Sunday, March 9, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

John asks…

How can I recycle tiny scrap pieces of rubber?

I work for a pool/highway supply distributor. We have barrels upon barrels of tiny pieces of scrap rubber. We are unsure of what to do with this scrap. Does anyone have any ideas about how we can recycle or reuse this rubber? We really don’t want to contribute to the landfills if we don’t have to! Thanks!

The Expert answers:

If you have a waste to energy plant nearby you can take them their.

Donald asks…

Where can i recycle my old ipod for cash?

I have an old ipod mini (4gb) it still works apart from its battery needs replacing. I know you can recycle your old mobile phones for cheques but is there any website or place that will do the same for ipods etc?

The Expert answers:

Try Using Ebay

Richard asks…

Who could we find to take free bales of mixed plastic to recycle?

We are a reclamation center for a toy store. We have a few truck loads of baled, mixed plastic and can’t find anyone to take it for free? I have been on several websites and can’t find anyone to take it. We usually recycle this through a company but they aren’t interested anymore. We don’t want to throw it away, we want it to be recycled.

The Expert answers:

The price for recyclable materials has tanked. Things that were worth $200 a ton are now worth less than $20. Recyclers around the nation are having to stock pile items so they aren’t willing to take anything right now. Who knows how long this will last, as long as consumers aren’t buying, then no one is making things so there is no value to the materials needed to make them. I hate to say it, but you will likely have to store it for a year or longer or bring it to a landfill.

Charles asks…

how can we recycle the home garbege?

home garbage consist of different types of thing so what is the convient method to recycle the things.

The Expert answers:

It depends on several things such as the space you have, how handy you are, how much money you want to spend and what your community says needs to be separated for pickup or drop off. If you are only recycling one or two items or can mix your recyclable materials then a pull-out recycling bin system that fits into a kitchen base cabinet may be ideal. These units are available at home centers and stores like The Container Store. A simple and less expensive way to handle only a few items is to use stackable plastic bins that you can place near the kitchen trash can or in some other convenient place like a pantry or the garage. For keeping several types of items separated for recycling it may be best to put several different colored cans near the outside trash cans or in a garage and have one or two bins in the kitchen area that you empty frequently, separating the items into the other cans.

Sandra asks…

Where can I recycle military uniforms without the worry of them falling into the wrong hands?

I have a large amount of military uniforms and I would rather recycle them instead of throwing them in the trash. Does anyone know a good place to do this? I live in Mobile, AL. Selling them is not an option.

The Expert answers:

You could take them to the nearest post and see if you can still ‘dx’ them. They can probably take them for you and they will dispose of them properly.

Mary asks…

How do you recycle used cell phone and computers?

Example , like what parts of the cell phone or computers can be recycle into what products??

The Expert answers:

Donate your used cell phones to your local police department or victim advocate’s office. They use them for domestic violence cases in case someone needs to diall 911. Schools and colleges may take your used computer parts.

Ruth asks…

How do I recycle my old rags in Chicago?

A stray cat peed on some old rags and I can’t get the smell out after washing them. Any ideas on where I can recycle these? I don’t want to fill up a landfill if I don’t have to.

The Expert answers:

Try washing them with vinegar.
Can you donate them to the humane society? They probably have solutions that can get the smell out, plus they are always looking for old towels and things.

Carol asks…

How do I recycle and old credit card machine?

How do I recycle an old credit card machine? We have about 10 of them and we are afarid that the customers credit card numbers might be in them so we dont want to sell them. We just want them to be destroyed.

The Expert answers:

Credit card numbers are not stored on the machines. But, ifyou are still worried about it, contact your merchant service provider (credit card processor) and have them delete the program(s) on the terminal. If you no longer have a merchant service provider, contact any local provider and ask them if they will buy it from you to reprogram for re-sale. A reputable provider wouldn’t do anything with credit card numbers because they would be too concerned about losing their VISA/MasterCard certification.

Susan asks…

Can plastic be recycled?

well there are some plactics that can be recycled


The Expert answers:

Recycling plastics is easy. First, you should learn what types of plastics can be recycled and only give your collector those types of plastics. Plastics have different formulations and should be sorted before they are recycled to make new products. Mixed plastics can be recycled, but they are not as valuable as sorted plastics because the recycled plastic’s physical properties, such as strength, may vary with each batch.

It’s also important to rinse the container and squash it, you may leave the paper labels on the container, but always throw away the plastic caps. Plastic caps are usually made from a different type of plastic than the container and cannot be easily recycled.

A recycling plant uses seven steps to turn plastic trash into recycled plastic:

1. Inspection
Workers inspect the plastic trash for contaminants like rock and glass, and for plastics that the plant cannot recycle.

2. Chopping and Washing
The plastic is washed and chopped into flakes.

3. Flotation Tank
If mixed plastics are being recycled, they are sorted in a flotation tank, where some types of plastic sink and others float.

4. Drying
The plastic flakes are dried in a tumble dryer.

5. Melting
The dried flakes are fed into an extruder, where heat and pressure melt the plastic. Different types of plastics melt at different temperatures.

6. Filtering
The molten plastic is forced through a fine screen to remove any contaminants that slipped through the washing process. The molten plastic is then formed into strands.

7. Pelletizing
The strands are cooled in water, then chopped into uniform pellets. Manufacturing companies buy the plastic pellets from recyclers to make new products. Recycled plastics also can be made into flowerpots, lumber, and carpeting.

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