Sunday, March 9, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Donna asks…

recycle bin on computer????

when you empty your recycle bin does the items u deleted have a chance off coming back up again/still on hard drive?

The Expert answers:


Is it possible to recover deleted recycle bin files?

The answer is YES! When you delete a file and then empty your recycle bin, many people think the file is permanently gone. Even the Windows help menu will tell you that “Deleting an item from the Recycle Bin permanently removes it from your computer.”

When a file is deleted from your computer, its contents aren’t immediately destroyed. Windows simply marks the hard drive space as being available for use by changing one character in the file table so that the file entry won’t be displayed in My Computer or a commandline DIR command, etc. If you manage to start an undeletion process before Windows uses that part of the hard drive to write a new file, all you have to do is set that flag back to “on” and you get the file.

Read “Here is the TRUTH about the ability to recover deleted files once they are gone from the Recycle Bin”
“The only sure way to erase a hard drive is to “squeeze” it: writing over the old information with new data — all zeros, for instance.”

Mark asks…

Where does the Windows Recycling Bin go when deleted?

My brother was trying to empty the Recycling Bin, and pressed delete on accident. What do we do? Is the Recycling Bin inside the Recycling Bin? Is this even possible? How do we get it back?!

The Expert answers:

The Recycle Bin is not a file object, it is a system object; it can’t be put into itself, but can (in some cases) be removed from the desktop. To get it back, click Start>Run, type “regedit”, navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE Software Microsoft Windows CurrentVersion Explorer Desktop NameSpace. Right-click and select New>Key. (Be sure the key is created under NameSpace). Use the following for the name of the new key you created:
{645FF040- 5081- 101B- 9F08- 00AA002F954E}
(Remove the spaces after each dash). That should put the Recycle Bin back on the desktop; you may need to refresh the desktop by right-clicking on it and selecting Refresh.

Steven asks…

accidentally: recycling bin!!?

how to recover a deleted recycling bin??
Windows Vista

The Expert answers:

To provide the exact instructions, we would need to know which operating system you are using. For Vista it is really simple. For previous operating systems, it isn’t.

Restoring Reycle Bin in Vista

Charles asks…

I have problem with Recycle Bin setting?

When I delete a file, and I want to recover it, I can not find it in the recycle bin.
Windows Xp
your help appreciated

The Expert answers:

Set the settings of you recycle bin. Right click “Recycle Bin”– “Properties” then change the state “Do not save to recycle bin”. Finally Confirm the modify. Next time you deleted items they will go to recycle bin first.

But even if you deleted them from the Recycle Bin, they are still recoverable just rely on some data recovery tool. If you files are very important to you. Then try Wondershare Data Recovery, I am sure it will get all your deleted items back easily. Here is the free download link if you need,

Donald asks…

how to restore recycle bin?

i accidently delete my recycle bin from my desktop how to restore it

The Expert answers:

If you are saying you deleted the desktop icon (as oposed to emptying the recycle bin) then you can get it back by going to personalise desktop

In Vista, right click, personalise, then click change desktop icons (right hand side of window) then tick the recycle bin.

In XP… Can’t remember! (it’s been a while) but it’s a similar process, right click the desktop, then something like personalise, customise or properties and it will be somewhere on there

If you were talking about having emptied the recycle bin then try searching on google for a program called recuva, it’s free and should be able to restore your files.

Hope that helps,

William asks…

computer problem,it is a doubt about recycle bin?

if we delete something to the recycle bin n in the recycle bin also u delete it is it still on the computer.i hav no idea about this can any1 let me know…

The Expert answers:

Recycle bin is a folder that’s hold files .now when u install a program in HD ,that program has a register file that load in win32 folder to ensure it address in HD.when we force to delete that program windows system registry don’t understand that u delete that program file.If u go through a uninstaller program(like “uninstall.exe”) it will make windows registry to a signal that program file will be uninstall u give me permission.if window give that permission than registry file in win32 & program files will be uninstall. To solve this prob. Goto control panel—>add & remove program—-> find a list of program( carefully cheak weather prog in the list….if in list click “remove”).

Sharon asks…

i deleted my recycle bin… :|?

i accidentally deleted my recycle bin icon.
and i can’t find it .

can anyone tell me how to restore it ?

The Expert answers:

Restore Recycle Bin icon to the Desktop for Vista
Click Start, type “Control desk.cpl,,@Web” and press Enter
In the Desktop Icon Settings dialog, enable the Recycle Bin checkbox
Click OK

Another way to access the Desktop Icon Settings dialog is to right-click on the Desktop, click Personalize, and in the left pane, click Change desktop icons.

Ruth asks…

how can i recover my recycle bin ??? I deleted it by mistake?

I DELETED the recycle bin itself.
I am using vista, please help
i deleted the shortcut, but i cant find it when searching for it!! 🙁

The Expert answers:

Restore, Recover and Show Recycle Bin Icon on Desktop in Vista

The recycle bin icon on the desktop in Windows Vista can be easily been deleted or removed by user. If you cannot find the recycle bin on the desktop, or the icon has lost, or you have accidentally delete it, here’s the simple recovery method to get back or unhide the recycle bin icon to the desktop.

Chris asks…

My recycle bin always looks empty?

When i try to manually empty my recycle bin it wont empty as it is greyed out so are my deleted files still being emptied.

The Expert answers:


Right-click your recycling bin and choose Properties; Make sure the box “Do not move files to the Recycle Bin…” is UNmarked. Click OK.

Test it out: Right-click an empty area on the desktop and create a new text document, clicking again in another empty area. Drag this New Text Document to the recycle bin, and its icon should change; Finally, right-click the recycle bin and choose “Empty…”, the icon should change again and it’s contents will disappear.

Good luck.


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