Monday, March 10, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Steven asks…

Can our American friends please answer this question for me?

When visitng my daughter who lives in OHIO, I was SHOCKED to see how much WASTE there was taken away each week in the TRASH? Particularly cardboard and paper, and bottles, it was mind bending! Especially with Global Warming being such an issue today.

I live in England, we have a lot of recycle points, for all materials apart from plastic bags. I put a lot of effort in but felt maybe we are wasting our time, if this type of TRASH is simply DUMPED???
Are those living in America ECO FRIENDLY as we are trying to be accross the pond??? I hope this was an isolated case – but perhaps you can throw some light on it for me.
I am NOT GENERALISING here, simply wondering if its widespread or just them, if its the case, I shall try and re-educate them. This is NOT judgement, simply a question.
I am treating TRIBUNES totally unnecessarily anti-American comments with the contempt they deserve.

This is not a judgement on anyone, simply wondering others are taking this siutaion as serious as I am.

The Expert answers:

We live in Ohio & we have recycle bins . They are dark green & every one is supose to put card board , bottles , some types of medel cans , news paper , plastic . Any thing that you would recycle in them . Some times we have to much for the ben so we put it in a card board box next to the ben . The trash man knows what belongs to the recycle truck .
Some citys sort things after they get to the sorting building , but they give us the bins to save time & money . Our trash bill per month is real cheap because of recycleing . If you saw card board flattened & bundled & setting close to the trash cans , it is not picked up by the trash truck , we are supose to do it that way & the recycle truck pickes it up with the rest of the recycle stuff .
Our city picks up & composts leafs . Christmas trees & other trees from storms . We can go there & get compost to mix with dirt for gardens , We are blessed we have a city & trash people that do things right .
We do care in Jelly city in Ohio

Thomas asks…

Are you worried about the environment?

I don’t really worry about the environment. I litter all of the time. I never recycle. I waste water, gas, and electricity. I buy a lot of things just to throw them in a landfill later.

The Expert answers:

Wow…i hope you’re being sarcastic.

Yes, i worry about the environment.

Lisa asks…

Is recycling sometimes counter productive?

The reason I ask is I live in the Country and we and others bring our small amount of recyclables to the drop off center. now we might each have a few pounds of tin, paper , aluminum and so on. But, think of the gas it takes to drive up there,the time spent, The three or four people that have to be paid by tax payers to work there. I just think the cost and the waste of other resources to do the recycling a lot of times make it counter productive.

The Expert answers:

I suppose it is counter productive, but the answer would depend on how your trash is handled. Do you have to cart that somewhere yourself or is it picked up for you?

Where I live, the trash and recycling are picked up in separate bins, but there are also drop-off locations for those who have large cardboard boxes or a one-time load of recyclables.

What isn’t recycled here is burned in an incinerator. The metals are reclaimed from the ash, and the heat from combustion is used to make electricity for 75,000 homes. The remaing ash is used to make “ashphalt” for paving streets.

Donna asks…

Is there a “Do Not Junk (Snail) Mail” List?

Seriously. I get boatloads of unwanted dead trees in my mail box every other day. I just throw it straight in the recycle bin. Its a waste of resources and a waste of time and effort me me and the sender.

Where can I sign up to not have anyone mail me any more coupon magazines or credit card applications?

The Expert answers:

In the UK there’s the TPS to not list your phone number. You can also use this service to have your physical address removed from all of those unwanted mailing lists.
Save the trees :o)

Joseph asks…

What are your favorite “green” products? (key word Obama)?

Which green products do you believe have the greatest impact for the for personal use?

– Which ones do you like the best?

– Which ones are a waste of time?

– Do you go out of your way to buy earth friendly products if it is a comparable price and quality?

– Would you be willing to pay a little extra to buy more earth friendly products?

– Do you even take it into consideration if it is earth friendly or not when making your purchase decision?

– Do you think that people overstate their “greenness” to be trendy?

– Are you considering buying green Christmas/ Birthday Presents?

– Which of these do you consider earth friendly:

Solar products
recycled products fair trade
wind energy Products
organic products
bamboo products
efficient lighting
recycling assistants (bins, can crushers, sorters, water purifiers, water bottles, etc)
Earth Friendly cleaning supplies, cosmetics, body care products, etc.

I would greatly appreciate people providing feedback on this topic.

By the way, sorry about the whole keyword thing, I am simply trying to draw more attention to the topic.

Basicallly I am starting a green goods store because I try to buy everything I can that is eco friendly, and I have found that a majority of it is crap that Ii end up having to pitch anyway, and almost all of it is overpricced for what you get bbecause it has the “green” label on it. Obviously I am in it to make some money, but I am primarily in it to help others to be more environmentallly friendly, be confident in the quality they will recieve, and know that each product was researched for the validity of their “green claims”.

What do you all think?

The Expert answers:

I am not a trendy type person but I am excited about the milk
and vegetables and then maybe the meat. I have long thought pesticides in the food caused cancer ( one of the causes ) and the hormones also. The other green products at this point are too expensive.

Sandy asks…

Have you been offered a free holiday? Want to hear our experience?

We were offered a free holiday but couldn’t identify the catch early enough to stop us wasting our time. And I want to share the horrible experience with you so maybe you won’t waste your time.

1) There was a silly short telephone survey, they said they were East Devon Marketing.
2) A few weeks later they called back to say that for answering the survey we had won a free holiday. I said no thanks, that if it sounds too good to be true then it is too good to be true. However they insisted that it was not time share, it was a genuine offer, that the company believe it better to spend their marketing budget on cheap holidays (to buy market share) and word of mouth than TV adverts. All we had to do was give them 2.5 hours of our time, no obligation to buy anything and we’d get the free holiday. They said it was going to be with The Holiday Group but then I didn’t hear that name again. They said they’d give us shopping vouchers to cover the travel cost. We could take 2 years to decide where to go so long as we gave 10 weeks booking notice.
3) East Devon Marketing called us again and said it wasn’t free but £49 each to cover admin, seems a bit more reasonable than free eh? I was concerned that we’d have to make 50 phone calls or something and they promised there was none of that either. Why not sit through the presentation and get the free holiday?
4) We went along and the whole thing WAS set up to sell us time share – we were lied to. The sales people were pretty unpleasant to us, however I consoled myself that we half expected this and would get a free-ish holiday for listening to him. We found that the name of the company turned out to be Interval World. Their web site is open about that being a time share, hence they didn’t give that name earlier. So we stuck it out for the free holiday. They used hard sell techniques and tried subtle things to make us feel bad about not buying into their time share but fortunately we were firm about it. It would have cost maybe £15k plus about £500 per year.
5) We said no. We were given our travel vouchers and leaflet to claim the cheap holiday. I asked how much the travel vouchers were for and they said about £40 for how far we had come – it turned out to be £10 on the card we were given SO THEY LIED TO US TWICE ABOUT THIS.
The leaflet about the holiday was from The Sugar Reef Travel club and it was stamped by St Frances Marketing. At this point we found out that you had to be in gainful employment and:
a) unless we bought our own flights we had no choice about where we could go, they would specify the destination
b) we had to be ready to fly from ANY UK airport!!!
c) we had to specify 4 different weeks when we could go over the next 2 years (there were further restrictions on this). THEY WOULD TELL US UP TO 15 DAYS BEFORE THE ACTUAL DATE THAT WE HAD THE HOLIDAY COMING UP – COMPLETELY IMPRACTICAL.
d) actually we had to apply within 14 days for any of the overseas holidays
e) we had to pay the airport taxes, not mentioned until then
f) only one of our choices of weeks could be in peak time – but we are limited by school holidays
g) we would have to agree to sit through another presentation once at the holiday (so actually in the initial phone marketing they should have said you have to sit through TWO presentations)

I believe they rely on it being too impractical for people to take the cheap holiday that they offer and so they can offer it at the start. THE RIGHT QUESTION AT THE START WOULD HAVE BEEN TO ASK FOR THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE HOLIDAY UP FRONT, OR WE WON’T GO. If they are hiding something then they won’t share that. I felt that I had been misled many times already, that the conditions were too difficult to practically work and I didn’t trust any of the people in the process so the leaflet for the “free” holiday went in the recycling.

If you want a time share then maybe it’s good for you, but surely it’s better to take the time to buy one after having time to consider it carefully; and would you trust a set up where they mislead you about so many things?

If Interval World get to see this then: guys I’m sorry to blow your cover but I’m being honest about my experience.

The Expert answers:

Thanks for that warning.

Donald asks…

Does the proclivity to insult override common human decency when responding to questions concerning God?

This is the R & S section so one could logically make the conclusion there would be questions concerning issues about, let’s see, religion and spirituality.

Insults in response to questions which are nothing more than trolls wasting time, I can understand.

But why waste your time with snide remarks in response to sincere questions?

Not to mention such comments are often recycled, lack creativity, and demonstrate the respondent’s lack of intellectual capacity to formulate meaningful responses.
@sirius…no i don’t mean disagreement.
@gazoo….Here is an example of an insult so perhaps you’ll understand what I’m talking about……

Yes, the bible says a donkey spoke, but this has occurred only once. However, Gazoo you may be proof that such a phenomenon is happening again. I think you get the point of this ‘insult example.’

Now do try again, for if you think you cannot have a reasonable discussion with someone who disagrees with you, than you are a waste of my time and everyone else’s.
@dissident…yes i understand. it is hard to recognize sometimes if someone is just trolling or serious.
@mark…you attempted to try and put together a coherent response, but obviously your illogical disdain for one group prevents you from doing that, without including the same old rehashed insults.

The Expert answers:

Common human decency is limited to when actually conversing with each other.

Remove any fear of retribution from other parties, like by putting them in cars or behind a computer screen, you get people only too happy to be aggressive, safe in the knowledge that no retribution will come to them.

This is a good example of how much empathy plays a part in society.

Robert asks…

Do women consider badling men sexy?

Dustin Pedroia. Dudes like 25, receding hairline and hes an absolute stud. The guy kills Goliath, who oddly enough looks like Kevin Youkilis. What if Youk’s part-time job was to be Goliath’s stunt double? I guess it would be a pretty sweet gig, unless they had to film Goliath being hit in the noggin with a baseball multiple times. If I were Goliath, I would just deflect that baseball with my glorious wiry beard. But I don’t have a beard, I have to remain clean shaven because I work in a corporate setting. So when I waste time at work answering yahoo answers when I should be doing things productive, my skin is fresh and clean, although I do have five-oclock shadow because I got really drunk lastnight and didnt feel like shaving this AM.

Its okay though because my supervisor took a personal day today so I essentially could have worn a loincloth to work and it would’ve a-ok. But there are some real lookers here and I wouldn’t want to pitch a tent in a loincloth, I imagine that that would be embarassing and or awkward.

On the other side of the coin, I would have to be beating the women away with a club, being all dressed like Tarzan of the jungle. I think that would be fun though, I could just borrow a deli ticket dispenser and each wench could take a ticket and wait in line. That would be interesting. What’s mor interesting is how Tarzan, and all monkeys for that matter, swing from tree to tree with the greatest of ease in the jungle as a form of cheap, yet dangerous, transportation.

They’re doing it right, its an economic way to travel being as how it doesn’t burn a hole in your wallet. Also it doesn’t harm the environment. So, in theory, this is an ECO^2 way to travel. ECOnomic and ECOlogic. Wow. This is a really good idea.

Imagine the possibilites! People all over the world could travel to work swinging from building to building like the fantastic Spiderman. OR maybe everyone could get bitten by radioactive spiders and become just like our buddy Spidey.

Think about it, no accidents would occur because just before the impending peril, the Spidey sense would chime in, saving the day. Also, this would create more jobs that would in turn help nurse the economy back to health. with everone shooting webs everywhere, there has to be people to clean that stuff up, or even better, recycle it! Imagine that! An endless supply of silk!

Thats great, because more bullet-proof vests could be manufactured because major components in bullet-prood vests is kevlar, but silk is three times stronger than kevlar.

There currently isn’t enough silk to mass-produce silk bullet-proof vests, but now there would be! Jesus, this idea is just getting better and better for humans, and ultimately the environment and the economy! Holy Guacamole!

To the future, to infinity and beyond!
* Balding

The Expert answers:

What’s badling?

John asks…

Teacher needs to make money after work ?

I am a single mother and full-time educator. I’d like some suggestions of people in similar situations that have found a way to supplement their incomes.

I know there are a lot of scams out there that just want to sell some recycled garbage, however I want to start the new year off right and I don’t want to waste time with some multi-level scam. It’s taken me a long time just to build up the courage to ask this question. Thanks for the help

The Expert answers:

I’m work in the school system by day. Though I’m not a teacher, I found myself in the same and situation as you. I have in the last year really come a long way. I too had to deal with the seminars and the goons with the tapes and chalk boards, but after 100 strikeouts I finally found a great use of my time and effort and something that suits my comfort level. Try these guys out. Great info and it really worked for me, plus it didn’t cost anything. Http://

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