Monday, March 10, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Chris asks…

How is life in Netherland?

I’m an expat working in Dubai and just got a job offer from a company in the Netherland. Do you know how is life in the Netherland? Have you experience Dubai and comparatively what do you advice? In terms of development, exposure, taxes, life quality, etc…

The Expert answers:

It’s a good place to live and bring up children (speaking as a mum of 2). Family values are still respected, and it is a society with rules and regulations and by & large which are followed

To answer the first person, Marijuana is not legal in any part of the country (laws apply throughout the country and not to specific parts such as Amsterdam!). Marijuana is tolerated under agreed conditions and hard drugs acted on stringently. The simple fact is that marijuana is not a big deal in the Netherlands (like it is with some foreign tourists). Actually the consumption rates in (e.g. Teenagers) is substantially lower here than in the rest of Western Europe

Taxes are relatively high compared with many countries in Europe, but you see this back in the services such as education, policing, and public amenities.

Recycling is actively promoted (already for many years).

The Netherlands was in the top 10 counties where people surveyed stated their “happiness”.

It is not all sun & roses of course. The climate is very different from Dubai. It does rain substantially more here (throughout the year). Also depending on where you live, there are areas of population density (e.g. In the Amsterdam-Den Haag-Rotterdam-Utrecht area) where the majority of industry is (and therefore people wanting to live close to work).

English is spoken in this same area to quite a high level considering it is not a native language, so you are able to get around (supermarket etc), but it is advisable to learn Dutch if you are settling here beyond e.g. 6 months so that you can experience life to the full

Many tv programs are purchased from the US & UK in English (and merely subtitled in Dutch below) so you are able to watch TV (and cinema movies) in English. There is a wide selection on offer and many international channels are available on satiliette & digital.

My experience of Dubai is limited to my dealing with colleagues and business associates there (my former company had a warehouse there & a distributor). Of course over dinner we were able to discuss life in Dubai.

Anyway, I have experience with many foreign nationals (from working in an International company) who live here in the Netherlands, and the vast majority throuroughly enjoy their time here and relish the experience of living here

So personally would say, if you have the opportunity, to take it with both hands. It is a great experience for both personal growth and of course for your cv!

Susan asks…

my dumbo rat/scabs and cuts on his skin?

i have had my rat for about a half a year now and he has had this problem its hard to explain,but he has cute and scabs all over his skin which i didnt notice untill acouple months ago when i was giving him a bath and saw it under his hair.i feel so bad for him it looks very painful they are all over his body and i brought him to the petstore twice and they havent been able to do anything to help him and i really cant afford to take him to the vet since i dont have a job currently,if you can help me at all with figuring out what is wrong with him it would be greatly appreciated.

The Expert answers:

The only thing rats and hamsters have in common are the fact that they are both rodents!
What are you feeding your rat? The food you are giving him/her may be too high in Protein, and causing a skin irritation, you also didn’t mention a cage mate, if he/she doesn’t have one, you should get a second, it may also be a condition called “Barbering” which is excessive grooming, and is a sign that he is needing a cage mate, if you don’t have a second rat, get one that is younger & smaller, that way there will be less of a chance that they will fight for dominence. Try giving your rat a small piece of whole wheat bread soaked in Olive Oil as a treat, or put a few drops of Olive Oil on his back, this will help if it’s just dry skin. I know it looks painful for him, but rats do not have pain sensors in their skin, so he’s not in any pain, I’m not saying that it doesn’t itch…but he’s certainly not in any pain. I feed my rats a mix of Oxbow Regal Rat food, and Suebee’s rat diet ( It’s very unlikely that he has mites or lice, you’d see those.
But the bedding could also be his issue! Soft Wood beddings like Cedar & Pine have toxic essential oils in them that can wreak havoc with your little friends immune system, and upper respritory tract, in fact, the phenols in these woods can cause the cells of the URS to break down, collapse the treachea and Kill him! Please switch to a Hardwood bedding (Aspen is a type of wood-not a “brand”) or a recycled paper bedding like Care Fresh, or Yesterdays News! I wish you the best of luck, and please email me to let me know how he’s doing!

Mark asks…

how can a 13 year old make money???

hi i want to get a small job mum says no survey sites,no dog walking and no babysitting as i’m in the uk it’s against the law plus i’ve not got loads of confidence my mum cleans houses and i don’t know about ebay she’s not keen HELP!!

The Expert answers:

I asked my mom this same question when I was 5. She gave me a few ideas and I started my first business at 5. Eventually I had other kids working for me.

This is what I did:
a) Offered to take the neighbors trash bags to the dumpster once a week.
B) Offered to pick up the trash, paper and leaves that had blown into the their front lawns.
C) Asked for soda bottles that they wanted to get rid of then I recycled them.
D) Scavenged for soda bottles to recycle (they were not recycling cans at that time)
e) Started a kool-aid stand.
F) Eventually hired other neighborhood kids to do all of the above and I paid them a percentage of what we collected. Even when they were doing all the work I still made money off their efforts because most of the other kids were more interested in being a part of something than the money they earned. I also told the other kids that we would have a party with some of the money I made so they gladly gave me the money and I paid them a percentage of it.

Later I ordered both greeting cards and seeds from a comic book (no money up front). Then I began selling them door to door. I usually sold out whatever I was selling in one day and had to re-order. People like helping kids out and are impressed when they see that they are ambitious at a young age.

At 12 I bagged groceries and carried them to people’s car for them for tips.

At 13 you could start a business mowing your neighbors grass. Setting their trash containers on the curbside and then returning them on trash day. Running errands. Washing neighbors cars at their house (Waxing them too if you’re good) …anything they are willing to pay you to do (legal of course).

If you, at 13 can buy candy wholesale you could make really good money selling it in parking lots outside of busy stores or wherever their is traffic. Chocolate bars do very well. (Go to ) Your success or failure at this will depend totally upon your approach. Follow the example of kids who are doing fundraisers. But be honest and tell them that you are just trying to raise money for yourself for whatever your reason is for needing money. Many people love helping young kids and will buy it just to help you out. They will also pay a bit more than the candy would cost in the store.

Many ways to make money online but that requires some technical know-how. The experiences from asking this question at a very young age led me to operate a number of different businesses and eventually get rich from my efforts. (It is a fact that most successful entrepreneurs have the experience of having asked this question at a young age.

Once you find that you can actually make your own money and create your own income stream you will NEVER be limited by a JOB as most people are. Seeking the answer to your question, acting on it and actually putting money in your pockets from your own entrepreneurial efforts will change your life so whatever you do…. Don’t give up on this pursuit.

Good luck and hope this helps.

James asks…

can someone show some proof that a muslim was ever harmed in mecca before mohammad migrated to medina?

i have read the hadiths and i have yet to find where so much as one muslim was ever harmed there. so can someone give some proof that the meccans ever harmed a muslim. i do know that the leaders of mecca went to mohammad’s uncle and requested he stop mohammad from trashing their gods that they had worshiped for thousands of years. mecca had thousands of residents and mohammad after 13 years of preaching had 72 to 100 followers and after mohammad ran out of the fortune of his first wife’s money he sent his followers to Ethiopia. where they remained until mohammad moved to medina. so can someone give some proof that a muslim was ever harmed in mecca.
myot; i need some proof not your brainwashing. i could make up lies but i don’t. so please! show us a hadith that states a muslim was ever harmed by the people of mecca.
maryam if you knew just a little bit about islam. you would know at this time the muslims prayed facing Jerusalem not the kaaba. the place the moon god,allah was being worshiped.
spider midget give some proof from the hadiths. i not at all interested in your brainwashing. by the way learn some manners.

The Expert answers:

Muslims are bloodthirsty liberals.

MUSLIMS, these questions are for YOU.

Muslims state that they believe that the Bible is a book filled with pornography, and quoted Gen 19:32 where Lot made his two daughters pregnant.
My Question is: Do you feel that the Bible should be removed from every library in Canada? And are you comfortable with the fact that your prophet Muhammad married a six year old child, when he was 55 years old? Do you think this is a good story to tell children?

Muslims proudly quote several passages in the Koran 30:48; 24:43, as scientifically accurate explanations of the hydrologic water cycle.
My question is: given the fact the Bible had already fully documented the hydrologic water cycle 1600 before the Koran in Job 36:27-28, and 3 other passages (Eccl 11:3; Job 26:8; Eccl 1:6-7), doesn’t this proof Muhammad merely copied the scientific facts of the hydrologic water cycle directly from the Bible? (Clouds hold water: Eccl 11:3; Job 26:8; Rivers recycle water: Eccl 1:6-7; Evapouration: Amos 9:6)

The Islamic religion teaches that Jesus Christ was a practicing Muslim.
My question is: is this any less ridiculous than if Christians said Muhammad was a practicing Buddhist?

Informed Christians know there is no passage in the Koran that says the Bible is lost altered or corrupted.
My question is would you please list all the passages you know where the Qur’an says the Bible that was in the hands of the Christians at the time of Muhammad had been corrupted?

“myo” can you answer these questions for me, muslim? And just so you know, wikipedia is not reliable, people go on there and create accounts and they post whatever garbage they want. So good luck fighting with false information.

Sandra asks…

What are skills that change the world?

What life skills/attributes should children be developing in school/camps/sports that will help shape their lives and change the world? Please chose one skills that you think is important and explain why it is important. (It’s okay if there are repeats…in fact…I encourage it!)


The Expert answers:

Volunteering to help the charities you feel are most worthy. This will cost you nothing but some time and help them to either raise funds or maybe even go to places that have problems and assist them directly by digging wells, educating people or whatever.
If you do go traveling you can take your camera to take images of the issues you see these images can the be published on the web to show the 1st world what is really going on.

However be advised that it’s really not to nice out there! Having spend 10 months in Africa I have seen children maimed on purpose to give them a ‘job’ begging and other such things. This is sadly one of the side effects of some charities, some people come to rely on them.
If the world continues to be the same, or worse with millions of people hungry, homeless or unemployed, and inflicted by Aids and other diseases—a time will come for widespread epidemic and wars, misery and chaos.

It is therefore important to improve living conditions, to grow more crops, and to find better ways for human beings to survive. A person can change society if he is diligent, responsible and has special skills or knowledge. Govts must endeavor to send every child to school, to create jobs and produce enough food for their people.
Collectively, individuals will change the nation, and many nations in unity and with positive goals, will change the world.

I try to recycle all kinds of items, to help those who are disadvantaged, and to influence certain people in daily life and here, to follow and recognize certain positive and healthy norms of society, universal truths, etc and to aim to create harmony, right thinking and peace wherever they are.

The Internet is the best platform to change the world in attitudes about race, religion, values and virtues–but it must strive to embrace morals. You could help your organization and society in some beneficial ways to effect positive changes. And there has never been a more ideal time in history than to start now–new changes, world order, renaissance, whatever–and to proceed in a sensible, civilized and peaceful manner without the need of resorting to rockets, tanks, mine-fields, nuclear bombs, invasions, terrorism, fear and intimidation !

Helen asks…

Do you still believe n biofuel and alcohol???

I have said since this bio and alcohol hype started that it is not viable The amount of land and resourses make it more damaging than what we already use. Now they are finding out that this is a fact.

Why not go nucluar until resurch finds the answers???

The Expert answers:

No, I was excited at first about ethanol. But, now realize even if every field in America was devoted to fuel corn it would not meet the need. So that would obviously create many new problems. Like hunger. And, some say it uses too much fuel to produce to make sense. It’s only a partial fix. And, I have no idea how bio-fuel would ever work. If you’re referring to bio diesel only so many cars in a given area could be supported. I just saw a show another documentary on Chernobyl so that’s not my cup of tea. I know it was a poor plant but it’s not worth the risk to me. It even threatened the underground fresh water supply for Russia.

I vote for live near your job, hydrogen hybrid cars, solar for your home, and buying quality products that are not junk! Recycle too.

Mandy asks…

using drive erase pro it is asking about shreding?

The Expert answers:

Are you erasing the entire drive or just files and free space? Third party drive cleaner programs call it incinerator, cleaner, shredder they all usually just write X’s and O’s several times on the whole drive and delete them. Usually you can pick the # of times or the type of shredding or incinerating you want to do.

I have a program that incinerates files it works like trash bin but just does a better job of deleting the files from the hard drive in fact it replaced my recycle bin with a red incinerate bin.

Good luck

Lisa asks…

Disk Drive isn’t working. I need to know whats going on ASAP!?

I have an Acer Aspire 5810TZ . The disk drive doesn’t work: I placed a disk into the disk drive and nothing will pop up on the screen like it should. Does anyone know whats wrong with it? Plz help me. Thank you!

The Expert answers:

I’m going by the fact you don’t indicate there are physical indications (not software related indications) that the disk drive isn’t working. If it still makes sounds and whirrs and what have you then it may actually still be working.
I’m guessing the autorun function has been turned off if you’re using a Windows OS. This is actually a very good idea, and very sound practice. Why? Malware and nasties come from all sorts of sources, including portable devices used on other computers, flash drives for instance. The number of times I’ve had my pen drive/flash drive whatever and taken it to the internet cafe or something, downloaded some songs or whatever, and some douchebag has decided to stick in a hidden folder called Rescycle Bin on my pen drive to try and catch me out? Countless times. It’s always the same one too! It’s the same dumbass who can’t spell recycle for toffee which insults me the most of all never mind the fact some dolt is trying to give my system a load of problems. So don’t sweat it. It doesn’t just happen with pen drives, but also cover cds on magazines when the nice people from the relevant PC mags decide not to do the best job of checking for viruses or malware.
Just open up your explorer, the link for the drive should be in there, and go from that. Don’t panic over something that isn’t that much of a big deal…especially when it is actually more of a help than a hinderance – and believe me when I say it is a HUGE help.

Donald asks…

What are your views on freeganism?

The Expert answers:

I like and agree with the idea that they don’t want to burden the planet and use things that would otherwise go to waste but…………
I am repulsed by the fact that they choose not to work, that they still think it’s their right to have access to the NHS, NHS dentists and local schools.
That to me is shocking, they are apparently, as part of freeganism trying to lead people to a better lifestyle but they are (Judging by the couple on wife swap) to dam lazy to get a job, even in a recycling plant!
Whats wrong with being a freegan but still working?
Still paying taxes?
Still making a contribution towards society?
I can’t help but kind of admire the idea of freeganism but in my opinion they are going about it @rse about face!

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