Sunday, March 9, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Robert asks…

How do I get started Recycling?

I live in Knoxville and want to know how I can start recycling?
I mean like what do i do to get started? like where can i get recycling bins?

The Expert answers:

First off, contact your local council and see what recycling facilities are available in your area.

Then, sort out your recycling according to that. You might like to segregate paper, cardboard, tins, drinks cans, glass and plastics into separate containers.

Try not to buy more plastic/whatever than you need to, and it’ll make your job easier. Unless you have huge amounts of stuff to be recycled, a bin won’t be necessary. And anything that you do have can be compressed down to take up less space.

Helen asks…

never getting a “real” job…what else can i do?

SO FAR I AM GOING TO DO ODD JOBS, SELL MY HAND-MADE CRAFTS, AND RECYCLE ALUMINUM AND STEEL CANS IN ORDER TO GET ENOUGH MONEY TO HELP PAY RENT AND ALL, (i am going to roommate with someone and also paying for food and all is going to be around 1000 dollars i need each month to pay everything off and put a little in the bank.)


sorry about the large caps, its just that no one reads the details and they mostly base their answers off of the inital question..

and also reasons why i will not get a real job.

1 less tax by the government,
2 the money i earn will not be cut in half by taxes
3 my money will not go away by the saying of two words “your fired”
4 not the same routine everyday.

and alot more.
do you really want to know how hard it is for a transgender to find work?

The Expert answers:

Dream on…your never going to make $1000 a month recycling cans and doing odd jobs. At the current rate, you would need to recycle nearly 3000 POUNDS of cans EVERY month to make your rent. Good luck…enjoy being homeless!

Lisa asks…

Environmental Jobs – Starting Out Help?

I would like to know how i could get into a starting role within the environmental job sector. I am currently doing Environmental Science BSc at Birkbeck University and have a real passion for my subject. However i currently work on the London Olympic construction project as a chainman with a View to joining the Bovis Lend Lease sustainability team, however i don’t believe this will happen and i think i am considered as “just a worker”. How can i take my passion for my subject and enthusiasm and turn it into a real job within the environmental industry that is relevant to my degree with the experience i have? Thank you.

The Expert answers:

I work in the recycling and waste sector in a city council. I don’t think I would have got my job without the volunteering I did at BTCV (British Trust of Conservation Volunteers). It shows passion and dedication and there are lots of environmental groups out there.
I did a 5 month, full time stint but I’m sure even a few weekends would show that you have a greater understanding of sustainability.
You also get skills such as leadership, teamwork and project planning that all look good on the CV and interviewers like to talk about them.

Steven asks…

Recycling paper bad?

I’ve recently gone green.I bought reusable grocery bags,started recycling bottles,cans and paper. I’ve actually been going to my local grocery store and taking all the old sales adds they throw away and recycling them,but a friend recently told me that the chemicals they use to recycle paper polutes the air so badly it negats any good you’re doing by recycling it? Is the true a bunch or rubbish?

The Expert answers:

Ok, where does paper come from? Trees, which are a renewable resource. Because paper companies need to have trees to make paper, in developed, non-tropical nations (tropical woods are no good for paper) like the US, we actually plant more trees than we cut every year. And, making paper doesn’t release the CO2 that’s trapped by the trees – recycling does (the bleaching process releases trapped gasses). Now, it’s true that making recycled paper takes 60% less energy than virgin paper. But, if you figure every tree cut down is replaced almost immediately, you’re actually reducing CO2 levels by throwing away paper instead of recycling it – there’s a cost-benefit analysis to be done.

Ok, so what are the other benefits of using virgin paper over recycled? Recycling paper isn’t really environmentally friendly when you consider all the chemicals used to clean, bleach and then reconstruct the paper. What does throwing it away do? Well, it degrades, the CO2 returns to the soil where it is consumed by other plant life and removed from the atmosphere. Plus, you’re providing jobs for thousands of Americans.

And did you know that clear cutting forests which are then replanted is actually beneficial for the wildlife? As long as buffers are left around water sources (to ensure the integrity of the soil) clear cutting will increase the diversity of the forest (the same effect as a forest fire, but more controlled).

So, I don’t recycle paper. I do recycle non-renewable resources like metals and plastics, but I see no need to counter-act natural CO2 reduction methods.

Ken asks…

Please help autozone job?

I’m trying to get the job at autozone something simple to work with I have knowledge with the automotive for quite some time and I’m also getting training from the vocational school called wyotech I have my all data certification and hvac recovery and recycle certification and I’m also studying and paying for my ged class at the school and im high school equivalent i have 180 school credits im short 50 at the momemnt so I was wondering what are the educational requirents to work with autozone I have experience under my belt

The Expert answers:

Hi! The best way to find out the educational requirements for working there would be to ask the manager or take a look at their job opening listings on sites like and Good luck! 🙂

Sharon asks…

Recycling Questionnaire?

Okay so for my Product Design GCSE I have to make a product that will compact and contain Recycling. First though I have to make sure that the problem is valid, so I need to do a questionnaire. If you just quickly completed it, you have no idea how much it would help me:)


1. What do you keep your Recycling in?
A) Boxes
B) Recycling Bin
C) Other

2. Does the contents overflow?
A) Yes
B) Sometimes
C) Never

3. How often do you take your Recycling to the Recycling Centre (Bottle Bank)?
A) Three or more times a week
B) Once or twice a week
C) Never, the bin men take some of it and we throw the rest in the normal bin

4. When you get to the Recycling Centre, how long does it take you to Recycle the rubbish?
A) About 15-30 Min’s
B) About 5-15 Min’s
C) About 0-5 mins

5. Do you find it irritating that you have to take the Recycling to the Recycling Centre?
A) Yes, it’s just another job I have to do
B) We don’t go, the bin men take some of it and we throw the rest in the normal bin
C) No, it’s fine

6. Does the amount of time Recycling takes up affect how much you Recycle?
A) Yes, we leave some for the bin men to take and we throw the rest in the normal bin
B) No, but Recycling does take up a lot of time
C) No

7. Does the Recycling rubbish get in the way or clutter up the house?
A) Yes, it takes up a lot of room
B) Sometimes
C) No

8. Overall, would you say Recycling is irritating?
A) Yes very
B) A bit
C) No

9. Do you already have a solution to the problem?
A) No
B) Yes, the bin men take some of it and we throw the rest in the normal bin
C) Yes we ……………………………. <—-Fill in please:)

I know you're probably thinking I CBA TO DO THIS but if you just take some time to complete the questionnaire it would help my GCSE massively:)

The Expert answers:

1. B)

2. C)

3. D) Never, the bin men take all of it. You didn’t give this option.

4. C) 0 mins only. We don’t go to the recycling centre!

5. D) We don’t go, the bin men take ALL of it. You didn’t give this option.

6. C)

7. C)

8. C)

9. C) Yes, we put ALL our recycling in the recycling bin.

Chris asks…

how can i create a recycling organzation in our school?

plz give some ideas on how i could recruit members and since theres no benifits for the members and they would have to do work how could i get people to join?

The Expert answers:

Adding to the above, contact your local recycling companies to see if they have a partnership program like this one. Http://

There are benefit for members as this volunteer activity (make it an official school club) may be listed on resumes, job applications and college applications.

Susan asks…

Recycle Club?

I had inquired about mediating a recycle club in our small community. Wanting to get together with the current mediator to find out what my responsibility’s would be if I took over the job.
Well today I found out I had the job without knowing what to do.

So for you recycle people out there, what would you like to see a recycle group do?
I am also going to ask the member of the group to email me privately to find out there opinions based on past experience of this particular group.
Thank you all :0) Have a wonderful day!

The Expert answers:

This is what I did in Grade 11: we set-up bins all around the schl, like in the places where we thought people would dump the most trash (cafeteria, one bin in each corridor, entrance foyer, etc.), to collect stuff like cans, plastic bottles, & paper. We then sold them to the recycling facility monthly, put the funds aside, & then donated them to the SPCA at the end.

I think it’s a great how we benefitted the environment, school, & the charity organisation as we managed to help the school get rid of its garbage in a more sensible & useful way, plus we helped the recycling facility by collecting stuff for them, AND we contributed to the charity organisation (SPCA) by donating our funds to them. (:

We stopped in Grade 12 (final year) as we were too busy though, & passed it on to the new Grade 11s. It’s like a cycle lol.

All the best with yr project!

Donald asks…

What is Recycling?What is its benefit?

The Expert answers:

Its the process of making new products out of used products, recycling helps preserve natural resources such as wood, cotton etc. The recycling has numerous economic benefits too; it creates cheaper raw material thus lower production cost and low prices to customers. Recycling is also a huge industry which has created many jobs.

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