Monday, March 10, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Sandra asks…

am I harming the environment-HELP?

okay, so I feel like an awful person and like I am the worst environmentalist out there. Well, I constantly am traveling in a huge gas-guzzler SUV and I never stop going! lol, we are just always driving somewhere because I have to travel for my job. I do recycle and use green cleaners and pick up trash, etc, so I try to be environmentally friendly. I am also saving up for a nice hybrid car that would be good for the environment. BUT, until then, do you think I am harming the environment?

The Expert answers:

Cars seem to be an easy target, we all think about them and judge others as to what they drive. We think people should all be doing whatever we are doing, then they would be good people like we ourselves are.

But the fact is that we all pollute and leave a footprint everyday. We snark about big corporations abusing child labor laws by outsourcing to China, but then we all chose to buy the things made in China. Even the iPhones.

So, I say you should take comfort in knowing that you are doing what you can to be efficient. Someday maybe you can get a hybrid, but the fact is that they are not all that efficient yet. The government has to subsidize them, with things and processes that are inefficient and leave carbon footprints of their own, so that we can drive hybrids. There are a lot of day to day things we can all be doing to save fuel and not pollute.

Like sharing a ride or keeping your tires properly inflated. Or driving without accelerating quickly and inefficiently. These things add up in bigger ways than what kind of car you drive.

Sharon asks…

My son’s teacher !! Should I text back ?

Hi. Right, let me set the scene. I’ve had a major crush on my sons nursery nurse for months, but never asked her out because it may be against the rules as a nursery nurse.

So recently my son finished nursery and so bought three of his nursery nurses a leaving gift and a thank you card each. Now I discreetly put my mobile number in the card of the girl I have a crush on hoping for the best.

About three hours later someone messaged me with: ‘Hiya I’m presuming its danny ? Was just wondering which Nat the number is for? Blonde Nat or brown Nat? ‘ – I then replied with: ‘There’s two !! Only kiddin 🙂 Put it in Nat C’s card (brown). If shes interested could you pass it on, if not just recycle it 🙂 ‘ .

I’m not sure why the message from her would ask which Nat the number was for, as it was clearly labeled on the envelop. I responded as if it wasn’t her asking for the number to be passed on, with a little humour thrown in 🙂

Now it is almost one week later and I’ve not had a reply. So I’m just wondering what I should do and what that initial message might mean ???? Any comments appreciated 🙂

The Expert answers:

You tried…
I would( if , I were you ), just except the fact that there was no response because she either was not interested or she did not want to jeopardize her job.
Who knows,another opportunity might present itself for you to speak to her face to face @ a later date.

Charles asks…

The World of Color at Disneyland or CA. Adventure?

ok so the world of color at summer night tastic is cool but it uses alot of water and i was wondering if they (disneyland or ca. adventure not shure witch) reuse the water beacuse if they dont that would be horible and a big waste of water and so i was wondering if anyone knows the anser, if you do please tell me and plz no links i just want a straight anser
well the only anser i have so far is from a person named DEAD so but there isnt a lake by Disneyland, do you know where that is?
Annaheim i think i spelled that wrong

The Expert answers:

Disney has made a deal with the city of Anaheim so that they can recycle the water that is used in their shows. In fact, all of the water in Paradise Pier (the bay area where World of Color is performed) and the water in the Rivers of America (where they hold Fantasmic) as well as the water on most (if not all) of the Disneyland/California Adventure attractions is just the same water being cycled through over and over. Disney makes a huge effort to be environmentally conscious, they use natural fuels in their cars, trains, and ride vehicles, go through all the garbage to make sure everything that needs to be recycled is, and much much more.

Don’t worry Disney is doing their job!!! [:

Donna asks…

Did you see this movie? And what is your opinion about it?

I was thinking to watch the movie Mirrors on line and wanted to know if you people have seen this movie? Did you like this movie or do you find it totally crap?

The Expert answers:

Mirrors was pretty much doomed for terrible critical reviews from the start. Horror never scores big with film critics; in fact I can’t remember the last horror film that got more positive reviews than negative. If the horror film in question is a remake, especially of a foreign movie, it’s almost destined for critical failure. There’s a reason for that: most horror remakes are utter garbage and are solely created so studios can make a quick buck. However, once in a while, a horror film remake will come along that actually isn’t half bad, yet will still suffer negative reviews based on the fact that it’s a horror film remake. It happened several years ago with The Texas Chainsaw Massacre and more recently, with The Hills Have Eyes.

Mirrors has suffered a similar fate. Directed by French horror director Alexandre Aja, the same man behind The Hills Have Eyes, Mirrors is a remake of a Korean horror film, as well as the best wide-release horror film of the year thus far. While I’ll admit I probably enjoyed the film much more than most will, it’s still miles better than the critic’s lousy reviews or lackluster promotion would have you believe.

Kiefer Sutherland stars as Ben Carson, an ex-cop suffering from emotional issues after a “workplace accident” and a messy divorce. Sick of sleeping on his sister’s couch, he takes up a job as a security guard at an abandoned department store that was devastated by a fire many years back. The job seems easy enough, primarily consisting of walking through the building every couple hours, making sure there are no trespassers. Things take a turn for the worse though, after several strange encounters involving the mirrors in the building, and Ben begins to find that his own reflection is haunting him, not only at the job, but in any mirror or reflective object (or liquid) he comes across. Soon enough, Ben find his life, as well as his families, in danger.

Mirrors biggest strength is the storyline, easily one of the best horror premises to hit the screen in years (even if it is recycled). Reflections are practically inescapable, not only appearing just in mirrors, but in doorknobs, windows and water. The inescapability of reflections is what makes the idea of one’s reflection out to get them so chilling. They’re everywhere. You can’t escape them. Not since Nightmare on Elm Street, where ones own dreams were the cause of death, has there been a supernatural premise that has gotten so much under my skin. The fact that whatever the mirror images do to themselves happens to their real life counterparts, only heightens the hopelessness of Carson and his family.

Alexandre Aja has already proved his ability to create genuine scares with previous films, but most have been of the brutal, violent kind, as opposed to the atmospheric chills usually employed in supernatural horror movies that are more reliant on the mood and feeling than shocking acts of brutality for scares. Surprisingly, Aja’s penchant for gore and violence complements the film surprisingly well. The sequences inside the derelict department store at night build up suspense very well, utilizing the eerie location with corpses manifesting themselves within the mirrors and screams emitting from within deep recesses of the building. It’s fairly generic stuff for movies like this, but Aja is talented enough stylistically to pull them off. However, it’s the sequences where Aja really lets loose that prove to be the most frightening. One sequence that takes place in a bathtub ends up being one of the most brutal and unsettling death scenes of the year. There are several of these sequences sprinkled throughout the film and they are extremely effective, utilizing a combination of brutality and atmospheric suspense that are, at the least, shocking. When a ghost pops out in one scene, it isn’t a pale, long black haired Asian woman, nor a semi-transparent floating apparition: it’s a half-naked female with half her body burned off, the flesh still sizzling off her burnt carcass as she wails in pain. That’s the difference between Mirrors and most other ghost films.

The biggest downfall of the film is when it tries to provide an explanation for the horrific events taking place in the second half. The idea of one’s image terrorizing oneself is horrifying on one level, but at the same time, it’s extremely unrealistic. Trying to explain why this happened back fires on the film, as no explanation is going to make sense and instead, will just draw attention to the fact that this would never happen in real life, destroying a bit of the film’s effect. The audience doesn’t need to know why this happens. Ambiguity in this case would be much more frightening and wouldn’t take away from any of the other scares. Once you throw in a sub-plot about mental institution experiments and haunting tragedies taking place in the building, you lose a lot of the suspense. Despite the unwise direction the movie takes in its second half, it’s still

Ken asks…

Why is it that millions of good writers never get discovered or become best sellers but only a selected few do?

The Expert answers:

Good Writers in fact very often never become “best sellers”, they win awards for their writing and most current Good Writers can be found in the University system teaching writing courses. The only “Good Writers” I can think of that can write without having to hold a second job are Margaret Atwood, Cormack McCarthy, David Mitchell and Stephen King, the last is a little iffy but if you look at his earlier work you can see that at least at one point he was a good writer. Before all the ghost story crap.

The sad fact is, the worse the writer you are the better chances you have of making money from it. It maybe harder to get published but, as long as you ride the cultural trend of the moment you should be profitable. Think of other forms of entertainment, they all boil down to the lowest common denominator; Pop music, WWE, NASCAR, Dancing with the stars and other reality TV crap, Michael Bay movies. We are a society of morons that like horrible and recycled entertainment. Is it any shock that are best selling authors are bad at their job, after all Ben Affleck is a movie star, where a legit actor like William H. Macy, while famous, is paid substantially less, although he is far more talented, but Macy wins awards and Affleck wins Razzy’s.

Lisa asks…

Has anyone got any good ways of earning/saving money?

I am fifthteen and I work at a Gymnastics club, coaching young children ages 3 – 12. Recently my boss has cut my hours and I only work one hour a week. I am currently looking for a new job to get me money for Christmas presents but I am stuck.
Please if you have any ideas comment below XD

The Expert answers:

Ways to make money:

1. Start a business however small or large. A job can be lost at any time (not to scare you but fact) Buy clothes, items at a whole sale in bulk, ell on an online auction site. You can even become the next ebay, amazon,cqout etc, if you want. If so you can search for and buy a ”php auction software” google.

2. Recycle your mobile. At Mopay and make between £2.50 and £200 depending on its make and condition.

3. Rent out your stuff . Sites like and RentRino will let you advertise anything from a baby bath to a ball gown.

Ways to save money:

1. One of the quickest ways to save money is by being more selective when buying groceries. Don’t buy the smaller size items when you can make bigger savings on the larger size which will last longer.

2. Luxuries such as Mobile phones. Go on Pay & Go if you don’t use your phone that much – cheaper too.

ALSO: one of the reasons why some people are rich is because they save money and do not spend recklessly.

Mandy asks…

Did you pray for us and/or put us on your prayer chain?

If you are one of the one’s that answered my request for prayer about a job for my husband….Thank You…to all!!!! He just got a really good job today at our local hospial. It’s 2nd shift, but no weekends, and there’s no long drive. Thank you all again. Yes, prayer does work, but sometimes it can take as much as 3 years to recieve it. (well, I guess we got a “not yet” during that time! lol)

The Expert answers:

There are seven basic proofs God exists. Properly, they belong in a separate book all by themselves, but I will cover them briefly here.
(1) That there is a great CREATION is obvious. The very fact of the existence of THINGS; the universe, the solar system, the earth and all myriad forms of life upon it, demands a CREATOR!
(2) The existence of great, immutable, powerful LAWS (and I speak of the “laws” governing the physical universe; the laws of science and chemistry; laws governing the action of water in its three states; the cleavage and fracturing properties of minerals; gravity, inertia, isostasy, etc., etc.). The existence of these great laws demands a lawgiver!
(3) The intricacy of complex design; whether the feathers on the wing of a bird; the eye of a fly; the breathing apparatus of a dolphin; billions of intricately-designed snowflakes; your own muscular, skeletal, digestive and circulatory systems-etc., etc., requires a great DESIGNER!
(4) LIFE exists. Life in myriad forms. You and I both know that life only comes from preexisting life! This is called the “law of biogenesis.” Life demands a great LIFE GIVER!
(5) Life only comes from preexisting life of the same kind! Thus, there is procreation, and the sustaining of life on our planet; the constant recycling of falling trees, rotting vegetation; the bacteria which break it down to become food for the insects which are food for dozens of other creatures, which are in turn food for larger creatures, which are in turn food for man; the cyclical character of our symbiotic environment which, like a gigantic machine was once “wound up,” and is gradually running down, requires a sustaining force. Inherent within this proof are the laws governing the “conservation” of energy” and the laws of thermodynamics. It is obvious our universe has a great sustaining force-a GREAT SUSTAINER!
(6) Fulfilled prophecies, of which there are dozens, with dozens more yet to be fulfilled, constitute a great proof of Almighty God. Even simple high school or beginning college-level Bible handbooks such as Halley’s, or the Angus Bible Handbook contain fascinating proofs from the spade of archeologists corroborating the prophecies of men who foretold the collapse of great empires and the emergence of others centuries and centuries beyond their own lifetime. Now, we are able to look back at such men as Isaiah, Ezekiel, Daniel and others, and see what they foretold actually HAPPENED exactly as they foretold it!
Many of the biblical prophecies are in process of being fulfilled. The serious student of biblical archeology knows that it is axiomatic that, wherever archeology reveals information about ancient civilizations, it always corroborates the biblical record, never refutes it!
(7) The final proof-one which dyed-in-the-wool disbelievers will doubtlessly scoff at-is answered prayer! Of course. God does not answer the prayers of skeptics and disbelievers. However, those individuals who have experienced the answer to PRAYER; those who have been healed of their sicknesses and diseases, who have actually seen miracles performed, are no longer doubting, but believing. Answered prayer is definitely a proof that there is a God who can hear. And answer!

Thomas asks…

I’m in dire financial straights, what can I do?

I’m unemployed, I owe $300 in tuition fees, and my ban account is overdrawn by $80.

– I’ve already borrowed as much as I can from friends and family.
– I have steadily been applying for at least one job a day for the last several months without success(despite the fact that I’m a full-time student and I’m honestly not sure where I’d find the time for a job and still get my schoolwork done).
– I’ve already sold most of my belongings.
– I fill out endless paid surveys for a few dollars a day whenever I have a spare moment.
– I tried doing odd jobs in the neighborhood, but no one else has money to spare either.

I tried for financial aid, but i don’t qualify because of my gpa and I can’t get a loan because I’m unemployed…

I have until the end of the week to put money in my bank account and I really need to pay my tuition within the month. The only reason I’m not homeless right now is because my Dad generously lets me stay with him for free despite the fact that he’s also unemployed.

I am really desperate. Does anyone know anything I can do?

Note: in case anyone feels charitable.. visit this website
To repeat myself because it wasn’t obvious enough the first time…

I have steadily been applying for real part-time jobs for nearly a year. I try for a minimum of one a day, but i often apply for four or five.

Telling me to “get a real job” is not helpful. not the least because even if I magically got a job today, I would not be paid in time to deal with the bank. This week.

The Expert answers:

Try going to day labor shops where they hire you for a few hours or up to a day for unskilled labor. They often pay within 24 hrs. Also visit a plasma center to sell plasma. That can pay better than you might think. Pick up cans and bottles to turn in for deposit of recycling payments. For more ideas see .

Joseph asks…

Why do Muslim women, when menstruating, feel it’s necessary to wash their used sanitary towels?

The common fact here in Malaysia, is that it’s to ward off the devil and stop them from licking the blood off them !!! I’ve never honestly heard anything so absurd before but women here actually do this.

The Expert answers:

Many spiritual realities are explained in superstituous ways.
There is spiritual power in blood.
Shamans teach that there are elemental types of entities that
help to break down psychic matter. They are like spiritual
The Kaballah teaches that evil is a force. The “Scavenger of the
gods”. A recycling aspect of Creation.
This is the basis of these superstitions about the devil
licking their blood. These entities that are “destructive” to humans.
They can actually put negative thoughts in our minds, trying
to break down psychic matter. But they are not
malicous, in that they do it on purpose. They lack a conscience, and are just doing thier job.
Ever notice how you actually FEEL better after claening your home or taking a bath? You cleansed yourself and your space of these entities that are attracted to material/psychic matter, to
break it down for recycling.

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