Monday, March 10, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Susan asks…

whenever i start my comp it tells me that it can’t find a recycler file. what does it mean?

how can i retrieve it if needed?

The Expert answers:

It probably means somthing is corrupted in ur harddrive … Recycler is a system file for the recycle bin ..

Chris asks…

whats a good website besides craigslist, kijiji and recycler i can use to advertise the dog houses I build?

have got luck with these 3, especially craigslist. i write a link that takes people to my myspace so they can see more pictures.
Do any of you guys know of another website that i can use? i live in southern california.
thanks for your time.

The Expert answers:

Hey, sounds like a good business, building doggy houses.

Try these free ads sites:

classifieds for free
best way classified

You might also want to check out Ebay. Ads cost very little, not to mention good traffic to your ads and people can search by distance

Hope that helps you out,

Sharon asks…

How do I change the oil in a Toro Super Recycler 5.5 HP?

I have looked all over for a drain plug, but I can’t seem to locate one. Is it hidden somewhere?

The Expert answers:

I just did this saturday in the same mower. The manual says to tip the mower on its side and drain it out the same way it goes in.

Helen asks…

How do I delete the RECYCLER folder on my external hard drive?

I can’t do it. It won’t let me. can you help me?
PS I can’t move data and reformat (unfortunately)

The Expert answers:

You can download this small free utility to do the job. With it you can delete anything you cannot :

Donald asks…

Is it safe to delete the RECYCLER folders created by windows in each partition?

I realize that in each of my partitions (C and D) is a hidden folder called RECYCLER. It seems they use up a lot of space on my computer. What are these folder used for and is it safe to delete them?
well, I actually DID delete the contents of the folder in my D drive and saved up 5.6 GB of diskspace. Nothing happened!

The Expert answers:

I MUST NOT BE DELETED. If you want to reduce it’s size, clean your recycle bin. Recycler is the place where deleted files (to the recycle bin) is actually placed.

Richard asks…

In phoenix,Az what recycler is paying top dollar for aluminum cans?

I have about 50lbs. of aluminum cans and I want to know who is paying top dollar for them in Phoenix, Az.

The Expert answers:

You should find list of them here:
Best way is to call them and ask everyone recycler in the same day as prices are changing every day.

Donna asks…

How does the Recycler Folder virus spread?

Is it a download, from a website, or from the computer that the USB is used on?
Do you have to do anything to get it, or does it download itself automatically?

The Expert answers:

The Recycler Folder virus is a computer virus that spreads itself via removable media such as USB flash memory.

Steven asks…

How to remove recycler virus from pc as there is the folder named recycler help me?

The Expert answers:

Boot in safe mode with networking by repeatedly tapping on the F8 key the moment you turn your computer on.

Download and run these in exact order:

When you run a copy of RKill (it has several renamed versions but any one should do), wait for it to give you a report on what processes were temporarily terminated to allow your scanner to run. Follow it up by running the FixNCR.reg just to make sure that the registry entries for your browser were not modified as the registry may have been modified to reload a malware each time you open your browser.

Next, install MBAM, update it and do a full scan of your hard drive including your flash drives. Delete whatever it finds. After that, boot in normal mode and see if you still have a problem.

Finally, if you don’t have a decent antivirus get this free one and do a full scan:

Nancy asks…

AVG is unable to delete RECYCLER virus. Why? Can i use any other anti-virus to remove RECYCLER virus?

AVG is unable to delete RECYCLER virus. Why? Can i use any other anti-virus to remove RECYCLER virus?

The Expert answers:

Antivirus tips and antivirus download:

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