Monday, March 10, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

James asks…

Are there any recycling centers in the Tris State Area that will pay for your recycled cans and bottles?

If you only know somewhere other than in the Tri State area, whats the name and address?

The Expert answers:

Im from the tri state area and i would suggest going to a stop and shop if you have one. They pay money for all the recycled bottles

Thomas asks…

How do I find recycling centers that give you CRV per item?

It seems easy enough to find a place to get recyclable bottles and cans weighed. However, I want to get my full CRV back, and it seems the only way to do that is to count the pieces out per item. I remember there used to be machines outside of my local grocery store where you put the cans into a slot, but they’re gone.

Is there a website that lists the places to get your CRV back? I’m located in the San Gabriel Valley of southern California.

The Expert answers:

Good Morning, i have lived in CA all my life, you merely need to look in the phone book under “recycling”. Many years ago my father in law lived in the Valley too – sorry i cannot remember the spot he went to, but i know there are quite a few. Sometimes local gorcery stores have them near by and they give you a voucher to redeem at the grocery store. We live in a rural area called Ojai and even here i can think of 3 centers with in 10 min of our place. Good luck and SO GLAD TO HEAR YOU ARE RECYCLING!!!!!!! THANK YOU!!!!!!

Ken asks…

How do I find paying recycling centers in my area?

I’ve tryed looking on the internet with no luck.

The Expert answers:

Look in your phone book under recycling or recycling center. Almost anything you find you can paid some amount of money for recycling it. Stuff that you can take is Plastic bottles, Aluminum cans, Plastic Milk containers, Scrap metal such as steel, soup cans, tin and probably lots of other metals. Also don’t throw your Newspaper away!!! You can make money off that too just make sure to stack it alll neatly on top of each other and bundle it with string or Twine. Make sure when you recycle Bottles and cans that they say Cash Refundable in your state otherwise they won’t take them.

Mandy asks…

Do Metal Recycling centers take insulated copper wire still in the plastic/metal reel?

Or do I have to unwravel it all first? I know that insulated wire is taken for less already so should the reel matter?

The Expert answers:

They take it, but they give you a lot less money. If you have copper, its worth your time to unravel it yourself.

Betty asks…

Where can I recycling centers in portland or?

What to take my can and plastic to a recycling place Is there one in portland or??

The Expert answers:

Congratulations for wanting to be part of the solution and not part of the problem.

Do a search for “recycling in Portland OR”. I found these when I searched —

“find a place to take recycling near you go to or call (503)234-3000 — Metro Recycling Information email at

Your local library may also have that information or call your city or town hall?

Ever heard of the “Great Pacific Island Garbage Patch”? Its several hundred miles big — Check it out at

Helen asks…

are there any recycling centers that pay for recyclables in Atlanta GA?

im tryin to make money cuz my mom wont pay me allowance, im 12 years old and was wondering if there are any recycling center around my area i have tried but i cant find any also thanks in advance.

The Expert answers:

Call a few centers locally and ask them.

Charles asks…

Want to know more about recycling and if i can make money by collecting and selling at recycling centers?

What will be the steps of selling? how much will i make? is there a certain way in which i have to catergorize my findings?

The Expert answers:

Q. Where can I take my bottles and cans to redeem them for cash?

A. To find a recycling center in your area, visit our Recycle Center Locator or call 1-800-RECYCLE toll-free.

Or go to

Linda asks…

Are there any recycling centers in the Fort Smith, AR area?

Fort Smith has a city wide recycling program, but I live a few miles away in Van Buren and they do not. I am trying to find out if there are any public or drop off locations to take my recyclables to in the greater Fort Smith area. Thanks!

The Expert answers:

Did you try Bud’s Recycling. They are located on 1823 Midlland Blvd in F.S. There phone number is 479-783-8969.

Donald asks…

Why is it so hard to find recycling centers in Atlanta?

Anyone know where there are some? There are sites for companies to take materials, but not individuals. You would think with the “Green Movement” that they would make it super easy to find them.

The Expert answers:

My favorite place to recycle in Atlanta is the DeKalb Farmers Market (on East Ponce near Decatur)– if you have a car, it’s easy enough to load up the trunk with recyclables and go drop them off, then fill up the empty trunk with cheap veggies.

Also I have seen recycle bins at Sevananda natural foods in Little 5 Points as well as the CVS on N. Decatur and some other locations near the Emory campus.

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