Sunday, March 9, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Sandra asks…

Can I recycle this?

There is only a paper recyclilng site, and plastic bags that I give to my grandma that she recylces in her town. There is no where to recycle plastic bottles, or almuium cans. Can I recycle yogurt cups, and plastic milk cartons? I live in Medina, OH anywhere that’s under 4O mins. or shorter, and what can I leave at the end of my driveway that the garbage man will pick up and recycle.

The Expert answers:

As far as I’m aware, the garbage man does not recycle anything – they only haul to landfills.

I’m in Columbus, OH. Rumpke (out of Cincinnati) has a curbside recycling service. We can put paper, plastic (only those marked 1 or 2), aluminum, steel, and glass.

Don’t know if Medina is serviced. But if you call whoever does operate the garbage collection there, they at least might be able to tell you who you could call to find out?

Susan asks…

Does your city have certain trash bags that you have to buy?


The Expert answers:

No need for certain kinds of bags except for recycling. Compost-able yard waste is supposed to be placed in paper bags you can buy in many places (to save the effort of unbundling plastic bags) or tied with string in bundles no more than 4 feet long or placed in a ‘green bin’. Yard waste is only collected at certain times of the year …
Christmas trees are collected in January and either mulched, or placed in stream beds for protection of young fish …
Recyclable items are to be placed in clear plastic bags, washed, or placed in a ‘blue bin’. Cardboard should be cut down and tied in bundles, also no more than 4 feet by two …
Newspapers and other non-colored papers go in the ‘grey bin’ or clear bags or tied with string …
For regular garbage, the city sells large wheeled bins for garbage, but plastic bags are accepted. Some areas limit the number of bags per pickup, or sell tags per bag …
Yes, we have many rules, but the garbage dumps are nearly full, with few other places to go. All these rules are cost-effective and have lessened the volume of regular garbage going to the dump to less than a third of what it was.
Green, blue and grey bins, plus another lidded container for regular garbage – a colorful display on garbage day, until they are emptied and blow into the street. By the way, the colored bins were free from the city! …

Answers is a Jungle

Laura asks…

Are plastic bags recyclable?

I just want to make sure that I can place plastic bags from grocery stores in my bins.


The Expert answers:

Check out the website for your recycling/garbage company or city or whoever recycles your stuff. Where I live, you can recycle any plastic, but that’s not true everywhere. It’s pretty enlightening to check out what can be recycled too. Good luck!

Maria asks…

How many garbage bags a week do you produce?

And do you feel guilty about it?

The Expert answers:

We have 4 adults living in the house and produce 2 bags of garbage and 5 recycle bins. I don’t feel guilty about it as were doing the best we can.

God bless u,


Daniel asks…

How to Recycling old school papers?

I have a box of like four notebooks, a few folders, and a TON of worksheets and such from last school year. I don’t want to throw them in the garbage, but how would i got about recycling them?

The Expert answers:

Put them in a paper recycling bin.

Or find an animal shelter in your area that needs shredded paper (ask first though because not all do and they don’t like bags of it left at their door if they can’t use it).

You can use it to make the base of a no dig garden.

You can give it to a friend who has small animals and needs bedding.

Betty asks…

How can I recycle cat food metallic cans? I live in MI?

My cat consumes about 80 cans per month (the small metallic cans). Do any of you know how to recycle them or what to do with them, other than throw them in a garbage bag…

DOES ANYONE BUY THEM???? Does any pet store or walmart or something collect them?

It seems so much WASTE!

I live in metro-Detroit, MI

The Expert answers:

If you have recycling in your area, you will almost definitely be able to put those in with the rest of the recyclables.

Cat food cans are usually steel, which recycles easily and is profitable for recyling companies. Check to see by putting a magnet up to the can. If it sticks, it’s probably steel. If it doesn’t, it’s probably aluminum. Either one will recycle.

If you don’t have recycling in your area, wash them out and save them. A scrap metal company will probably buy them. It may not be much, as they buy by weight, but it’s better than nothing.

ONE LAST NOTE: Removing the labels is very helpful for your recyclers. If the paper is mixed with the molten steel, it will ignite and could cause a flash fire, which is dangerous to the workers at the steel mill.

Donna asks…

Recycled Garment Project?

Hey guys! So i have to do a project for a design class. We have to take plastic bags and recycle them into a new garment (iron/fuse them together) . I’m not sure what i should do. Any ideas? and I would like it to be easy, seeing as i have no sewing ability. Hahah, any websites you could give me would be helpful. Thanks 🙂

The Expert answers:

I did this once.
I made a dress out of a garbage bag, and i cut out pics from magazines ( designer names )
and i taped them to the plastic bag.
And then i like put velcrow on both sides so it would shut.
I got an A.
Good luck!

Ken asks…

garbage reduction? i need some suggestions?

I have this project in school where i have to reduce either garbage recycling or composte. do you guys have any ideas how to reduce either one?

The Expert answers:

Garbage can be reduced by following the golden rule of recycling


Reduce the use by reusing the things like paper wrappings, covers, plastic bags, boxes, etc.
Using single box/bag for multiple things(which dont mix with each other)
is also a g8 way to reduce the papers/boxes/bags needed…
100% of paper in the world can be recycled…
So recycling paper for making new paper/boxes/bags/paper mesh things etc can be considered for UR project!
Reducing the use of cans/papers/bags/ by reutilization can also help!!!
Google is our grandfather who’s always ready to help us…so try googleing too!!!
Best of Luck for ur project!!!

Chris asks…

What happens to a bag of garbage when it’s put in the recycling bin?

I know someone who does this occasionally and I want to explain to her exactly why it’s bad for the system / sanitation engineers / etc. What actually happens to garbage that’s placed in a recycling bin? (Household bins). Does anyone know?

The Expert answers:

Most recycling companies use large machines called Tromells to separate out the recyclable metal and plastics from the loads the receive. So if garbage is thrown in, it gets separated out.

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