Monday, March 10, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Mark asks…

Do you put all your recyclables in the recycle bin or just throw it away with the rest in one garbage bag?

The Expert answers:

Here in West Virginia, we just take it outside and give it to the goats to recycle for us.


Ruth asks…

How do I throw away my clothes?

I know a lot of you are probably going to say donate them, and here’s the thing, I have two piles of clothes, one for donation and one for trash.

The clothes I’m going to donate are in good condition, some aren’t even worn, so it’s actually going to be worth something for the people who need it. However, the clothes I’m going to throw out are just in terrible condition. There are stains everywhere and I wouldn’t want to give those away, therefore, I’m throwing them away. The problem is, HOW do I throw them away? Do I just stick them in a black garbage bag? Recycle them? I have no idea. Please help!

The Expert answers:

The clothes that I toss that are not GoodWill worthy just go in a black garbage bag and I put it all out with the trash. Quite simple.

Sandy asks…

How do I throw away my clothes?

I know a lot of you are probably going to say donate them, and here’s the thing, I have two piles of clothes, one for donation and one for trash.

The clothes I’m going to donate are in good condition, some aren’t even worn, so it’s actually going to be worth something for the people who need it. However, the clothes I’m going to throw out are just in terrible condition. There are stains everywhere and I wouldn’t want to give those away, therefore, I’m throwing them away. The problem is, HOW do I throw them away? Do I just stick them in a black garbage bag? Recycle them? I have no idea. Please help!

The Expert answers:

I cut up my 100% cotton flannel for rags, Find out if the place you are donating use old clothing for rags or if another merchant buys them for them. Maybe some can be recycled in you recycle bin.
If all fails put them in a trash bag and deposit them in the trash bin.
Old towels and sheets, can be donated to your Humane Society.

Laura asks…

Is it possible to get 24″ long 2X4s?

I am making a recycling and garbage container out of wood, nails/screws and plastic wall hooks.
I have figured out that to make the sides, base and top the length i want them i need 11 24″ long 2X4 boards
To put all of these boards together i will need approx 68 nails/screws, i will get more ICE
To keep the garbage bags i use in place i will buy eight plastic wall hooks, these will be places at the corners of my 8″X9″ boxes separated by a 2X4 placed in the middle of the interior for support and separation of the bags.

The Expert answers:

Just buy 12 foot boards

Betty asks…

I’m curious, does your city or town recycle? What’s the policy on your garbage collection?

Our city has just issued one massive recycling bin for all plastics/papers/cans/jars/jugs, etc. and we are being hit with a new UTILITY BILL which charged us for the garbage bin we purchase (one bag, one and a half, three bags or five bags) the largest container costing $200 a year.

Every bag we put out that does not fit in the garbage bin will be charged to the utility bill – $3.00 a bag.

Seems we are out of places to send our GARBAGE. So we are hit hard but what about the rest of you?

What does your city or town do?

The Expert answers:

My town has mandatory recycling. They do not pick up. When I pay my taxes they give me a dump sticker and I have to take it there myself and sort it into the appropriate bins and not just paper, glass and plastic. We have to sort it into what kind of paper and what kind of cardboard(cardboard comes in several grades) and what kind of metal. Yes the cans too. Steal cans in one bin, aluminum in another. Same with glass and plastic. I would rather they pick it up and do it themselves . With the trash going into the compactor. We also have to pay to ecycle. That is to recycle electronics. It cost us $1.00 to put it in the ecycle bin. Then the state sells it to a company that recycles it.

George asks…

Another ” does this paragraph make sentence question’’ 1O POINTS?

hey i already asked this question can someone take a look at this paragraph for any spelling errors or grammar… plzzz 🙂

here is the paragraph

3. Yes I do think that even a little change can have a great impact on the overall ecological footprint of the world. I think this because if you think about it, lets say my family tries to reduce our waste by recycle, composing etc then that’s about 2 less garbage bags ending up in the land fill. If my family’s friends and their nauboures do the same then that’s hundred’s of garbage bags and food waste being made into fertilizer to grow crops and water bottles or garbage bags being recycled into cups, furniture etc. that would sooner or later spread on and contribute to reduce out earths total ecological footprint

The Expert answers:

3. Yes, I do think that even a little change can have a great impact on the overall ecological footprint of the world. I think this because if you think about it, let’s say my family tries to reduce our waste by recycling, composing etc. Then that’s about two less garbage bags ending up in the land fill. If my family’s friends and their neighbors do the same then that’s hundreds of garbage bags and food waste being made into fertilizer to grow crops and water bottles or garbage bags being recycled into cups, furniture etc. That would sooner or later spread on and contribute to reduce out Earth’s total ecological footprint.

Richard asks…

Do you recycle, or throw it all in the trash?

Do you recycle your garbage, or do you just throw it in the regular trash? We have curbside recycling service, but everything goes into the regular garbage anyway. It’s just easier to take the garbage out twice a day, then one bag a day and reycling once a week.

I know “everyone should do there part,” but honestly it’s just easier to throw it all away.

The Expert answers:

If it all goes in the trash anyway, why do they have curbside recycling? Doesn’t the recycling go in the recycling truck? I recycle, it saves tons of money on trash bags.

David asks…

What can I do with old 3×5 disks?

I have a garbage bag full of old 3×5 disks and would like to recycle them. I know they can be recycled but I can’t seem to find a way to do it. Most online companies want me to pay for processing. Has anyone ever done this before?

The Expert answers:

I had this problem too with my 5.25 floppys and my 3.5 discs.

I got creative and made things. There are a few sites out there that can give you ideas. Make bags, pencil holders and other geeky stuff that will make you the hit at the office.

Here’s a few links.

Carol asks…

Can a person get arrested for dumpster diving & stealing other people’s garbage?

My mother couldn’t find her phone & she thought maybe it got knocked into the little garbage can right next to her computer desk. She called it & some man answered & said he would give it back for $50.00 & to meet him at the store across the street. My sister took the neighbors’ with her, who said they knew who this guy was & got the phone back & didn’t pay the $50.00.

This got me thinking about what we throw in our garbage, so I’ve been trying to remember to tear up anything with personal information. So the other day, I see this car pull up right next to the dumpster & I see him jump in & he is taking full bags of garbage & putting them in his trunk. I had just thrown my garbage & my bag had a blue tint & I had torn up Dr. Pepper & Mountain Dew boxes which I could see through the blue tint, so one of the bags he took was definitely mine. I figured he took my bag because he figured there would be a lot of cans to recycle in it.

It all happened so fast, even if I would have called the police they wouldn’t have got there in time & I sure wasn’t going to go out there by myself & confront him. I’ve already been through a big ordeal with identity theft & someone even used my social security number for employment, so it’s frustrating to have to worry about what I throw away now.

So what would you do if you saw someone stealing your garbage? What precautions do you take or how do you prevent it?

The Expert answers:

You should shred all debt/credit card receipts and anything with an account number on it, like bills. If you have paper recycling like I do, then take that shredded paper and put it in the recycling; fewer people are likely to rifle through that recycling to find personal information.

So there’s 2 answers to this question:

1- If the garbage can is on private property, you can be charged with trespassing if you ‘dumpster dive’. However, for example, if you live in an apartment complex and you go into the big dumpster FOR the complex, you will not, because you live on the property.
2- If the garbage can is one like the big, green ‘Waste Management’ dumpster, there are some states where the content of what’s in that dumpster is ‘owned’ by Waste Management, so by going through it, you can be charged with trespassing.

If someone is going through your garbage on your property (the street is not your property and in many states, grass and driveway between the sidewalk and the street is not either), you should call the police. If it is not on your property (like if you left it for the trash man in the two places I listed above), then it’s in public property and you don’t have any recourse.

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