Monday, March 10, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Lisa asks…

How do I start recycling in my neighborhood?

I live in a small community in Orlando, FL with townhouses. I would really like to start recycling here but I do not fully understand how to go about that. Help?

The Expert answers:

Does the city you live in have a recycling system. There are probably bins that you can put used paper in. They are usually in a school or office building’s parking lot. If your city doesn’t have it’s own recycling system, maybe you should mention this to the city council, or somebody who can help you with that.

I hope I could help!!

John asks…

What happens if you throw food in the paper-recycling section?

I do recycle but sometimes when I throw my trashes away, it sometimes slips in some orange peel and Coffee and stuff like that and usually I don’t care. Can food thrown in the paper recycling section have some type of negative impact? Will it destroy the recycling process?

The Expert answers:

If you want to do your part to recycle, please separate your thrash. Organic waste, recycled items and regular trash would make it easier for the recyclers and be less smelly and could be a place for bacteria to grow if too much food is mixed with the dry stuff.

Start a worm house or compost bin if you have the space. It’s a win win situation for our environment.

Joseph asks…

How do I start recycling cardboard and glass bottles at the restaurant I work at?

I manage at a comedy club and see all of the recyclable materiels that we throw away everyday. I want to know what we need to do to start a recycling program at our comedy club.

The Expert answers:

Depends on where you live as to the recycling programs in your area. I’d start by calling your solid waste disposal dept. For the city/county and ask about recycling. Also check the phone book for recycling centers in your area and see what they can offer you as a small business. If possible, talk to other small businesses near you and combine your efforts: if you were to, say, get a collection container from a recycling company and you shared the cost of the container with a few other area businesses, you’d save money and help the environment at the same time. You could also check to see if any area nonprofit organizations collect recyclables as a money-making project (although I don’t think there’s any money in collecting glass–but recycling it is VERY important). Perhaps a Boys and Girls Club, scout groups, animal shelters, etc.

And, thanks for caring enough to want to do the right thing!!

Michael asks…

How steel recycling minimize the consumption of energy?

I have gone through various recycling techniques,I just wanted to know more about steel recycling.

The Expert answers:

It doesn’t save to much energy but it does save a lot of space at the dump. Think about how much space would be used up if every car (made of steel) was not recycled and was just stacked up someplace. That add rail cars, building steel beams, rebar, and other steel items to that list. Not only would we be burried under steel trash but the supply of raw material would probably be hard to get.

It’s really only aluminum that saves a lot of energy when you compare refining raw aluminum to refining recycled aluminum.

George asks…

How much would a recycling place give for a 24 pack of water bottles, in CA?

I buy a lot of 24 pack of water bottles a month. My mom does recycle them but gives them to my little cousin. I am a college student and trying to earn some money. If I recycle one pack how much money would I receive at a recycling place?

The Expert answers:

Its either 5 or 10 cents each bottle so 24 bottles at 5 cents each would be $1.20, or 24 at 10 cents would be $2.40

Daniel asks…

How can recycling relate to financial and factor markets?

The factor market is the exchange of the factors of production the resources necessary to create a good or service including components of land, labor, and capital, such as a coffee company purchasing equipment to process coffee beans.

The financial market refers to the stock market and banking services, including the loans all the other economic players use to meet their goals

So if the subject is recycling, what’s the realtions, or how do these markets deal witht the issue of recycling?

The Expert answers:

Metal can be melt back in to raw form and make new metal, old paper can make paper,,,old tires can make asphalt….after recycle, people will buy the materials to make new product, and its cheaper to get it from recycle than raw

Paul asks…

How do you start a recycling program?

I want to start a recycling program for the mall I work at. I know who to talk to, but the stores wont pay for the bins. Are there companies that will donate the supplies?

The Expert answers:

There are probably companies in your area that would give you all the supplies you require, and they would happily take all the products that are put into them. Look up recycling companies either in the phone book…that is if you have one 😀 or even quicker online. I would suggest talking with a few different companies to see what kind of set up you can put together. Now you might wonder why they will give you the cans, and take the stuff for free…that is because they are in the business of recycling, and when you can get your product for free, the profits are always better.

Good luck and have fun with it!

Robert asks…

How can I start a recycling program for my apartment building?

It would be nice to help the Earth by recycling cans, plastics, papers, etc.

The Expert answers:

Yes! That sounds awesome!
You may want to contact your I live in an apartment.

How can I recycle?

“Municipal or county-operated curbside-recycling programs generally do not serve apartment buildings. More counties and municipalities are instituting recycling programs for multi-family dwellings over time. If you live in an apartment building, you can certainly recycle. One way is to ask your building property manager to set-up a recycling program. If not, a list of County drop-offs is available on MDE’s recycling web page.”-this is an example..see the link below.

Ruth asks…

Is any paper or cardboard lost during the recycling process?

I’m doing this for a business studies project, simple question, lets say 10 tonnes of waste cardboard is put into the recycling process. (straight into the machinery) would you get 10 tonnes of recycled material coming out?

The Expert answers:

No it is no. Always there is loss some amount / quantity what ever you recycle.

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