Sunday, March 9, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

James asks…

Is recycling bottles and cans an option in Arizona?

I currently live in Los Angeles
recycling bottles & cans is a source of revenue for me here
I’m looking at moving to the Phoenix AZ area & I’m curious as to the potential for collecting recyclables there
if so(?)
is the return worth the trouble?

do empty containers belong to the authorities there?

The Expert answers:

Check out the seb site referenced for sources of recycling in Arizona.
As long as you have adequate clean storage space for your recyclables it is worth it. The key is “space” because it often takes a lot of cans or papers to give you a decent monetary return. This “space” needs to stay clean so you do not attract bugs, spiders, and other vermin.

Lisa asks…

How much do you get for recycling cans in Minnesota?

And can you get money for recycling bottles?

The Expert answers:

32 to 40 cents for aluminum ,glass and paper usually run a penny a pound

Carol asks…

Where can I find a recycling company that well accept crushed cans in Washington ?

I have a lot of cans in my house so i crushed them and took off the metal caps , can you give me an address in Washington to turn in the cans for money, thanks ! Anywhere in Washington is fine.
The State

The Expert answers:

DC or state?

Chris asks…

How much money can i get for recycling 155 cans?

ive been saving the ones i drink so i can get money for it.
how much can i get for 155 regular sized cans?

The Expert answers:

It depends on howmuch the deposit is for your cans, where ever you live. Here its 5 cents… So 5×155=625 therefore… $6.25 🙂
haha i like bottles better, you would get much more.

George asks…

Where do u drop off recycling cans in montgomery county md?

I always have parties at my place and get many cans.Were can I drop them off and what is the compensation?I heard is like 70 cents a on is it true?

The Expert answers:

Check ur phone book for recycleing and we have a place here called try2recycle there may be something like that there and the price ranges from place to place

Mandy asks…

How much money does one make if they sell aluminum cans to metal recycling companies?

I’m a teenager and to get some extra cash I want to collect my neighbors pop cans and sell them to a recycling plant. I was wondering how much money I would get. Thanks!

The Expert answers:

Right now it is about $0.75 per pound of cans, but that can vary by state and locality. There are some states that have a deposit requirement and then your reimbursement rate is probably about double that rate or better. It generally takes about 32 cans to make up a pound of aluminum.

Donna asks…

How much can I get for recycling aluminum cans in Logan, Utah?

What is the price, per pound I could get for recycling aluminum cans in Logan, Utah? Is it even worth it?

The Expert answers:

2 cent
its worth it your helping the environment and you will have to pay less on your garbage disposal

Linda asks…

Where can I find Soda Cans or something I can get money from by taking it to a recycling center?

I am low on cash and need some money, I am unemployed, Got Let go 2 weeks ago and my bills need to be paid, Where can I find Soda Cans or something I can get money from by taking it to a recycling center?

The Expert answers:

Roadways, parks and other areas aforementioned may work.

One idea is to go to a sporting event like a local race track or game and lurk under the bleachers after everyone leaves for the night. They usually don’t clean up until the morning after.

Ken asks…

How much money can you make for recycling cans in Southern Illinois?

My friends and I want to recycle soda cans to make money and we want to know how much we can make. We’ve heard 70 cents a pound, but I’ve also hear of 5 cents a can which is twice as much. We would also like to know if we can make money off of 2 liter soda bottles.

The Expert answers:

Check with the recycling facilities near you. Usually, it’s the private recycling facilities that compensate people for the recyclables they bring in.

Check out this story for inspiration:

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