Monday, March 10, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Lizzie asks…

What can you put in a landfill? What should be recycled?

are garbage bags also good for a landfill? i heard, that now they’re making a garbage bag that breaks-down, that melt…or something
melissa u weren’t really answering my question. that wasn’t what i was looking 4.

The Expert answers:

Theoretically, nothing *has* to go to a landfill. Practically, though, landfilling is the best choice for much organic waste. Bones can’t be composted; animal remains and waste (especially of carnivores and omnivores) shouldn’t be composted. Many plants have to be kept out of compost because of toxins that don’t break down in the short period of time most compost heaps are kept.

There’s also the economic point. Our city has stopped recycling plastic bags because they damage recycling sorting equipment so badly that they can cause millions of dollars of damage. Another city I lived in doesn’t have public recycling – and private recycling usually costs about $600 a year per household. $600 a year is $600 too much for most people.

I hope I never hear “save the planet” again. We aren’t saving the planet by recycling: we’re just making our modern lives a bit more sustainable. The planet will be here a billion years after humankind dies out.

Mark asks…

Can I recycle plastic bottles that have been?

I’m tired of people going through my recycling bin looking for plastic bottles. So I thought I’d save the PB and turn them in myself and give the extra $ to my daughter. The only problem is, I crushed them, wanting to fit more in one garbage bag! Can we still turn them in although crushed, and get money for it?
Do I have to remove the caps?

The Expert answers:

I live in another state, but here they won’t give you the deposit back on crushed cans or bottles. Maybe just try taking them in and see what they say. Good luck.

Donna asks…

Where can I recycle plastic bottles in Philadelphia?

I have many garbage bags full of plastic bottles. They are the .5L Poland Spring ones. I want to do my part and have these recycled.

does anyone know how???

The Expert answers:

There’s a plastic recycling center in downtown Philly.

Joseph asks…

For all families…how much garbage?

On average, how many bags of garbage do you put out a week? And how big is your family? Do you recycle?

Does your area have a limit for how much they’ll pick up?

My family of 4 puts out 2-3 white bags a week, I believe they’re 21L. We put out a laundry basket sized bin of recycling per week.

The Expert answers:

My family of 3 also puts out 2-3 white bags per week. I would rather recycle, but it is very inconvenient in my area. Living in an apartment, I would think they could easily stick a few recycling bins out back near the trash for us to use. … But now that you have pointed it out, and now that I have a car so I can actually drive my stuff to a place that does recycling, I’ll see about giving it a try.

I occasionally hear rumors that a recycling truck comes by once or twice a month or so. But I haven’t actually seen it. Not sure what kinds of limits they would set – guess I’ll have to call about that.

For the trash pick up we don’t have any limits other than certain items (like old furniture) can only be picked up once a month.

I do try to minimize how much we throw out. But my efforts don’t always work with 2 other people in the house with their own ideas of what should be thrown away and how.

Helen asks…

What should I do about this garbage picker???

The same person keeps coming up on my property and ripping through my trash. She comes at night or in the early morning and rips open all my recycling bags, takes the cans she wants and then dumps the trash on the side walk annd pour out the liquid contents making a huge mess on my sidewalk. I have repeatedly asked her to stop doing this bc I dont need to clean u p someone elses mess and shes disrespecting our block by trashing the sidewalks. Yet she continues to come back. So last night I screamed at her and cursed her out and ask her wtf is her problem and if she is just plain stupid. She then called me a b#tch! I was so pissed I pushed her into a pile of trash cans and told her to never come back or else I would kick her butt. Somehow this idiot has not learned her lesson. I really would prefer to not beat her up as I am not like that but what else could I do to teach her a lesson and to stay away???
i dont care enough to seperate them, get a job like everyone else, these answers are funny, keep them coming!

The Expert answers:

Threaten to treat her like an animal if shes going to behave like one. Tell her you will be drenching her with freezing cold water next time she comes around.

Sandy asks…

I wish to stop using plastic bags but what can I use to replace plastic bags in disposing wet kitchen waste?

Although I wish to be environmentally-friendly and is pro-using recycle/reusable shopping bag whenever I shop but I find it rather difficult to stop using plastic bags whenever I dispose the kitchen wet waste. In my country, there is no proper environmental-friendly garbage collection system set and the garbage man will only pick up our waste/rubbish when kept in a plastic bags. If I stop asking for plastic bags whenever I shop, I would probably still end up needing to buy plastic bags for my garbage. And I would end up spending more money. So, what can you suggest?

The Expert answers:

In addition to composting to reduce the volume of your waste (and thus the number of plastic bags), you can reuse other kinds of bags, such as large bags from dog food, mulch, shipping bags, etc. That might otherwise be thrown out empty.

Carol asks…

Have you ever considered wearing this for anything?


I’m wondering if you personally have considered wearing an unused/recycled plastic garbage/trash/bin bag as an outfit/dress for anything. If yes did you actually wear it. If no, will you at least try it once?


The Expert answers:

Lol our only start when a bin bag if they stopped making clothes

Thomas asks…

Are cloth “recyclable” grocery bags recycle-able?

I have a few that are full of holes, do I just throw them into the garbage or can they be recycled?
Thanx Joey, there is the recycle symbol on a couple, but I’m not sure if that means I can recycle them or that they were made from recycled material…..anyone else?
PS I live in Vancouver BC

The Expert answers:

Some are, some aren’t. If they are made from a plastic composite, then there’s a good chance. Check to see if there is any sort of recycling symbol on the bag. If they are cloth, then they probably aren’t recyclable. Regardless, think of how many plastic bags you saved while using those reusable bags!

Michael asks…

How do I say this in french ! ASAP its for my business !?

Hi I run a b and b and I need to give this not to my clients! lol 😛
Can you please if you speak french please put this into french for me please and thank you
Please attention
Ontario has very strict rules on garbage and recycling
You are only allowed 4 bags of garbage per week
The garbage is only allowed to be in garbage bags not clear or blue bags or it will not be taken
– All glass must be together and separate from everything
– All paper must be together and separate ( blue or clear garbage bags )
– All plastic together and separate ( blue or clear garbage bags used
– All food that can rot put into the conpostable bags provided . And into the tall green bin
When sanitization collection hear or see inproper procedure they will not take it .
As well they that was kept in the upstairs bedroom by the fire escape must be kept in the door for insurance purposes and your safety incase of fire put back immediatly for your safety

The Expert answers:

Veuillez lire ce qui suit avec attention:
L’Ontario a des règles très strictes en ce qui concerne les ordures et leur recyclage.
Vous n’avez droit qu’à 4 sacs à détritus par semaine.
Les détritus ne sont autorisés que dans des sacs à détritus, les sacs clairs ou bleus ne seront pas repris.
-Les verres doivent être ensembles et séparés du reste des détritus.
-Tous les papiers doivent être rassemblés et séparés du reste des déchets (utilisez les sacs bleus ou clairs).
-Tous les plastiques doivent être également rassemblés et séparés des détritus (utilisez les sacs bleus ou clairs).
-Toute nourriture pouvant pourrir doit être mise dans les sacs compostables fournis et ceux-ci doivent être déposés dans la grande poubelle verte.
Lorsque le service sanitaire constatera un non-respect de ces consignes, les déchets ne seront pas repris.

[sorry I didn’t understand very well what you wrote in your last sentence about the upstair bedroom, if you clarify what you wanted to say, I’ll be able to translate it 😉 ]

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