Sunday, March 9, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Thomas asks…

What are three good reasons to recycle?

I am writing a persuasive essay about recycling. I need to know what the benefits are but I also need 3 counter arguments. I can think of a lot of reasons to recycle but what are some reasons why it is not as important as we think it is?

The Expert answers:

Recycling paper and cans is a great idea, it saves rescources, and requires less energy(lower fuel prices) also allows for more trees and plantable land to be used instead of mining and deforestation.

But.. Recycling is costly for pickup so you use energy to save energy, like putting a bandaid over an infected wound. Mining and deforestation creates jobs, bringing money into the economy. Also, convinience becomes an issue, who wants to go and seperate garbage, when you can just throw it away?

Hope that helps

George asks…

green jobs-what kind of jobs are pro environment?

what kind of jobs are pro environment

The Expert answers:

Something to do with recycling used materials rather than just lifting some earth and sweeping our garbage under it.

Creating products out of recycled materials.

Anything that encourages industry to use more easily biodegradable materials and eco-friendly systems and technologies.

Organic gardening or farming.

Parks related jobs.

Steven asks…

Need a job in environmental saving or organic product industries.?

I am looking for a career in environmental saving or organic product industries. I was never a recycling or energy saving type of person before, but not until recently from the trips to Asia and Spain have I learned that there are so much we can and should do to make the world a better and healthier place. However, I’ve searched on MOnster and Hotjobs, but all the vacancies in these fields are for scientists and programmers. Where else can I find jobs like buyers, sales, or developers?

The Expert answers:

One area you can look into is Non-Profit organizations, and public sector work. My job is working for a government agency that promotes, preserves and works to build healthy and natural water and land resources in this area. My job is not a “green” job, as it were, but it supports all of the green jobs in the organization. The organization is a “green” focused local government agency.

I recommend checking out your local government agencies…find out their mission statement and see if they fit into your beliefs. Not all government agencies operate this way, but several do, especially as the healthy environment and resources are becoming more scarce.

Jenny asks…

Recycling Group Powerpoint Topics?

I need help with topics to talk about within the Powerpoint.

There are 6 groups with 4 students in each. The professor asked for 5 powerpoint slides per student.

I’m in the group for Recycling and so far I need 1 more topics or categories to assign to the group.

So far I have these topics at hand:
1) Intro
2) Purpose
3) Benefits
4) ?
5) Conclusion

The conclusion, we decided to do together (everyone puts in 3 sentences each at the end)

The Expert answers:

I can tell you about Recycling,it reduces water pollution – by reducing the amount of waste that gets dumped into the rivers, lakes and streams. Recycling reduces the need for landfills – by reducing the massive amount of waste that people produce each day. Recycling makes more jobs and increases economic development – by providing more opportunities for people.

Ruth asks…

Are there any jobs a 13 year old can get?

My little sister is 13 and we live in USA Arizona so I’m wondering if she can get a job? She’s Almost 14.

The Expert answers:

Besides babysitting jobs, you can market yourself to family friends, neighbors, members of your family’s church/religious group by offering to do:
* yard/garden chores (weeding, planting flowers, trimming bushes, mowing the lawn)
* dog walking and pet care when people are out of town
* collect aluminum cans that people save for you (instead of putting them in recycling) and sell them to an aluminum recycling business – the project will gain you some money but won’t be terribly lucrative – earn much money)
* run errands for elderly and disabled people
* ask your parents if you can hold a garage/yard sale – clear out unused items in your home – and adk keep all the profits
* if you have computer skills – market yourself to clean up spyware/viruses/etc. From computers, install and update software, etc.

You can decide if any jobs you would take on would be paid hourly or by the job and quote your prices, too.

This online article gives some good info on jobs for teens under 15 years old, along with links to more info:

This is the link to another good online article from the well-respected personal finance web site Motley Fool:

As others have answered, in most states teens must be at least 16 years old to obtain a permit to work in a regular business (even a fast food restaurant.)
This web page gives ideas on how to get the word out (market yourself) regarding the jobs you may want to do:

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Best wishes

David asks…

Advantages of recycling?

What are the advantages of recycling?

What is the environmental impact and economic and social issues of recycling?

The Expert answers:

It re-uses about 30% total of what is put into a recycling facility, everything else is burned up and does whatever the hippies think smoke does. It makes some jobs which is okay, but it’s only the poor mexican jobs that nobody really wants. Economically, it’s a waste, and it usually costs more money than the recycled products’ values equal to. (say they spent 10,000$ recycling papers, then $5,000 worth of recycled paper is what they get back, that’s why recycled products are so expensive)

they overprice recycled paper because its so expensive to make it (that’s how they make a profit)

William asks…

Homeless need a job?

I have been homeless for quite some time,I carry around a huge backpack(with my clothes,shampoo,bed covers,etc)and cops harrass me all the time because they find me sleeping in the parks,trash can,buildings,people’s back yards.And I have been trying to get a job but with no SSN,and no p.o. box it is diffucult for me to get employment.So basically all my days are spend either in the homeless shelter or the streets looking for cans to recycle so i can earn money to get a cheap little meal.Is their anyway I can get a job?

The Expert answers:

Why don’t you get a SSN?

Daniel asks…

What job should he choose!!?

Well my husband got a job threw a temp service for fords. He’s been working there for 3 months and still isn’t hired in. Well he got this job offer at a recycling plant making twice the money he makes now. The pros and cons for the fords if he wait he will be union and have a raise making almost what he would at the other job. But we are really low on money and I’m afraid we will lose our apartment if he doesn’t get hired in soon. And the pros and cons of the other job is more money for us to live on and we can keep the apartment. But he won’t he union and we will have to start over with the job thing anything. Any advise on what to do here. He wants to go with the
Other job with more money but I thought he should stay at his job now.

The Expert answers:

It appears right now that the top priority is meeting the rent unless you have options i.e. Staying with family etc. Therefore the recommended action is taking the job at the recycling plant. Did the manager at Ford state there would be a open position in three to six months? In this hard economy, where millions of talented, educated and skilled/experience are out of work, he should grab the permanent position making more money, union or not. A recycling plant is not going out of business any time soon. Good Luck!!

Michael asks…

Advantages and Disadvanteges of Recycling Paper?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of RECYCLING PAPER (process of blending paper and water then using silk screen to sift)?

The Expert answers:


— Recycling helps to limit the amount of glass, paper and plastic that must be produced. This will end with less garbage in landfills because it’s being reused. Currently, 100% of all refuse is recycled.
— Adds jobs to the economy;
— Slows the consuming of natural resources;
— Makes people environmentally aware;
— Promotes scientific advancements in recyclable and biodegradable materials;
— Makes governments and businesses choose programs and apply policies in consideration of preserving and respecting the environment.


— seperate factories must be set up for the recycling of materials, and this will just cause more pollution and energy consumption for transport, sorting, cleaning and storage;
— Twice as many trucks on the road : those collecting garbage and those collecting recycled goods;
— Pollutants produced by the recycling process itself, including chemical stews when breaking down different products;
— Recycling is not cost-efficient and annually results in a net loss It costs $50-60 to landfill a ton versus $150+/- to recycle a ton; .
–Only the recycling of aluminium really makes any money. Reclaiming metals is feasible and fairly easy, whereas plastics and paper are expensive, wasteful and overly difficult;
—Adds to taxes, and is a tax subsidy costing 8 billion a year in the USA alone;
— Creation of low-quality jobs. Jobs include sifting through garbage to separate it, dealing with the toxins from the breakdown process, and other manual-intensive labor tasks;
— A considerable percentage of items marked as recyclable end up trashed or burned anyway due to poor quality, contaminants, lack of resources able to handle that item in a specific region or recycling installation, etc.;


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