Monday, March 10, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Donna asks…

Bill Nye recycle factory how does it work?

Hello I bought a Bill Nye by Elmers recycle paper factory. Problem is when I got it home I put it up (for months) now I opened it and the directions are missing.
Does anyone have these? Anyone know where I can get them? The kids have waited months to do this and now we are stuck.
Melani- Thanks so far this is more then I have been able to find. They also give some great tips.
Not perfect but I kinda get it now.

The Expert answers:

I don’t have the instructions, but you might find some helpful information here:

Good luck!

John asks…

What can I bring to recycle at a recycling center?

I am looking to recycle cans and bottles for money (5-10 cents). I just wasn’t sure what was considered a bottle. I have an empty milk container (big plastic one) and an empty orange juice container. I also have an empty laundry detergent bottle. If these are rinsed out can they be used?

The Expert answers:

In canada you get 10 cents for beer bottles and cans and 20 cents for wine bottles at the beer store in Ontario. A good deal for americans since the dollars are at parity.

Lisa asks…

How much do i need to recycle to offset CO2 emissions?

My flight will produce 200kg of CO2. Using aluminium cans as my recycling product, how many would I need to recycle to offset for this flight?

The Expert answers:

Recycling aluminum cans is a better idea than sending money to china, but I think that you would have to drink a lot of beer to recycle enough cans. Better still would be to check into how your electrical supplier produces its electricity. If it uses coal, install some solar panels on your roof. If it uses hydroelectric power or nuclear power, buy a Chevy Volt.

Larry Larry

“CO2 is an essential nutrient gas. Why are you worried about that?”

CO2”s biological role is irrelevant and does not mean that CO2 does not absorb infrared. The giant sequoias did fine on 270ppm CO2.

Tin Bear

“every time you exhale you emit liters of CO2 into the atmosphere…the production of beer, wine and liquor causes CO2 to be emitted into the atmosphere… Every plant and animal that dies and decays results in CO2 being emitted into the atmosphere… It is impossible to stop the emission of CO2 into the atmosphere. A very small percent of all CO2 emitted into the atmosphere every year is due to humans.”

When we exhale or make beer, the CO2 we release is from CO2 which was absorbed by photosynthesis. This is different from CO2 from fossil fuels which was stored million of years ago. This CO2 from fossil fuels causes droughts and will cause the sea level to rise if we continue to add it to the atmosphere.

Daniel asks…

Where can I recycle cans in San Francisco for money?

We’re a bunch of college students with plenty of water bottles and cans that we want to recycle for some money. Where’s a good place in San Francisco to get the job done?

The Expert answers:

Check your towns local websites – they’ll have info for you

Richard asks…

What are the social, economical and ethical reasons of why we should recycle metals?

I am trying to encourage people to recycle metals and to do this I need to know the ethical, social and economical reasons to put on a poster showing people what damage it is doing and how important recycling metals are like quarrying, non renewable sources, religion e.c.t. I roughly know what they are but not in enough detail so I would appreciate it if you could help me!

The Expert answers:

Certain metals — e.g. Copper currently — sell for enough to cover the cost of recycling. Others do not. If they do not, there is little point in doing so.

Paul asks…

How do you recycle an old cell phone?

I have about 6 in my desk, and they need to go. Does any of you have specifics about where to recycle them?

The Expert answers:

Tesco will give you 500 points for an old phone.If you have 6 that will equal 3000.

3000 points = £30 pounds or £120 in deals = weekend away or family visit to theme park etc.

Check it out!

Steven asks…

Where can I recycle shaving cream and spray cans?

I feel like I should be able to recycle those metal cans under pressure(Things like shaving cream and spray olive oil for cooking) but I’m not sure that they pick them up in the blue bins… can anyone help?

The Expert answers:

If they are completely empty, you should be able to put them in the blue bins for recycling. They recycle them in my town and I can’t imagine why they wouldn’t recycle them in yours 🙂

Laura asks…

How do I recycle AED pads (automated external defibrillator) used on CPR training dolls?

When practicing CPR the pads we use on the dolls will last only about 10 times before the are so ‘dusty’ they will not stick properly. Replacing them with new ones is about 10$.

I came up with the idea to recycle them by just applying a new layer of adhesive but what would work best? It should come of easy but should keep the pads in place. Anybody that has experience or bright idea’s?

The Expert answers:

Quick and easy solution would be double sided tapes, especially carpet tape, but plain ‘office’ tape would work well enough. Plastic-based carpet tape is about the closest match for the adhesive.

I’ve wondered about the possibility of something like Velcro dots, which would serve a double purpose of replacing the weak stick-um and serve as a visual aid for locations.

Lizzie asks…

How can I recycle my own broken rain boots? Can I send them somewhere or reuse another way?

I have an old pair of rain boots. They are plastic on the outside but fabric on the inside. I’m trying to figure out if I can recycle them.

The Expert answers:

I have seen boots and shoes used as planters.


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