Monday, March 10, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Chris asks…

Where can you recycle Aluminum cans for cash in gainesvile florida?

I have a lot of aluminum cans (They are NOT crushed) and pop tabs from soda cans. Anyone Know where I can bring them? =D Thanks!

The Expert answers:

At a goodwill truck

Richard asks…

Where can i recycle cans for cash in Tyler, Texas?

The Expert answers:

Try here
Van Zandt County Line –
You can recycle a good 70 percent of all of your trash. It’s usable … Plastics, paper, cardboard, and cans to Tyler; sometimes, she fills the back … –

Charles asks…

how to find and print recycling coupons to get more cash for cans/bottles.?

recycling coupons to get more cash for my cans/bottles

The Expert answers:

Its not about the money mannnnnnnn!

Corporate greed mannnnnnnnnn!

Save the earth, that’s the payback.

Mandy asks…

where can i recycle cans for cash in Conroe, Texas…. Or Houston?

the family drinks lots of canned sodas and beer… haha, so i have decided to make a little money off them :]

The Expert answers:

105 Scrap Metal Recycling
11595 Highway 105 E
Conroe, TX 77306-5373
(936) 441-3090


Michael asks…

If you recycle aluminum cans for cash, what do you use the money for?

I’m just curious what fellow recyclers do with the money they earn from cashing in aluminum cans. I use the money I get from turning in cans to fund a college account for my son. He’s only two and has over $1000 from selling scrap already. What do you use your can money for?

The Expert answers:

Here are some “green” ideas:
– Purchase CFL bulbs for your house (which will save in more $$ in the long run)
– Purchase organic or locally grown foods
– Purchase recycled paper for your printer
-Buy a new water bottle that you can refill, instead of buying a new one constantly
– Purchase cloth napkins to use with meals instead of using paper ones
– Purchase a cheap set of silverware to use with meals away from home, instead of getting plastic silverware from restaraunts
– Purchase tubberware and bring it to restarants when you know you will have leftovers
– Use the extra money to buy non-toxic biodegradable cleaning supplies
– Use the money to purchase a non-disponsable razor
– Purchase a low-flow shower head or faucet
– Purchase and replace the air filter in your house
– Purchase a reusable coffee mug to use at to-go coffee shops
– Purchase a canvas bag to use at grocery stores
– Purchase a hot water heater blanket

The list could go on and on. Many of these ideas would save you $ in the long run, buy saving you energy

Linda asks…

Where can I recycle cans for cash in Hickory, NC?

The Expert answers:

There is over 3 pages of Scrap/recycling companies in NC, listed at this website.
You may have to choose the nearest one to you; give them a call and make enquiries:

Paul asks…

Any one know about NYS new recycling rules? Like I heard you can get a deposit from water bottles now…?

Like I heard you can get a deposit from water bottles now…but what else can you recycle for cash? Is it just water bottles? Or do like orange juice (plastic) and milk containers count as well? Just wondering.

Also, does anybody know a way to send out the aluminum tops of yogurt tops and the little pop-toppers (as seen on you soda or pop cans) for cash? I heard you can do that as well.

Look forward to hearing some good answers! Links are much appreciated! Thanks! 😀
OH! I wanted to mention I wanted to know how much things recycle for as well aka the cash in return. ex: like 5 cents= 1 soda can.
Are you sure not jugs?? ’cause my cider gallon thats in the fridge says .05cents deposit…I saw it on the news too can’t seem to find it on the web. Lol…call me crazy but I’m the 1 who goes threw ppls recycling containers at nite for spare change…don’t do bad most the time lol

The Expert answers:

New york’s new recycling law requires a $.05 deposit (which you get back by recycling) on personal sized water bottles (not jugs or anything) and flavored waters that dont contain sugar. Thats it nothing else.

Robert asks…

Does anyone know a site that list places where you can recycle aluminum cans for cash?

I would like to know a site that tells you what places in your area pay you to recycle. If you know of any, please answer!!! Thanks!

The Expert answers:

Look in the yellow pages of your phone book under bottle depots.

David asks…

recycle for cash?

Where can I recycle cans, plastic, and glass and recieve cash in Jacksonville, NC?

The Expert answers:

It doesn’t look like Jacksonville has a “redemption center” but J & E Salvage buys scrap metals- Aluminum, brass, copper etc.

2012 Blue Creek Road
Jacksonville, NC 28540-7712

Additional Business Information
Tel: (910) 347-5865

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