Monday, March 10, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Ken asks…

Where do I take my aluminum cans to be recycled for money in Bellingham MA?

The Expert answers:


William asks…

can you get money for recycling cans, newspapers, bottles, and carpet in florida and if how much money?

The Expert answers:

No, there is no “deposit” on bottles and such in Florida. I have a friend who moved to Key West a number of years ago and was heartbroken to see all those soda and beer cans and bottles lying around that he couldn’t pick up and exchange for cash, like you can here in New York state. My pal Marshall used to make forty or fifty dollars a week picking up and returning those things up here. He recently moved back to upstate New York, and is happily back into bottle exchanging…

Sharon asks…

Where do I take my aluminum cans to be recycled for money in Toledo, Ohio?

The Expert answers:

Usually locally we take it to either the pepsi company or shoprite. Im not sure if you have shoprite in ohio but the pepsi company will usually cash your recycled cans/bottles.
I hope this helps,
mkaymichelle 🙂

Susan asks…

Where do I take my aluminum cans to be recycled for money in Cincinnati, Ohio?

The Expert answers:

Spring Grove Avenue near Marshall, west side of the street. Garden Street Iron and Metal.

They also have a location in Harrison.


They’re good people. Bring your driver’s license.

Laura asks…

Can you make money by recycling at Grocery Stores?

I’ve heard that you can go to safeway, or albertsons, and you can recycle your cans and stuff, but you get a certain amount of money for each item you recycle.I was just wondering if anyone had done that before, and knows how much money you can recieve. Thanks!

The Expert answers:

On the side of a recycleable bottles and cans there is an are which has the abbrevation of states and the amount of money someone paid when they bought it.

The state you live in determines how much you get back. Usually 5c-10c.

In California if you turn in less then 50 items they count them and give you 5 cents back for each. If it is more than 50 items they weigh them. You usually get more money if they count them.

When you recycle, unless you are getting cans and bottles from other people, you are simply getting the your money back.

Carol asks…

in recycling, can i bring in more than just aluminum cans?

im starting to bring in recycling for money but all i have is aluminum and i was wondering if i can bring in cardboard,glass, plastic, anything like that

i live in the 55119 area that’s in maplewood, st. paul minnesota

The Expert answers:

It just depends on what the recycling place takes. You should check at the place where you’re taking your cans and find out what they’ll pay for other stuff.

Some places will pay for newspapers, but the amount tends to be so low that it’s not worth the trouble for the average Joe to pack papers to the center.

I would probably take whatever the center will accept and not worry about the dollar amount. The main benefit from recycling is the good karma from thinking green … But that’s green as in the earth, not green as in your wallet.

Helen asks…

Can you get money for recycling bottles in Louisiana?

I need to know if I could get money for bottles in Louisiana; I know I can get money for cans.

The Expert answers:

Yes but not many monay

Michael asks…

Recycling cans for money? Crushed or not? How many?

so do you crush the cans or not? And is there a limit to how many you can redeam? What about bottles?

The Expert answers:

Recycling cans for money, why not? Our finite supply of resource..minerals, gas and oil are getting exploited in an unimaginable way. Then through promotion of consumerism, they produce things that don’t last so you have to keep buying and buying. The results? More and more trash, environmental cost to produce these items, toxic waste is generated in the process and waste disposal is another big issue.Government should subsidize to encourage recycling. The price is dictated by the market at the moment.They should be crushed and as many as you like. Depends which country you are, you should check with the department that provide these facilities.

Robert asks…

can you get money for recycling plastic water bottles in Oregon?

Me and my friends are collecting Cans, glass bottles and plastic 2 litter bottles to get money, but we have so so many other plastic things like, water bottles, Oj bottles, and others and we wanted to know if you can get money for those too.

The Expert answers:

Go to to locate local recycle centers then use the contact info to see what they pay.

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