Monday, March 10, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Linda asks…

regarding recycling programs?

What is the purpose of such programs, assess their impact on firms and consumers, and evaluate the extent to which such programs achieve their purpose.

The Expert answers:

Every time something gets recycled it is win win win situation for community, use of natural resources, and consumer along with firms, and everytime something recycable ends up in landfill it is lose,lose,lose for community, natural resources, consumer along with firms. Less trash means less landfills plus for community environmentally, less trash disposal cost benefit economically plus efficient re-cycle program can make money for community. Less use of natural resources has environmental benefit. Less use of natural resources also lowers their cost a savings that can be passed on to consumers. This is above and beyond all the new jobs recycling creates.

Laura asks…

Job application to Starbucks?

I am 17 years old and I was wondering about the job application process to become a barista at Starbucks.

Do I meet the age requirement? (Texas)

Group interview or individual interview?


Do they often hire highschoolers?

Explanation of the overall process from applying to accepting the job.

Thank you!

The Expert answers:

Starbucks is an equal opportunity and being in High School does not make you any less likely to be hired. You meet the age requirement and would probably be hired for evening shifts if accepted.

You have to apply for a Barista job online. Go to and scroll to the bottom for the job application. I recommend putting another application in 60 days from when you first apply if you are not contacted because the applications get recycled after 60 days.

The store managers normally look at applications on a weekly basis and daily when they are short on staff and looking for good candidates. If you choose to go to the store after you apply and meet the manager (Many people simply wish to make an appearance even before the manager sees their application) then PLEASE dress nicely. Even if you don’t get to see the manager the Shift Manager and Baristas on duty will be telling the GM all about how you looked and their first impressions of you.

If you by chance are called for an interview it will be a one on one interview. You will be told to get a drink (They will buy the drink for you) and usually interviewed by the Assistant Manager or General Manager. They’ll ask you simple questions like why you want to work at Starbucks and so on.

Starting wage is normally $7.50 an hour for new baristas in Texas. Or at least in my store.

Good luck to you!

Nancy asks…

Help!! Job interview?

I have a job interview tomorrow to be a Hgv driver at a recycling company. I’m only 20 Nd although I been in full time work since I left school I have never had a interview.
What tips and advice is there ?
The main question that I’m stuck if they ask me is…why did you apply for the job at a recycling company ?( or along that line)

The Expert answers:

Say something about how you are aware that recycling being important for society ,way forward, new business opportunities something about the Green Party and how you want to play a part, you will have to decide how much to emphasise this

Thomas asks…

Why should I recycle??

im at school doin a project person workin with me is lazy and dumb. help me out

The Expert answers:

“Making new things from recycled ones takes less money, less energy, and less of the Earth’s resources. Because less energy is used, factories don’t release as much pollution either.”

Recycling is a form of waste management that benefits our community in a number of ways.
While providing jobs for literally hundreds of residents, recycling saves valuable landfill space for un-recyclable solid waste.

Lizzie asks…

Do you think this is a lame job?

To sell biodegradable spoons, knifes, forks. And to sell recycled plastic cups, tuba-wear, and plates/bowls from a modified machine.

Like this job:

The Expert answers:

If you have question whether or not a job is lame, chances are that it not the job for you.

William asks…

recycled material for plastic?

someone knows where they get the recycled mateiral for palstic bags ? I visited a website and they say their plastic bags use 100% recycled mateiral, but as far as i know, most landfill faciclites dont recycle plastic bags because it is a labour based job ,so where do they get these recycled material for plastic ?

The Expert answers:

Plastic bags are made of LDPE, Low-Density Polyethylene.
Bags are too hard to recycle because they thin and labor intensive to sort, clean, etc.
However, number 4 recyclable plastics are also LDPE and this is probably the major source of the material.

Ruth asks…

Have you heard of recycled toilet paper?

on my TP package it says its made from completely recycled material..whose JOB is it to recycle used toilet paper? do they have a union? What would be the requirements for getting hired in this job?

The Expert answers:

It not recycled “toilet paper”!!! Its made from recycled paper products! DUH

Joseph asks…

persuasive speech about recycling?

The Expert answers:

Here are some ideas

Better for environment by producing less carbon, than making new products
running out of nonrenewable resources
easy to do
could get money for recycling depending on where you are
Creates Jobs
reduced dependence on landfills, before our planet becomes a dump
find information on how much of paper, lawn, glass, etc. Is thrown away and how much could be recycled
Here’s a source
Lower cost in making products, companies can make more profit, them staying in business is a good thing, especially now
name everyday items that could be recycled and how easy it is
Say how plastic, and other items thrown into the trash are not very biodegradeable and will take a very long time to break apart.
Say all negatives of throwing things into the trash
Also try this website and look under sustainability

Hope this helps

Mandy asks…

how much better (statistically) is recycling than throwing away?

Im doing a project and i would like to know how much of recycled materials make up other materials

The Expert answers:

Absolutely recycling is the better option.

There are many many points you can look at and you can read more about recycling here but here is some of the main points that make recycling the best option.

1. Recycling stops rubbish going to landfill which is better for the environment.

2. The more rubbish that is recycled means less virgin products are required in our society which means our resources will last longer. An example would be the more paper and cardboard that is recycled the less trees that will be cut down to create new paper products.

3. Recycling creates jobs and also recycled products which are then sold to businesses and the community at lower prices than buying virgin materials.

4.Recycling also saves local councils money because they pay for rubbish going to landfill. So if people recycle councils send less rubbish to landfill and lets face it landfill costs are quite high already and will no doubt increase further so the more we recycle the better.

So to sum it up recycling saves people money by using recycled products, it creates jobs in the recycling industry, helps our environment and stops rubbish going to landfill.

Recycling is definitely the better option.

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