Monday, March 10, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Lisa asks…

Where can I donate old denim to be recycled for other products like insulation?

I’ve seen on HGTV, and read about it online, that a company is recycling denim and repurposing it into insulation for homes. I’ve looked all over the website and searched Yahoo but can’t find out how to recycle MY denim. I have a lot of jeans that are torn and worn out and I can’t donate them to Thrift or Goodwill, what can I do without making tons of denim craft projects?

The Expert answers:

Salvation Army. If they can’t sell something because of condition, what do you think they do with it? They sell to a recycler. You are actually donating twice. If a financially strapped person can only afford them, that’s once. If no one buys them, you are giving the Salvation Army money to help someone else.

Betty asks…

Anyone have any craft ideas for recycled products such as plastic containers and plastic bottles?

That is instead of just tossing them in the recyce bin

The Expert answers:

Here are two ideas for our milk jugs and soda bottles:
1) Make a bird feeder, the plastic is durable and last for years! Just cut and decorate, fill with food after hanging and the birds will flock to it! We use twine loops to hang ours or recycled posts to mount them!
2) At a recent craft show I saw a lady who was making BIG BUCKS with a recycled craft idea. She uses soda bottles and cuts out different patterns. Then decorates with “puffy” paint (from craft stores) and beads. She places a small suction cup on the back attached with hot glue. Sells them as window decorations, like stained glass ones! At the show I was at she had small ones for $3.00 or 2 for $5.00. Her larger, more detailed ones were $5.00 or 2 for $7.50. Her daughter made “tiny” ones especially for little kids and was selling them for $1.00. They were selling like crazy! I confess ~ I came home with one of each! Hope this inspires the crafters in each of us! ~ Aimee

Linda asks…

Has anyone ever done a craft project with recycled materials? My kindergartner needs to do one?

The Expert answers:

I remember doing one with my nephew.
We constructed a “robot”. We got an old yogurt container (head), old shoe box (body), used plastic cups (hands and legs). We covered the body with cut out pieces of a paper bag and colored. Hope this helps.

Joseph asks…

give some ideas of craft using recycled materials.i want to do and stick in my note?

The Expert answers:

I can give you some ideas using recycled materials-I do crafts with them all the time; I just don’t understand what you mean by “stick in my note”….Unless it’s just for your own records.
I make dolls using recycled soda, juice or water bottles. I attach a doll head and make an outfit to “fit”.
I use scrap fabric to make wreaths.
I’ve made angels using cardboard, paper towels, wallpaper paste and tissue paper (crinkled to form the wings).
I’ve even made stuffed animals and used sand (placed in a plastic bag -(from grocery stores etc) so the sand wouldn’t spill- as a weight to keep the toy from toppling over.
There are tons of recycled material you can make over.

Sharon asks…

Where do I go to find public liability insurance?

I am starting to run workshops, teaching creative recycling crafts and require public liability insurance. Could you point me in the right direction please?

The Expert answers:

Go to the Yellow pages under the heading “Insurance.” Look for agents who sell commercial general liability insurance.

Susan asks…

Creative recycle crafts for glass Snapple bottles?

I am trying to figure out some creative crafts that I can use snapple bottles in. I searched glass jars, but all of them involve buying new things (which isn’t recycling!). So can you give me some ideas or links to creative crafts with glass snapple bottles?

The Expert answers:

A cool thing to do would be to make instruments! Check out this video here of a guy with some glass bottles and an RC car –

You might not be able to amount to this, but see what you can do! You can adjust the pitch by filling the glass with more water or less water. 🙂

Hope I helped!

Mandy asks…

What are some easy earth day crafts that I can do with my cub scouts using recycled materials?

The Expert answers:

Bird feeders made from plastic pop bottles are always a hit. Look up tutorials online if you need one.

Some people collect dryer lint to give to the birds in the spring to line their nests with. Honest. The birds really like it! Make something in which to collect the lint.

James asks…

What are some crafts to make when your bored?

With house hold items or recycled items? i want to sell them and make them for me too. Anything? thanks

The Expert answers:

Origami is usually pretty cool,
get a pinterest!
It has alot of ideas for cool crafts:)

Ken asks…

Hello can anybody help me please?? I need a quirky name for my handmade crafts shop?? ?

My shop will sell unique shabby chic handmade crafts. These products are wooden and fabric personalised plaques/signs, bunting, jewellery, etc. And some items will be made from recycled goods. Please can anyone help?? Some keywords to go off:
Shabby chic
And if at all possible the name Bunty in there somewhere? Get thinking guys!! X

The Expert answers:

Bunty’s Unique Boutique

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