Monday, March 10, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Paul asks…

What is the best job for high potential income?

What is the best job somebody can take or do that will lead to success and wealth

The Expert answers:

It isn’t necessarily the job – many people have gotten very successful and wealthy in very strange “jobs”… The rode to success and wealth is much more aligned with how WELL you do any job you take on – attitude and ability are what really count. You can start as a janitor and wind up owning the whole recycling business – you can start as a CEO and run the business into the ground. Find the occupation you LOVE and do your BEST at it.

Helen asks…

how to get started recycling?

I want to start recycling at home. I am totally clueless on where to start or what to even do. I do know that there is a recycling center not far from my home. Also my kids are small and I want to start recycling now so when they get older recycling is just part of their daily lives. Also I would like to read some websites if any one has any suggestions. Help?
As of right now we collect cans and give them to our neighbor and all of our other garbage goes into a bag and the trash man comes and gets it every Monday.

The Expert answers:

Stop by your local recycle center and see what they accept and how they want it separated. Most centers want lids off of bottles and some want them rinsed.

I set up a second can in the kitchen for most of my glass, plastic and cans. I found that if I didn’t make it easy my family wouldn’t do it. I set up a second sorting area near my outside garbage can. I made it my sons job to take care of the recycling and he gets to keep the money.

The easiest things to recycle in my area are newspaper, cardboard, glass, plastic #1 and soda cans. The others we have to go out of our way to recycle, but we can recycle all plastics, bimetal cans and other paper.

When setting up your indoor collection areas, remember it can be attractive and fit your style. I’ve seen people use wicker baskets, canvas bags, colorful plastic bins or find places to put the bins out of site.

A couple other items to consider recycling. I donate all textiles to Goodwill, even stained and torn, what they can’t use or repair they give to a company that can use them as rags. I also have a worm farm to composte my kitchen green waste.

Any other recycle questions can usually be answereed at

Carol asks…

why do we have to Recycle.?

i want to copy it for my homework

The Expert answers:

Saves Natural Resources – By making products from recycled materials instead of virgin materials, we conserve land and reduce the need to drill for oil and dig for minerals.

Saves Energy – It usually takes less energy to make recycled products; recycled aluminum, for example, takes 95% less energy than new aluminum from bauxite ore.

Saves Clean Air and Water – In most cases, making products from recycled materials creates less air pollution and water pollution than making products from virgin materials.

Saves Landfill Space – When the materials that you recycle go into new products, they don’t go into landfills or incinerators, so landfill space is conserved.

Saves Money and Creates Jobs – The recycling process creates far more jobs than landfills or incinerators, and recycling can frequently be the least expensive waste management method for cities and towns.

George asks…

Reason for paper recycle, why.?

The Expert answers:

Recycling paper produces numerous direct and indirect benefits:

Conserves resources (i.e. Saves trees)
Prevents emissions of many greenhouse gases and water pollutants
Saves energy
Supplies valuable raw materials to industry
Creates jobs
Stimulates the growth of greener technologies
Reduces the need for new landfills and incinerators

Linda asks…

recycling and trash?????/?

Why don’t the government pay people do sort the trash. Then our landfills wont build up. And give them a real wages. Like 8 dollars. I would do that for 8 dollars wouldn’t you? And we can find dead body’s. What do you think ?

The Expert answers:

That’s already being done in some places around the world. I.e. Here in Adelaide, Australia where I live all the general waste is sorted at a plant in Wingfield such as metals, building waste, plastics etc that people have thrown out rather than placed in their recycling waste bins. And it is a respectable job getting paid about three times of what you stated as some workers requiring a loader / forklift / truck license and so on.

Also, on every drink beverage container whether it be glass, plastic or carton; each have a 10cent return deposit on them to encourage recycling. This 10cents is added on the initial cost price of the drink(s) and is a great incentive to encourage the correct disposal and more so recycling of waste products. At the moment the current container return statistic here is at 80% which is fairly impressive.

As for the dead bodies part, I don’t know where about you come from but yes you may have a point. In the rare case of finding a body in the trash the chances of actually recovering one would be greater at a waste plant which sorts.

Ken asks…

I need a job??? Any suggestions???

I am younger than 15 how do i get a job?!!
Paper routes are too hard believe me i’ve tried

The Expert answers:

Bb sitting
micky ds
fast food resturaunts
walk dogs
odd jobs
the good ole lemonade stand
bake sale
house watching
buy grocery’s for the old (of course they give u the money)
wrk at library
Wash cars
make crafts then sell them

Mandy asks…

Does water get recycled back into the atmosphere after you drink it?

Water just keeps being recycled back in the atmosphere, but is it the same way when you drink it? Or is that water pretty much gone? I know your body eliminates through pee, sweat, etc, all of that being mostly all water… but is it usable? Does it come back again as rain?

I’m paranoid when I drink water because I want to conserve it as much as possible. LOL Yes I’m naive but atleast I care :o)

The Expert answers:

Yes water recycles.
Oxygen is recycled from CO2 by plants.
Fossil fuels are recycled from plants there are many things that are already recycled. The plants do a great job..

Sandy asks…

I’m doing a persuasive speech on recycling, and i can’t think of any good subtopics. I need three. Help?

I’m normally really good at speeches, but this ones turned out really difficult, propapbly because i DON’T actually recycle. But i have to write this for a class, and i need some really good subtopics. The overall speech is about recycling, but i need some good points on WHY people should recycle. Any help?

The Expert answers:

Recycling is sort of like exercising: we all know we should do it, but not all of us do it as often as we should—and some of us don’t do it at all. However, there are lots of reasons why you should make an effort to recycle as much as possible. If you haven’t been diligent about recycling your garbage, here are seven good reasons why you should start.

It cuts back on global warming. Our planet is starting to feel the effects of global warming already—and we need to do whatever we can to lessen the impact. Production of certain materials from scratch can release significant amounts of CO2 into the atmosphere. Aluminum production is a prime example—producing new aluminum creates 95% more CO2 than recycling old aluminum cans. In addition, recycling paper saves trees—for each ton of paper recycled, 17 trees are saved. Each of these trees can extract around 250 pounds of carbon dioxide from the air in a year.

It makes us more energy-efficient. It often takes a great deal more energy to create something from scratch than to recycle it. For example, it takes twice as much energy to burn plastic as to recycle it; it takes 64% more energy to make paper than to recycle it; and recycling just one pound of steel can save enough energy to run a 60-watt bulb for one day.

It keeps our landfills from overflowing. We’re fast running out of space for landfills—especially near cities. Seaside cities have been dumping trash into their oceans for decades to circumvent the problem, but with widespread marine ecological collapse, this is no longer a viable option. Worse yet, it’s difficult to find land in suburban and rural areas whose residents will allow landfills to come into their areas without a fight. The squeeze for landfill land is only going to get worse in the future.

Recycling gives us some hope for this bleak scenario. Studies show that 60% to 75% of garbage in landfills can be recycled. That means that if everybody recycled, we’d have 60% to 75% less garbage in our landfills, and we’d need at least that much less land for garbage disposal.

It improves the quality of our groundwater. The garbage in landfills is usually not treated in any way—it’s simply thrown in a big hole and buried over. Much of this garbage is not environmentally friendly or readily biodegradable—and it’s no surprise that contaminants can get into our water. Rain and other runoff from landfills gets into our streams, rivers, lakes, and other waterways, damaging fragile ecosystems. It’s also a major reason why it’s not safe to drink from streams and rivers when you’re hiking and camping—even when it looks like you’re in a pristine environment. Recycling reduces the trash in landfills, and the more we recycle, the more our water systems can start becoming as pure as they look.

It reduces air pollution. Many factories that produce plastics, metals, and paper products release toxins into the air. Recycle these materials, and there will be less need for companies to manufacture new materials—saving on the amount of pollution dumped into our atmosphere. In addition, disposing of certain recyclable materials can also produce significant pollution. For example, plastics are often burned in incinerators. Plastics are made with oil, and that oil is released into the atmosphere when the plastic burns—creating serious greenhouse-gas emissions.

It creates jobs. From manufacturing to processing, from collection to invention—it’s no secret that recycling is a growth industry, earning billions of dollars annually. Our need to recycle is only going to grow more urgent as populations grow and as technology changes. Recycling creates far more jobs than landfills do—enough jobs to make a big difference in a small town.

It adds to property value. It’s obvious that a landfill near your home can decrease your property values significantly. Recycling reduces the amount of land needed for landfills. This reduces the number of houses near landfills, keeping property values up and homeowners happy. The more people recycle, the fewer landfills we need—and if enough people pitch in, recycling should pay off for everybody.

It’s good business. Pitting business against the environment is a lose-lose situation: everybody suffers. And yet, that’s how the debate has been framed in politics and the public sphere for years. This is a shame, because the truth is that recycling just makes good business sense. Industrial factories and processing plants save plenty of money on energy and extraction strategies when they use recycled materials instead of virgin resources. They also ensure that basic resources don’t become a scarce commodity, keeping demand and prices down and ensuring that their business can continue for decades to come.

One person can make a difference. With so many good causes, it’s easy to get discouraged—especially when the problem is so widespread that it’s hard to see what difference your individual effort is making. Many people think this is true with recycling, too—but the truth is that small acts of recycling make a big difference. For example, recycling just one large newspaper would save around 75,000 trees. On average, each person in the U.S. Produces around 1,600 lbs. Of waste each year. If you recycled all of that, you could save around 1,100 lbs. Of waste per year—that’s over half a ton—just by yourself!

Maria asks…

job roles in waste recycling group?

* Landfill Disposal
* Energy Recovery
* Waste Treatment
* Reception and Recycling

which one of the above is a most science based job? what would the job role be, the responsibility the person that’s is in charge has, what they do, and how it relates to science.


The Expert answers:

How are you sister? I hope this link helps:

I hope I helped

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