Sunday, March 9, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Nancy asks…

What kinds of technologies go into recycling and disposing waste materials?

I know of incineration, impervious land fills, etc. What else?

The Expert answers:



magnetic seperation

density classification


Tri-generation (


chemical analysis

Lisa asks…

how is recycling a solution to some of the solid waste problems and to the use of natural resources?

how is recycling a solution to some of the solid waste problems and to the use of natural resources?

The Expert answers:

Much of wastes can be recycled if effort is put in by local governments to provide the facilities, and effort from the people. Recycling reduces wastes as the recyclables are sorted from the actual waste. If more materials are recycled, some of the solid landfill problems it would solve include:

1. Prolong the life of existing landfills.
2. Reduce the need for creation of new landfills and incineration plants, thereby maximising efficient land use.
3. Burn less rubbish, less harmful gases evolved from the buring of substances such as plastics would be reduced.

In respect to natural resources, many metals can be recycled. This reduces the need for new ores and minerals to be mined. Recycling paper also helps to save the world’s forests.

Jenny asks…

Why do I have to waste my time recycling doesn’t the regular trash men do it for me?

My boyfriend has started recycling, I have no idea why. Doesn’t the trash men do it when we give them our trash?

The Expert answers:

No they do not. It’s fantastic that your bf has started recycling. If you hadn’t noticed as said before- there are 2 different trucks- a recycling truck and garbage truck. They don’t sort through it they merely toss it all into a garbage truck to be compacted into a garbage cube.

Linda asks…

Could anyone name some environmental protection agencies over viewing waste disposal and recycling?

I have this project on how can my community reduce I would really appreciate if anyone could help me with that.

The Expert answers:


Mandy asks…

Imagine that your city is planning to build a waste recycling plant in your neighborhood.

What are the ethical and pracitical considerations for making this decision?

The Expert answers:

That is totally disaster for me.
Housing price may go down, air pollution may cause me of poor healthy, and that is smelly and noisy.

They should built is far away from crowd.

Betty asks…

How many waste newspaper makes a ton? And how do I get a waste newspaper recycling contract?

The Expert answers:

Corrugated Services

(214) 905-9101


3920 Singleton Blvd, Dallas, TX 75212

Driving directions

James asks…

what is the cost or price of setting up a waste paper recycling plant in india?

please do tell me the price of the machinery and the equipments required.
thanks a ton… 🙂

The Expert answers:

It depends. Will they be answering the phones as well?


Ruth asks…

Which country has the best recycling/waste reduction programs?

The Expert answers:

Denmark has can and bottle recycling for cash in the grocery stores. For the things that you can’t get cash for like paper, cans and bottles bought in another country, appliances, furniture, electronics, ect there are recycling centers that people take their trash to and have it recycled. Paper is sometimes a curb pickup. There are public bins for things like newspaper and glass in every neighborhood. They also burn the trash and have a large magnet to pick out metal from the trash that runs on a conveyor on the way to the incinerator where the trash is burned for electricity, the heat produced is pumped to nearby houses and the smoke is scrubbed before being let into the environment. Any other countries do this??? I know America doesn’t.

George asks…

I am looking plastic & glass waste for recycling?

I am looking for Glass and Plastic waste for recycling. Could any one tell where can I find big quantities?

The Expert answers:

Hope you have thought about the environmental safety aspects of recycling plastics. As cyanides will have to let out as effluent from recycling. I am unable to tell you where you can get scrap plastics. But best of luck and be clear about the environmental aspects.

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