Saturday, March 15, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Donald asks…

has recycled percussion been on America’s got talent tonight yet?

does anyone know?

The Expert answers:

A little late but yes! They were so good, here’s the link. Definitely my favourite for the night. They played Ballroom Blitz.


Donna asks…

what was the song recycled percussion did on AGT (9/8/2009)?

Not Ballroom Blitz from an earlier episode

The Expert answers:

Deep Purple’s song Highway Star

Mary asks…

Who do you think will win Americas Got Talent?

So the first 5 acts of the top ten have been chosen. We are getting pretty close to the finale. Out of the remaining 15 acts who do you think will win the whole thing. I think it will be Lawrence Beaman or Recycled Percussion.

The Expert answers:

Kevin Skinner or Barbara Padilla will win but I personally cringe every time Kevin Skinner and Texas Tenors try to sing. It’s just awful. I like Drew Stevyns, Recycled Percussion and Fab 5.

Mark asks…

What to wear to a concert?

Im going to see recycled percussion this winter and I dont know what to wear. Its going to be cold out (obviously..) but inside it’s probably going to be pretty high energy and sweaty. And its on new years eve. I want to look good. Mhm(:
Any suggestions? Please and thank you.

The Expert answers:

You should wear a cardigan with a cute v-neck, skinny jeans, boots, and add some necklaces and bracelets. It would be really cute if you curled your hair and let it down. (: If not, just wear a nice fitting hoodie, keep it cute and casual. 😀

David asks…

Do you think “America’s Got Talent” winner Kevin Skinner was a good choice?

I have to admit, I was disappointed. Kevin Skinner is okay, but not all-out talented. Personally I think he won from evoking people’s pity. Honestly, have you ever seen such a sad sack???
Barbara Padilla had way more talent, although I cannot image paying to see an opera singer in Vegas.
I was pulling for Recycled Percussion! Wow, can they ever put on a show!!!
Oh well…

The Expert answers:

All Kevin needs is a little training and that I figured from his first performance which blew me away. Barbara Padilla may have a beautiful voice but I could not tell from all the shrieking. Maybe I just don’t like Opera but I don’t like country either.

Lizzie asks…

Thoughts from Americas Got Talent results August 26?

5 semifinalists: Erik & Rickie, Barbara Padilla, Recycled Percussion, EriAm Sisters, and Drew Stevyns.

Anyone have comments on Mia Boostrom being sent home, the first wildcard to make it, Barbara’s kindness and inspiration, or anything else?

The Expert answers:

I think it was stupid that they let Erik & Rickie go through. Sure their cute and they can dance pretty well but WTF they gonna do in vegas? THeir act is not worth a million dollars and Mia went through enough already but her singing will get he somewhere eventually. My favorite act was breakSk8 but they unfortunatly got voted off….now i rly like Recycled percussion.

James asks…

Who do u want 2 win americas got talent?

I want recycled percussion. i think theyre so kewl

The Expert answers:

They were just voted off and I am SPEACHLESS! I thought they were going to win for sure – them or the texas tenors!! And I can’t believe Drew was gone so early

Maria asks…

Who do you want to win Americas Got Talent?

I want either one of these acts to win:
1. Barbara Padilla
2. Recycled Percussion
3. Fab Five
Why do I like Barbara? Because she’s beautiful and sensational. That’s why.

The Expert answers:

I really have my fingers crossed for recycled percussion. I go to goffstown high school in New Hampshire. They have been to my school numerous times because Justin Spencer is an alumni. It would be so amazing for someone to represent New Hampshire in a place like Las Vegas.
Thank You to everyone who voted for RP!!!

Betty asks…

What musical instrument should I make out of recycled materials?

This coming Thursday, in our music class, we’re gonna make out of ANY recycled materials our own invented instrument, but it needs to be Thailand-ish, like coming from any of the 3 Thailand ensembles: piphat, mahori, or khruang sai, then again it has to be original, and what kind of instrument should i make: a percussion, stringged, or wind? and what materials that can be found around the house should I use in making it? what would be the name of the instrument? what are the steps in making it? all suggestions, comments, and answers are accepted. ^_^

The Expert answers:

If you have a piece of straight tube, you have material for a flute of some sort. A round box and some sort of covering of enough thickness would be good for percussion.

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