Sunday, March 9, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Daniel asks…

I have to pay an e-waste recycling tax when I buy electronics in California?

This is insane. They keep raising the tax on this too. What’s worse is the e-waste gets shipped to China where it’s broken down and ends up poisoning villages so they can make 1.25 a day

The Expert answers:

Why do you think California is in economic trouble?

Maria asks…

how much do you get in california per alluminum can and per plastic bottle for recycling?

The Expert answers:

I believe it depends on where you go.

I thought it was a set rate but i took a TON more stuff than my friend did and i got like 1/2 of what she did.

All i know, it’s not even close to what you pay for crv. 😛

Charles asks…


how much money do u get per pound for recycling cans in alabama??and california

The Expert answers:

The price for scrap aluminum cans varies and also depends on if they are crushed, shredded, etc. For current scrap recycling prices for aluminum cans you can try

Mandy asks…

Why does paint require a recycling fee upon purchase?

When buying cans of paint in California, one must pay abouts $0.25 per gallon of paint for a recycling fee. Why would this fee be non refundable? We recycle soda cans and water bottles to get the refund of he recycling fee. How can we get the recycling fee back on the paint cans??

Same goes for electronics. Some electronic recycling fees are over $50 on electronics. BUT WE DONT GET THAT MONEY BACK WHEN WE RECYCLE THE ELECTRONICS EVEN WITH THE RECEIPT!! HOW DO WE GET THE RECYCLING FEE REFUNDED?

The Expert answers:

It is a con. Everybody jumped aboard the recycling band wagon. Paint gets either reused by you as touch up or it just dries up in the can. Taking it to a recycling depot that handles hazardous waste is a waste of gasoline. Same goes for electronics.
. You are paying to dispose of it.(even if you use every single drop of paint)
. This recycling is not helping the landfills one bit as it PROMOTES the manufacturer to build garbage or make garbage paint.

This fee should have been applied to the manufacturer for every purchase – and they cannot pass it on to the consumer. They have to build better stuff that “Lasts longer” which would thereby reduce sales and reduce garbage. Penalizing the consumer by the recycling fees AND the “Best before date” stamped on every product (which forces consumption or garbage of products instead of working out in their Labratories how to extend the life of a product)is the fault of business.

Business does not care what you do with a product once you bought it. They got the cash and that is all they were after.

Consider that some paint companies are making their paint cans out of plastic with a steel lid shows you how little metal there is and yet the Recycling fee and Enviromental Fee is applied to paint. Oil based or water based are charged the same fees.

Why? Acrylic Latex…acrylic is a petroleum product as it is a plastic.

Oil base paints. Linseed oil is the same a Flaxseed oil.(It is squeezed out of seeds of plants that grow in the fields) or Canola seed oil, or peanut oil, or any oil on the grocery market shelf is all natural oils.
Linseed was the unedible flax seed, or the worst of the bunch. >try and use motor oil with oil paint and it will never dry.< It is a con

The petrochemical industry had only a "toe hold in the industry" as they could make paint thinner cheaper than the Turpentine which stunk more. It stunk because it was derived from Pine & Fir tree sap which went through a distilling process involving alcohol (another naturally made product as every beer and wine drinker knows). So most painters went with the cheaper product.
. Oh yes…epoxy paints and car paints are petrochemicals
Shellac (like Grandpa used) is made from Lac beetles and thinned with wood alcohol. All natural. It has always been made from the Lac beetles.

It is the petrochemical industry that is pushing for the outlawing of "oil paint" so they can own 100% of the market.
. They say Latex is better than oil based paints environmentally. If that is so then the gasoline in your car should also be outlawed as it falls under "oil base"

. They say("people in the office, obviously") that Latex will last just as Long as oil based paints outside.
So far they last 2 years before they need repainting. I got a garage man door that needs another coat of paint now…it faces due south and has oil paint on it "37" years ago. Only now the paint is failing. What do you think is going to go on it…oil or latex? It is my door so I am not getting paid to repaint it so the less number of times I have to work on it the better.

. I will paint it again using the same natural oil based paint and not touch it again for at least a decade.

Michael asks…

how much money do you get for recycling cans?(hollister,California)?

The Expert answers:

It depends on several things. If you redeem it by weight you won’t get paid as much as those redemption machines (Tomra Replanet) will pay you., however those machines can be temperamental and they tend to favor the standard containers instead of the new ones like those Fruit2Day containers and some of those sports drink containers you find sold in gym clubs.

The normal California rate is 5 cents for any container under 24 oz. Over 24 oz is 10 cents each regardless of the material (glass, plastic or aluminum)

2 giant lawn garden bags (39 gallon size) of a mixture of aluminum cans and plastic containers will yield you about $17.00

I turned in some glass containers that were left out on beach front property by some wealthy people in Newport Beach and combined that with recyclable container litter I occasionally pick up at the fitness spa and in parking lots. That combined with the containers my roommates use yielded me about $20.00 Not bad for garbage that would otherwise pollute the environment and just be discarded. That’s $20.00 I’d rather have in my pocket as opposed to $20.00 people like to throw away or leave in the streets. LOL! That’s the way I look at it.

And this accumulation of containers was over the course of about 2 months. So it really didn’t seem like extra effort on my part. I keep them stored in my garage until I’m ready to recycle

Now imagine if you had a truck and could find a way to collect 11 39 gallon size lawn bags of recyclable beverage containers a day. That’s $2300.00 tax free dollars a month. Easy money

Nancy asks…

Where can I recycle e-waste in San Jose, California?

I have an old broken printer, and I would prefer to recycle it, rather than putting it in the trash.

The Expert answers:

Hi there,

Great news! There are 25+ places within 25 miles or less in your area. It really depends on what you plan on recycling but follow the link below for further details.

Happy recycling!


Looks like Piedmont Hills High School is having an eWaste recycling event this weekend, Saturday Oct 13th. They accept printers!



Susan asks…

What can I recycle? What cannot be recycled? I live in Los Angeles?

I live in Los Angeles and I am confused. I know I can recycle plastic bottles, aluminum cans, cardboard. What do the numbers on the bottom of the plastic container mean? Can I recycle plastic bags? Does anyone know of a good website (that details) what I can and cannot recycle – or can anyone tell me?

The Expert answers:

I’m in far northern California and Waste Management up here takes almost all things that can be recycled – plastic bottles (soda, ketchup, water, etc.), glass bottles (NOT drinking glasses), cardboard, newspaper, mail, magazines, telephone books, aluminum cans (not aluminum wrap), cereal boxes and other similar cardboard (chip board). They don’t want plastic bags though, and they also don’t want “large mouthed” plastic containers like butter tubs. But WalMart will take the plastic bags and recycle them (it doesn’t even have to be theirs). The numbers on the bottom of the plastic containers stand, in part, for the type of plastic it is. Your best bet, to make sure that your local Waste Management takes everything that I mentioned, is to go to their website and see what they list. On the right side of the page, locate your provider by entering in your zip code, state and click on Recycling Services in the drop down menu.

Chris asks…

Recycling / Landfills?

Why doesn’t the government mandate recycling? Or is it the peoples choice? Should, in your opinion, local, state, or national governments mandate this? We lived up north and there were regular recycling trucks that came around to collect glass, both colored and clear, as well as magazines, news papers, aluminum, plastic. Now we live down south and all you seem to have is a dumpster every few miles labeled newspaper only. I’m interested i your opinion. Yes, we recycle what we can locally.

The Expert answers:

Recycling in california is a JOKE! pay more than you get back, thats why it is called a CRV (redemption value) not a deposit.

2. There are fewer and fewer places to take your recycling. When the program was started, every supermarket had to have a place to take recycling…not anymore

3. The last time I went recycling the guy was so insane he could not even hold it together long enough to weigh or count my cans/bottles! This has been replaced with an automatic machine that is always full/closed.

4 a supermarket was collecting was collecting a deposit on 1 liter tetra packs, you cannot get money back on them, where did the money go? Even california recycling does not care!

I wish there was a place I could go with bins to put my paper/glass/bottles/plastic
I dont even want the money…but even this is not available here.

Joseph asks…

Where can I recycle old appliances near Modesto California?

I have a Panasonic microwave that is on its last leg. I have had it for 12 years. I just bought another one, so I need to get rid of this one. It still works but the light has burned out and it trips the surge protector if it runs longer than 4 minutes, otherwise it still runs and heats and defrosts just fine I am sure it can be repaired and maybe donated? Any suggestions?

The Expert answers:

Stanislaus County has programs and information on waste disposal and recycling. This link should provide you the info you need.


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