Monday, March 10, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Sandra asks…

Making time for chores while my dad is in the hospital..?

My dad has been in the hospital for almost a month trying to manage his pain. There’s no date or time for when he’s coming out. I visit him almost every day and even on the weekends. My mother goes to visit him two days out of the week to take the burden off of me so I can catch up on a few things around my apartment.
However, I get off of work at 5, go right to the hospital and stay there til about 7 and I have no time to catch up on my own chores. I get to do minimal on the weekends since I go there one out of the two days. I do my bills, shopping and cleaning the day my mom goes, but I haven’t went to the laundramat in 3 weeks, there are things that need to be repaired around the apartment and I find myself forgetting to do important things because I have to manage my time around visiting my dad (I now have bags of recycled garbage piled in my livingroom because I never get a chance to take out the trash that one day they collect).
I have a 9 year old sister, so my mother spends her evenings helping my sister with school work and other things, so she can’t come here to cook for me, clean my dishes or do anything else that piles up.
I want to see my dad every day because I don’t know if it will be the last time I see him, but it’s taking a toll on my life and managing my time is getting harder.
Any suggestions?

The Expert answers:

It’s tough to do, but you might consider shortening your visits to about 1/2 hour, and explain to him why. Of course you want to see as much of him as possible at a time like this, but he’ll probably also feel better if you keep the quality of your life and family’s up by maintaining your household as well as you can. I wish you the best

Maria asks…

Are you a Female Celebrity or personally know one?


If you are Can you please answer or ask the following question:

“Will you ever wear an unused/ unused recycled plastic garbage/trash/bin bag as an outfit/dress? If so, when how and on a regular basis or not, if no, will you at least try it once?”


The Expert answers:


Sharon asks…

Which brand of “poop bags” will biodegrade in a landfill fastest?

From what I have read, for almost all “biodegradable” poop bags, you have to recycle them or compost them. Are there any that will biodegrade if simply thrown out into the garbage dump? My city does not have recycling and I reallly don’t want to compost dog poop due to the fact that I’d continually have to buy those enzymes, and I hate things that have to be replaced/rebought more than once a year(filters, batteries..).. Money vaccuums if you ask me.
True, poop bags are money vaccuums, but why put a money vaccuum on top of a money vaccuum, right? Plus poop bags are required by law. I find the idea of carrying a coffee can around on a walk awkward, but possible if you’re creative.

The Expert answers:

Nothing really biodegrades if it is put into a landfill. To do that you need air and light 2 things you can’t get when buried. You can save money by just putiing poo in your garbage can or wrap in paper.

Nancy asks…

I Need Help With These DispoSe Garbage Journal- My English Is Not That Well… ASAP! 10PNTS?

The best way we can dispose of our garbage is by using bags made of natural materials and reusing them to carry our groceries. Reclining any product we can such as paper, metal, glass, plastic and plants materials give us a healthy environment. Using a good alternative is helpful in this cases. Landfill are actually healthy ways to dispose of certain waste products. My building is build with garbage chutes on every floor carefully and tightly we package our trash to dispose them.

I decided last Tuesday to take out those clothes I won’t use anymore in my closet. My house has a closet for extra storage space, something that benefits us greatly because we keep extras stuff though not used now, but in the future. Now we enter spring I need to rid of of those unused clothes I won’t wear anymore for now on In order to have more space and void bad smell in my closet. Before deciding what to do with them I went to the laundry to have them clean and ready to be pack.My coats and jackets always give me a problem since I can’t have them all together tend to smell bad specially when it rain,so are the one that first go out of my closet. If they still usable, then I donate them to any charity home for a good cause instead of throw it away. After I separate my clothes according to their type. I First started with my pants since they are too heavy and use a lot of space in my closet. Most of the time I don’t keep my sweater so I prefer to give them away as they tend to succeed or wasted with time, but those who choose to keep are held in my drawer. The shoes are very hard to keep as are used tend to smell bad all together if plan to give them away. Although shoe boxes are a lot of space I always keep them for this kind of situation.

On friday I always go to the supermarket to buy some food and personal things. I bring own bag to purchase groceries. It’s simple one to reduce resin waste. When I purchased hair color, each package included a container, a brush, gloves manufactured by resin. It’s one time used because I can obtain a same one for net purchase. Buying products with as little packaging as possible, of course from eco-friendly companies save us time, money and space. When came home went to the kitchen. What I first did was to check the refrigerator since there its where my mom put a lot of unused stuff that we tipically have to throw away often. There were two expired meat so I put them together in a newspaper to avoid contamination. Two Water and juicy leave empty to prevent any liquid in the trash. Usually I disposed 5 or 6 can of soda per week. I separate them from the other item in a bag as there are many people who use them to get money to eat or etc. When I took there where a lot of sausage,bean cans, and corn 5 of each, I was suprised since it made me realize how much money we waste on things that most of the time we don’t use.
Sunday was the day to clean my room! I Spent a few hours taking out everything from my drawers, organizing, and throwing out what I no longer needed to dispose any old and unused materials. I opened the window for ventilation, specially my bedroom that is so hot! I always started using my eletric broom to make sure that I don’t leave anything under the bed. Since I work in a retail store I’m always buying new stuff such as clothes, accesories, gum and etc.. I used this kind of days to throw away those that expired or if not need it anymore. I put in a small bag two rings and three watches to dispose them away. My niece have a lot of toys of her in my bedroom. I refuse to throw toys in the trash because it wastes my money and because it’s definitely not good for the environment as it sits in the landfill when it could have been recycled/reused. But I need space in my bedroom and kids are always asking for more. So I had to throw away 3 of them.

Recycling is a truly over-rated way to improve the environment. There is a great underestimation of the available space and capacity of landfill areas, certainly in the US, and probably worldwide as well. There is also no real crisis in our most recycled resources, either aluminum and glass are still cheap to produce, and there are still enough trees around to make paper cheaper from the tree than by recycling.The stuff in the trash gets buried deep in a landfill in an anaerobic environment, and so does not decay. The stuff you toss down the disposal gets ground down and flushed away, where it can go back into the environment.

The Expert answers:

I didn’t read any of that.

Just to let you know.

Oh, and your english is pretty good.

Jenny asks…


Do you have a myspace? Do you care about the earth? Do you want to show on myspace that you care about the earth?

lol, i found this great (non-annoying send you emails everyday) myspace user that’s good at giving tips & such.

well, here it is!

yeahh, um, security question:

how can you recycle easily?
thank you all.

The Expert answers:

I’ll check out the link.

Recycle easy: go to to find your local recycle center and see what is easily recycled in your area.

I suggest set up a garbage can hear the source of recycling, then empty it into a sorting area outside. I have a second can in the kitchen for plastic, glass and cans and I have a paper only in the den where I sort mail and school work. I have an area near my big can outside, I separate items into bags so they are ready to go to the recyle center when I get a good collection.

Betty asks…

Recycled grocery bags….?

Ok so you know these new bags that you can buy at the market and use over and over again? Well I was wondering what the proper etiquette to use them was..can you put your groceries into them while you are shopping or would that be looked at as is you are trying to steal something? Are you supposed to wait until the very end when you are checking out to load the bag or can you use them as a basket?

The Expert answers:

The cloth bags that you can buy at most grocery and department stores for $1 are great. They hold a lot and are really strong so they last and last. I use the plastic bags for emptying the cat box and putting garbage in.

Helen asks…


Were I live we have black boxes for botels and tin cans and green bags for papers and some parts have green bins for garden waste. do you think we sould all recycl? and some people use there boxes for toys do you think thats rong? and some people say why sould we clean tins out for the council and work for nothing. do you think thats rong?

The Expert answers:

Yes, that is wrong. In my opinion, we all have a responsibility to our fellow man to do what we can to help the environment. The planets environment directly affects the quality of life for all living things; humans, creatures, plants. To go through life carelessly damaging the environment is extremely self-centered, in my opinion, and irresponsible.

To me, taking care of the environment is courtesy to our fellow man. I would no more litter than I would leave a public restroom with pee on the seat, for the next person to set in. I would no more burn leaves than I would cough in someone’s face. Its simply rude.

As for recycling; I live in the country and we do not have a recycling progam with garbage pick up. However, that doesn’t stop me from recycling. I recycle newspapers, magazines, plastic, metals, and glass. I take my car oil to a collection which is set up at the shopping plaza a couple times a year. I’m sure to dispose of batteries properly. I bought a resonably feul efficient vehicle. I turned my thermostat down. I replaced incandescent light bulbs. I turn off the lights. If I have any half used products, I take them to work to see if anyone there wants them and they are usually scarfed up. Etc.

Laziness is the only reason a person would not participate in your community’s recycling program. And that type of laziness isn’t just affecting himself, it is affecting everyone else, and that’s just rude.

Susan asks…

Are garbage bags recyclable?

We use Garanteed Value.


The Expert answers:

Depends on the recycling company. Some companies will recycle bags (as long as no food debris is on them. Dirty bags will spoil a whole batch of recycled plastic). Some companies won’t. Call the your local recycling company. In my town, the recycling company does take clean, plastic bags.

Ken asks…

What is the garbage bag limit in Toronto?

Just wondering what the garbage bag limit in Toronto is. I just moved into a basement apartment. I am using recying and green bins. Also does the limit have to include my garbage as well as my landlords?
Any help would be great

The Expert answers:

Maximum amount of garbage BAGS is 6 (most areas have the wheeled bins now as the last person stated …sometimes the garbage people will take more, but the rule is indeed 6. There is no limit on recycling bags (if you don’t have the new bin) or organic waste. The limit is for the household, so talk to your housemates and compromise or combine your bags. Also, if you are over the limit, become friends with your neighbours (as i have) and you can add to their bags if they are under 6.

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