Monday, March 10, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Susan asks…

HELP! We are in charge of the recycling board.?

Our group at work is in charge of The Green Initiative Board. We want to put up information about items that can be recycled from the common newspaper to the unthinkable. We also want to have statistics about how long it takes for different items to bio-degrade in landfills. We also want to integrate our companies recycle policy into the board. I need suggestions for recyclables and bio-degrade times. Please help our group WIN the most awesome information board. Thank you!

The Expert answers:

The EPA who oversees the protection of our Environment is a great resource. Not only can you find informaton, they have training and kid resources to help you promote good ecology.

Besides the typical paper, plastic, glass, and aluminum, have people save their steel cans from soup and vegetables. Often an item that goes in the trash. Any steel yard will take those willingly. If they dont have the stackable bottom, zip the bottoms off so they can be flattened.

But wait…. Did you know that this same can might be used to plant next years vegetable garden. Stick the can in the ground less bottom, and plant the seeds inside. The plant grows up, the roots grow well below the bottom and the can itself, being food grade, will desinigrate after a few years leaving minerals in the soil. Plus, it makes it so easy to identify and manage a garden.

How about mixing egg shells into the soil as a source of calcium. Putting scraps like potato peelings, vegetables, and the like into a pile in the garden will break down and can be tilled right in as well.

Other than a few minor meat scraps, you have pretty much saved all your trash into a useful purpose.

But wait, there’s more. The little pull ring on most cans IS ALUMINUM. So is the little pour spout on your dishwaher powder. Magnets are great things for kids to learn with. Aluminum wont stick to a magnet so it’s fun for them to identify what target items can be separated.

Donald asks…

What is the cost of recycling plastic in the U.K?

Facts and statistics are needed, thanks 😀

The Expert answers:

Cheap I believe some do it for free so that thay can make a profit from it by selling the byproduct

Robert asks…

Information on oil recycling?

I’m having trouble finding this information for my homework.. how much oil is recycled in new york? in america?
I’m not asking you to do my homework.. I just need to find out the statistics before I answer the question, asking to analyze. 🙂

The Expert answers:

You might talk with the New york waste commission at the state level. They would have some idea of the quantity. While some may dump it illegally, there are also those who burn it as fuel for heat. They don’t show up in the numbers, they just get lumped in with those dumping illegally.

Total US? EPA or API might have soe estimates.

You can also check here and

William asks…

How much new corrugated cardboard is being produced each year?

I could only find statistics on how much is being recycled.
I need a website with these statistics. Please include website in your answer, thanks.

The Expert answers:


Sorrrryyy 🙂

Chris asks…

Are collected recyclables really recycled?

I have heard that a large percentage of collected paper, metal, and plastic never actually gets recycled. Are there statistics verifying that these materials actually become utilized in making new materials or are we basically dupes?

The Expert answers:

No its not recycled, we are being forced to do it by government (local, state, federal) out of control.. I used to go to disposal facilities (TSDFs) and audit them. When plastic comes in, there is too much of it to be recycled. (Plastic also has a “memory” and when you make a new bottle, the limit for recycled plastics is somewhere around 10%, otherwise bottle will not be strong enough. Also plastic prohibited for medicinal use.) So they actually have to pay people to throw all the 2 liter plastic bottles back onto a conveyor belt that takes the waste to the incinerator. (If all the bottles were dumped onto belt at once, it would not burn evenly and it would exceed emission limits for dioxin.)

The other thing that happens to valuable scrap like aluminum cans, is that on the night they are recycled, “independent contractors” drive around and take all the AL & throw it into their pick-ups to sell the next day.

So the gov run recycling programs collect a lot of worthless crap (plastic & newspaper) that actually makes the disposal of these items MORE expensive. When these were planned out 15 years ago, this was not a result they considered. If it was industry, they would know the next year that they were losing money, and that would be the end of the program. But we all know that is not how gov works. They just do whatever it is they did the day before.

Here is a link to a Princeton Report that shows recycling WASTES money & energy.

This has been a pet peeve of mine, but no-one will listen. Al Gore, Greenpeace, and the MSM have everyone mesmerized into believing a false green god. Science appears to be a casualty of this belief.

Ruth asks…

Is confidence intervals in statistics .. please help me .. thx !!?

A poll is taken in which 352 out of 550 randomly selected people indicated they regularly used the grey and blue recycling boxes.

(a) Find the margin of error for this 98% confidence interval for p.

The Expert answers:

352/550 = 0.64. This is your proportion = p.

The estimated value of sigma is ?(p(1-p)/n) = 0.0204

look in your z table and find the z value for 98%. It’s 2.33. Remember here you need to split the 2% with 1% on either side of the curve. So in the table, you want the z for a 99% probability.

So the CI is p + 2.33(0.0204) and p – 2.33(0.0204)

= (0.592, 0.687)

i don’t know if you’re familiar with continuity correction. In this example, you can get a slightly more accurate answer with it. You’d simply add 0.5/n to the upper limit, and subtract 0.5/n to the lower limit. 0.5/550 is 0.0009, so it’s not much of an improvement. Not worth it really.


Paul asks…

How can I revise this? Help?

Anyone here help me to revise what I wrote in more proper way. Thank you all in advance.

I did learn a lot from this course, first ,I learned that Communication is very powerful. Each culture has its own and particular way of watching and perceiving the world and when we communicate with someone we need to know whom are we addressing to, like Child, Adults, friends etc. We all have different beliefs and opinion that we share together and one must respect and find the best way how to explain or understand what one wants to say. I learned that the group work is very essential . Because through our group work I learned more about my group members and their cultures also their thoughts of particular subject trough our discussion and we became friends . finally, I learned and got many information while I was researching for my essay assignments and group project.While researching for my group presentation for the topic recycling I learned a lot like what products can be made from the recycling products and how we can benefit from recycling. Isn’t amazing to learn how to make handbag from the recycled candy wrappers. There are so many things we can make and that’s what I learned and I never even thought about it.
I also, did like our professor’s teaching techniques in organized way. Everything was clear and each new assignment was shown in the blackboard after the class not as everything in one at a time. I did also like the Group discussion board. Oh, That’s was my favorite I did communicate with people that I never talk to and shared my opinion with them. The class was interesting overall not boring at all and I enjoyed a lot.
I also did Like the reflection #2 assignment about friendship it made an impact on me because today it is hard to find best friend and I realized we need to keep our friendship strong and respect each other. I would love to know more about the Recycling topic I did research a lot for this topic but I could not find the recycling statistics for our college. Overall, it is the best topic.

The Expert answers:

This course taught me a lot. Firstly, I learned just how powerful communication can be. Each culture or country is very socially diverse and we ought to learn their ways of addressing their children, adults, elders, and other individuals. Though we may have very diverse opinions, you do not have to dig too deeply to find our outstanding similarities. We have to find a way to express the diverse opinions in a way as not to offend the opposing party. I discovered just how essential group work is. I learned much from the members of my group, about their opinions and cultures and this resulted in our becoming friends. I also learned a lot researching for my essays and group project. During my research on recycling, I learned just how beneficial it can be. You never realize how much of your belongings are recycled. I also enjoyed my professor’s organized teaching technique; it was very clear and each assignment was written on the blackboard after class. My favorite part of the course was the group discussion board. I got to communicate and share my opinions with people I never would have otherwise. I enjoyed the second reflection assignment, about friendship. It made a great impact on me because it made me realize how hard it is to find a best friend in our time and that we need to keep friendship strong and respect each other. Overall, this course was very absorbing and informative, I am greatful to have had the chance to attend it.

David asks…

How can I revise this?

Anyone here help me to revise what I wrote in more proper way. Thank you all in advance.

I did learn a lot from this course, first ,I learned that Communication is very powerful. Each culture has its own and particular way of watching and perceiving the world and when we communicate with someone we need to know whom are we addressing to, like Child, Adults, friends etc. We all have different beliefs and opinion that we share together and one must respect and find the best way how to explain or understand what one wants to say. I learned that the group work is very essential . Because through our group work I learned more about my group members and their cultures also their thoughts of particular subject trough our discussion and we became friends . finally, I learned and got many information while I was researching for my essay assignments and group project.While researching for my group presentation for the topic recycling I learned a lot like what products can be made from the recycling products and how we can benefit from recycling. Isn’t amazing to learn how to make handbag from the recycled candy wrappers. There are so many things we can make and that’s what I learned and I never even thought about it.
I also, did like our professor’s teaching techniques in organized way. Everything was clear and each new assignment was shown in the blackboard after the class not as everything in one at a time. I did also like the Group discussion board. Oh, That’s was my favorite I did communicate with people that I never talk to and shared my opinion with them. The class was interesting overall not boring at all and I enjoyed a lot.
I also did Like the reflection #2 assignment about friendship it made an impact on me because today it is hard to find best friend and I realized we need to keep our friendship strong and respect each other. I would love to know more about the Recycling topic I did research a lot for this topic but I could not find the recycling statistics for our college. Overall, it is the best topic.

The Expert answers:

I have learned a lot from this course, most importantly, that communication is very powerful. Each culture has a particular way of watching and perceiving the world. When we communicate with someone, we need to know whom are we addressing; child, adult, friend, etc. We all have varying beliefs and opinions that must be respected, and we must find the best way to explain or understand what one wants to say. I learned that group work is very essential; through our discussion, I have learned about my group members’ cultures and thoughts of a particular subject. I spoke to people I would have otherwise not spoken to, and we have also became friends through our communication with one another. Finally, I acquired information while researching my essay topic and group project. When researching for my group presentation on the subject of recycling, I learned which products can be made from post-consumer materials and how we can benefit from this important process. It is amazing to learn how to make a handbag from recycled candy wrappers, something I have never given thought. I also enjoyed the group discussion board and the professor’s techniques in teaching in an organized manner. Everything was clear, and each new assignment was shown in the blackboard after the class. Overall, the class was interesting and engaging thanks to the material, students and professor.

I particularly enjoyed the reflection #2 assignment about friendship. It had an impact on me; today it is hard to find a “best friend” and it helped me realize that we need to keep our friendships strong and maintain respect for each other. I would love to know more about the recycling topic, such as the recycling statistics for our college, which are unavailable.

A) Stop capitalizing random words like child, adult, recycling, etc.
B) Don’t use words like ‘oh.’
c) Make your opinions stronger. “Overall, it is the best topic” is very vague.
D) Don’t say “first…” when that’s your only opinion (your second one was “finally…”)

This is a really weak essay so far. You have not proven in any way how communication is REALLY important. WHY is it hard to find a best friend? WHAT did you like about the professors teaching technique? You also need to organize your work better, which I have not done for you. Talk about the assignment, class, prof, etc. Seperately. Everything is all over the place right now.

To make this essay stronger, when you said, “Each culture has its own and particular way of watching and perceiving the world,” give a SOLID example of how each culture perceives the world. Give an American example, and give an example of a varying culture… Such as Native American, African, Asian, etc. Compare and contrast.

Good luck!

Mark asks…

How should we look after our world?

How should we Recycle, Save energy etc to save our world. This is homework please get back to me before Tues. If you can give me statistics?

The Expert answers:

Well as everyone knows our world is rapidly warming know as the global warming i would suggest people to useless equipment’s that would effect the green house gases.

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