Sunday, March 9, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Steven asks…

Help me answer some questions about recycle?

I’m working on my last portfolio about recycle. I have some questions about Waste Management. If you guys know about it, please help me figure out. Thank you!
1. How do WM collect their garbage?
2. Do they have any current programs that encourage people recycle?
3. Do they have any new plans to help people realize the importance of recycling?
Thank you very much!

The Expert answers:

This changes with each different area and Waste Management company.
I would suggest that you contact your local Waste management company and ask them your questions.
The ones in my area are willing to answer any questions that i might have, however it is a very small community and I am personal friend with many of their employees.

Donald asks…


i’m in 9th grade and i’m doing science fair research this year, and doing actual science fair next year. i can’t think of an idea besides “The effect of different air freshener brands on plant growth”
i don’t even think that it’s the best idea. and i want to make it to at least state. here are some idea’s that i narrowed down and could you please help.
by the way, it can’t be tested on humans or vertebrates, there has to be a reason for this project, and it has to be tested (i.e.:which means i cant go to the sun to test it). and do you think my idea is good to begin with.
plus, it can’t be a project something a middle schooler, or a sixth grader would do.


-Environmental Engineering

-Land Resource Management, Forestry

Recycling, Waste Management


-Air Pollution and Air Quality

-Soil Contamination and Soil Quality

-Water Pollution and Water Quality


-Inorganic Chemistry

-Organic Chemistry

-Physical Chemistry




-Disease Diagnosis and Treatment


-Climatology, Weather

-Geochemistry, Mineralogy

-Planetary Science







The Expert answers:

Get some water tests kits (pH, oxygen, etc) and test the local waterways (streams, rivers, and lake) over a period of time (maybe 2-3 times a week for a month). Research things like acid mine drainage, acid rain, fertilizer run off from farm fields and the like. Guarantee with a well put together project on this you will have a very good chance of making it to state. Email me ( if you need help, always a pleasure to help a fellow science fair researcher.

David asks…

How much does trash pickup cost for an apartment complex?

I’m doing a school report trying to compare trash pickup costs and recycling pickup costs to try to optimize waste management at my apartment complex. Anyone have a rough estimate of how much it’d cost for daily trash pickup for a complex with 3 small dumpsters?

The Expert answers:

That really depends on the arrangement between your apt. Complex and the trash pickup company. You should ask either of them, but don’t be surprised if they don’t discuss their finances with you. If they don’t, tell the trash company that you have 3 small dumpsters at your house and you’d like to know how much it would cost to pick them up. Then they’ll tell you.

Susan asks…

battery recycling and disposal?

I know the EU has introduced new legislation to set collection and recycling targets. And the US has legislation banning mercury in batteries. But I can’t find any australian laws.

I was wondering if Australia has any laws regulating battery waste management?

The Expert answers:

Ye s australia had also benn doing the battery waste management. But most of us don’t knw.actually australia has not sufficient laws about this, as the waste f the batter is reused in some other purposes.

Richard asks…

i’m wanting to start my own business?

I have an idea to start a business in recycling and waste management, my idea isn’t being done by other companies but the technology is there my problem is trying to get the money and some land to get me started plus find someone to build the machinery. so i was just wondering if someone can give me any good ideas on how to go about this.

The Expert answers:

Firstly, you need to work out how much money you have available yourself by raiding your savings. Ask friends and family if they want to invest too.

Next, put a business plan together and take it to the bank – if you satisfy their criteria, they’ll lend you the money you need.

Essentially what they want to know from your business plan is that it’s a viable business, you’ve planned how to make profits and that you will be able to pay the money back. They also want to know that you have enough confidence in the business to invest your own money into the operation.

If this fails, try business angels – these are guys who invest in good ideas. You’ll need a good business plan and a good idea of how to sell your idea. Have a look at for tips on sales techniques

Paul asks…

I have a homework question about recycling.?

One waste management tool is ________, a process in which you reduce the amount of waste you generate.

You have to unscramble the letters: cesrou ceuditron

The Expert answers:

Source reduction

Sandra asks…

Government Questions…Help?!?

U.S. District courts hear what kinds of cases?
a. Appellate cases only
b. Original cases only
c. Appellate and original cases
d. District cases only

This president’s single term in office is remembered by high inflation, rising energy costs, and unemployment, rather than the nearly eight million jobs that were created and how he began to successfully decrease the budget deficit

a) President Gerald R. Ford

b) President Jimmy Carter

c) President Ronald Reagan

d) President Bill Clinton

The president’s cabinet is made up of people who:
a) represent various special interest groups and advise him on proposed bills.

b) Come from the House and Senate to work with the president on bi-partisan projects.

c) advice him on important decisions to be made, in their area of expertise.

d) represent the state legislatures and advice him when making
decisions that impact the welfare of those particular states.

Cases dealing with juvenile crime up to murder are heard originally?
a) In state courts

b) In county courts

c) In the United States Supreme Court

d) In the State Supreme Court

This local service includes water purification, drainage, paving of new roads, maintenance of existing roads, mosquito control, recycling, and waste management.
a) Public works

b) Chamber of Commerce

c) Parks and Recreation

d) City government


The Expert answers:

Willy nelson

Mandy asks…

What else can I add to this paragraph?

I’m writing a paper and this paragraph seems too short. What can I add to it?
Enforcing everyone to recycle would not only help our planet to be cleaner and last longer, it would also establish immediate relief to our economy. Recycling would stimulate our economy by creating over one million jobs and over thirty seven billion dollars in payrolls annually. It would create five jobs for every one job created in waste management. This is a great solution to our economy crisis.

The Expert answers:

Enforcing everyone to recycle would not only help our planet to be cleaner and last longer, it would also, however, establish immediate relief to our economy. Not only would recycling stimulate our economy by creating over one million jobs and over thirty seven billion dollars in payrolls annually, it would also create five jobs for every one job created in waste management. Although these benefits are quite significant, recycling would help our world in so many more ways, and start to heal our environment of the damage people have been creating for centuries, once and for all!

—i changed it a little bit, and added stuff to help it flow…hope it helped!

Michael asks…

What can engineers do to reduce the amount of e-waste?

specifically Industrial/management engineers, but any engineers will do as well. So far I have design more eco-friendly devices that can be recycled and have no toxic chemicals, and design devices that last longer to reduce e-waste. Thank you!

The Expert answers:

That mostly covers it.

Perhaps easier to repair would help.
And use minimal packaging and use recyclable materials.

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