happens? I can go in an manually delete other items but the windows.old folder remains in there all the time.

Any ideas on how to fix this?
I tried the first response below, and it did not work. The file wont even restore out of my recycle bin. It’s actually just named windows so i wonder if it has anything to do with that. It is NOT the vista windows folder however, it was carried over from my old XP os.

The Expert answers:

Do a restore to get the document out of the recycle bin. Close out of the recycle bin. Now go to the Recycle Bin icon on the desk and right click. Select Properties. Click on “Do not move items to the recycle bin. Remove files immediately when deleted.” (This bypasses the recycle bin). Go into Windows explorer and delete the file. Don’t forget to go back to your desktop and right click on the Recycle Bin, select properties and de-select “Do not move items to the recycle bin. Remove files immediately when deleted.” (to reactive the recyle bin).

If by chance Windows explorer won’t let you delete it you can delete it from Dos. Make note of the complete file location. Click the logo, select All Programs. Select Accessories. Select Command Prompt. Type CD (for change directory) and type in the full name of the directory. Once you are in the proper directory type DEL Windows.old.

Charles asks…

empty the recycle bin (windows 7)?

I have saved the following 3 lines as EMPTY_BIN.BAT


when I run this batch file … the bin is emptied … but … to get the Recycle bin icon to change to “empty bin” I have to click on the bin.

Can anyone tell me a command to get the icon to change … so I can add it to my batch file ?
so far the answer closest is add: taskkill /f /im explorer.exe && explorer
but it closes ALL explorer windows, which seems a little bit brutal.
I did download EmptyRecycleBin.exe, which inspired me to search for a c++ code, which I found, and have made what I consider to be a superior programme … it’s a third of the size, it’s been compiled so the cmd window doesn’t show and it doesn’t require you to confirm deletion. I’ve posted it here:

I’m still hoping that someone will find a command that is a bit more specific to the bin than killing explorer.exe

Great response so far though … thank you.

The Expert answers:

taskkill /f /im explorer.exe && explorer

Mary asks…

itunes question.. recycle bin?

when you delete a song in itunes, a window pops up and asks you if you really want to delete the file(most people usually disable it) and if you say yes another window comes up and say that it will be moved to the recycle bin. does anyone know where this recycle bin is located? its not the regular one for your computer. is there an itunes recycle bin folder somewhere on my computer that i never knew about?

The Expert answers:

It just uses the regular recycle bin and untill you empty the bin your deleted files will still be in it.

Just click on the recycle bin icon on your task bar. You will need to drag any deleted apps to your desktop if you want to keep using them.

Robert asks…

I CANT FIND MY RECYCLING BIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

I have windows 7 and i long time ago i deleted my dock therefore deleting my recycling bin and just today I deleted ALL of the songs by my FAVORITE BAND!! I NEED to find my recycling Bin

The Expert answers:

From Microsoft website:
To show or hide the Recycle Bin on the desktop
1.Open Personalization by clicking the Start button , clicking Control Panel, clicking Appearance and Personalization, and then clicking Personalization.

2.In the left pane, click Change desktop icons, and then do one of the following:

•To remove the Recycle Bin from the desktop, clear the Recycle Bin check box.

•To display the Recycle Bin on the desktop, select the Recycle Bin check box.

3.Click OK.

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