Saturday, March 15, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Maria asks…

where is the nearest recycling center?

im 12 years old and i was trying to save up for something that cost a little over 200 bucks and i was going to try and recycle bottles and stuff to make it.
– how long do u think it would take to save up that much by reclycing?
IF U CAN GIVE ME THE PHONE NUMBER THAT WOULD REALLY HELP! oops. forgot to take caps off…my bad.. im not yelling.please answer asap.

The Expert answers:

Go to phone book, on line or the real book, look under “recycling” or “recycling center” it should be there.

Recycling Center near New Orleans

Nature’s Best Organics
(225) 752-1488 – New Orleans, LA

Airline Salvage Incorporated
(504) 737-1100 – 6900 Airline Dr, Metairie, LA

Chris asks…

How can I find out where the nearest recycle center is? I googled and came up empty.?

The phone book had no listings for regular recyclables, only for metal recycling.
I tried calling the sanitation dept. they didn’t know.

The Expert answers:

Use your phone, and call your local Government. They should be able to tell you. If they can not then call your State Government.

Sandy asks…

How much energy is saved by recycling one plastic bottle?

I live in an apartment that does not have its own recycling program. In college, I had the same problem, but used a public recycling center which was behind a grocery store (I would have driven to the grocery store anyway, so I wasn’t wasting gas by going to this recycling center). I’m in a new town now, and the closest public recycling center is near nothing that I would drive to, so I am basically using energy (gas) in order to save energy. I am estimating, given my car’s gas mileage and the distance to the recycling center, I use about 0.2 gallons of gasoline per trip. So, I want to know if I save more energy by recycling than I waste by driving. References appreciated.
I know it takes less energy to make a plastic bottle from recycled materials than from raw materials, but I don’t know how much less.
According to this website (
“A report on the production of plastic grocery carrier bags made from recycled rather than virgin polythene concluded that the use of recycled plastic resulted in the following: reduction of energy consumption by 67%”
So, as far as I know, making bottles from recycled plastic saves energy. I don’t know if that site is reliable, but so far, no one has cited any sources.

The Expert answers:

Lets say gas is 3.00 and bottle is .05 cents.
You say you use .2 a gallon of gas for the trip.
Thats .60 cents for the trip.
You get back .05 cents, spending .55 cents total.

So you would need to recycle 12 bottles at one time to make energy use even out, but recycle more then 12 bottles at one time and you will be saving energy. If you recycle less then 12 bottles at one time, your using more energy then saving. So save up the bottles and recycle more at a time to save energy. Hope I helped.

Robert asks…

Where can I find a recycling center that buys aluminum siding near Hilliard OH?

The Expert answers:

Look in the phone book under recycling or aluminum. Find the closest to you. Hope that helps.

Lizzie asks…

Converts/reverts to Christianity…..?

This question is for Christian converts and/or reverts. In my late teens and early 20’s I practiced witchcraft. As a result of that I had many books/tarot decks/some small cauldrons/etc etc etc…. I recently boxed it all up and threw it into a dumpster. My SO wanted to try and sell it on or ebay to get some money from them but as a Christian I just didn’t feel right putting what I see as evil into the hands of another. What would you have done? Was I wasteful? There isn’t a paper recycling center near us or I would have considered that.

The Expert answers:

I think you did the right thing. You are absolutely right – in the eyes of God it would be putting evil into the hands of others. When I first became a Christian, I gave away ungodly things, and since then it has been on my conscience. Discarding of past/evil things that isn’t pleasing to God is most definitely not wasteful, and if it’s money you need, pray about it, and one way or another God will provide the things you need whether it be monetarily or of some other means. God Bless You.

Carol asks…

I live in Avalon Park in Orlando 32828, anyone knows where I can find a place to sell plastic scrap?

I have some plastic scrap for sale. I want to find a near recycle center.

The Expert answers:

Go down 50 towards the racetrack. Before the track on he right hand side is at least two scrap yards ( not the junk yards those are for autos).

Sharon asks…

recycling programs near me?

well since google failed me i decided to look on yahoo answer I live in Winnetka, California and im writing a report on recycling programs around me but on google i only seem to find recycling centers which isn’t what i need so if anyone know a of a program around me in Reseda or Winnetka California please post a Link in your comment thank you in advance.
also off topic from question if you like to win free stuff for basicly doing nothing email me with Your email at this is no joke
so i can send you the link

The Expert answers:

Check out this site

Ken asks…

I need some help like what can you recycle?

As in cans, plastic bottles, metal and other things. I really wanna help the enviroment and take it to my nearest recycle center. Actually, I heard they pay you for how much you’re contributing.

The Expert answers:

Just liter, who cares

Steven asks…

where can I find a place to recycle glass in th centre of Brussels, near Grand Place?

I have just moved to Brssels and am living near Grand Place in the centre o Brussels, but I am unsure as to where t sind a bottle bank. Bottles are building up in my flat. Does anyone know what teh situation here is?

Also with paper recycling.

The Expert answers:

When entering the address in the website of “Net Brussel” ( if found that there really aren’t a lot of “bottle banks” near you. You can check it out yourself (see below). Interesting words to know are : Grand place = grote markt and bottle bank = glasbol.
Apparently the paper gets collected once a week in yellow bags. These yellow bags can be bought at the same place where you buy the official garbage bags.
Keep an eye on the street to know when they collect what or ask your neigbourgs.
And make sure that you don’t throw away the botlles which have a refund (“statiegeld” in Dutch)…

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