Monday, March 10, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Daniel asks…

what is the going rate per pound for recycled soda cans?

i am doing a project and trying to raise funds thru aluminum can recycling . want to know what price i should expect for the cans

The Expert answers:

Wish there was a simple answer to this. Say a national uniform recycling deposit act!!!

The link below shows what states have deposits and how much they are. Most seem to go with $0.05, but Michigan is $0.10.

Most of the other states go by a per-pound rate that seems to be around $0.67 on average.

Be warned though — don’t try to drive a few thousand cans and bottles up to Michigan to get the deposit rate (as in the “Seinfeld” episode). Bottles being returned are now scanned to see if they came from the state. You could possible be fined for trying to “sneak” out off state bottles / cans in.

David asks…

Recycling Center Prices?

Is there a website where you can find out the amount being paid per pound of aluminum or plastics in your area?

The Expert answers:

*Not that I know of, but for aluminum, you can call the three local salvage yards; Karco (Carbondale), T&T Recycling (Hurst), and Gary’s Metals (Carterville). Each will generally have slightly different prices, depending upon local competition and market values, which may fluctuate daily, weekly or monthly.

Paul asks…

What recyclable product has the highest price when the item is recycled?

Computer paper


Aluminum cans


The Expert answers:

By weight, it would be the aluminum cans. It can go for over $1.00 a lb. Paper products have never brought that much in.
Exception: if there was a deposit paid on a plastic bottle ( 5 cents in some areas) you would get alot more be recycling that if you got the deposit back, or if the deposit was figured into the price per pound at the recycling center.
At one time newspapers paid like 10cents per foot stacked (years ago- dont know about now)
Yup, i’d go with the aluminum. (but still recycle all you could)GL

Charles asks…

Do scrap yard and recycling center buy aluminum cans at different prices?;_ylt=AmVOHINYKdBsiMuIt_XDI60jzKIX?qid=20070107174930AA37UL8
This guy said aluminum sell for around .60 cents a lb or more. Do recycling centers give 5 cent a can or give you the market value? If they don’t could I sell the aluminum cans to the scrap yard?

The Expert answers:

I used to work for a recycler and it is best to shop around.
Go to and you can see the latest prices paid by the big dealers. Don’t expect the same. Lol

John asks…

What is the average price of a recycled pop can in ohio?

The Expert answers:

They pay by the pound, so you will have to call around and see what they are pricing at this time.they change prices all the time due to the markets and what they can (the recyclers) get for the

Linda asks…

can/bottle prices on recycling posts?

can anyone give me an estimate CRV price for each. thanks

The Expert answers:

Cans are $0.05 each and plastic bottles (2 liter sodas) are $0.10 each.
Hope this helps!

Sandra asks…

I’m in San Jose, CA and the best price paid for aluminum can recycling is $2.17 a pound! Can anyone find more?

The Expert answers:

That is a little above the average market price for loose Used Beverage Cans (UBC). Today’s spot was $0.29. Since there are about 33 cans at $0.05 a can in California, the equaling CA+ spot price would be $1.94.

Mandy asks…

where can i find the price of aluminum in wv because i want to recycle cans?

The Expert answers:

If there is an local recyclers you can call them and tell them whtat you have .There are also different grades of aluminum that means there are different prices .

Mary asks…

catalytic converters?

Does anyone know where in Skagit County, (or near by) Wa. you can recycle catatylic converters and what the going price/lb is? Any other info on recycle prices etc would be appreciated. Need to pay for my daughters wedding somehow! Help!!! Thanks!

The Expert answers:

You are not going to pay for a tip at to the cab driver to the wedding with the recycle money. I bought a brand new one for my Corvette for less than $100.
Little late to be thinking about paying for a wedding with recycle money.

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