Saturday, March 15, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Donald asks…

Recycling Statistics???

I need it for school… and I don’t want wikipedia…
Just random Recycling Statistics would be good. Or if you know like a list of states with recycling laws and stuff.

thanks in advance.

The Expert answers:

Check this out. It is a Google search and it looks like it has a not of stuff that might interest you.

Lisa asks…

recycling statistics…?

i need some recycling statistics for a project for school. PLEASE HELP!

The Expert answers:

According to the National Recycling Coalition, “it takes 95% less energy to recycle aluminum than it does to make it from raw materials. Making recycled steel saves 60%, recycled newspaper 40%, recycled plastics 70%, and recycled glass 40%. These savings far outweigh the energy created as by-products of incineration and land filling.”

Charles asks…

Statistics about recycling and jobs related to recycling in Atlanta?

Hi, I need to write a paper about recycling in Atlanta and I need some statistics about the number of recycling programs in Atlanta, number of jobs related to recycling, landfills in Atlanta, and any other information related to recycling and Atlanta.
Does anyone know where I can find information and statistics like that?

The Expert answers:

Try talking to the local agency that is responsible for recycling. Start with the phonebook (the paper one) and look thru it until you find something like “Department of Public Works”.

Richard asks…

Who has interesting statistics on recycling?

A school friend and i have to do a 10 minute presentation on recycling and would appreciate any kind of help you could give us. Thankyou!
Thanks everyone!
Keep them coming!

By the way stormsis, this isnt homework, this is to be presented at a conference consisting of over a dozen schools. We have volunteered for this. We just need some great stats. But anyway, Thank you for your help!

The Expert answers:


Ruth asks…

What are some statistics about recycling in America?

level of recycling and composting wastes.
Help for my science paper please!

The Expert answers:


For every ton (2000 pounds) of recycled paper, you save:

• 17 small trees• 3 cubic yards of landfill space
• 7000 gallons of water (amount saved by producing paper from recycled material versus virgin pulp)

In partnership with our valued customers, we will be able to help conserve more than 8500 trees, 1500 yards of landfill space and 3,500,00 gallons of water in a years time.

Http:// is not just a document security company, We value the environment and work hard everyday to help protect it.

Jenny asks…

What would be a good site to find out the statistics on recycling in schools?

i noticed many schools in my area aren’t doing much to help the environment and i want to make a difference.

The Expert answers:

Google around, I’m sure there are lots of statistics on schools. Conservation of water is something that you can start spreading awareness about as and when you get an opportunity to – like write an article in your school magazine for a start. gives details on why it is important to use water wisely. Http:// gives some excellent tips on water conservation.

Linda asks…

Does anyone have any solid statistics for the recycling plant in Peterborough?

Data on how much is recycled, what is recycled, who it is ran by etc would be great!

The Expert answers:

The table below is a direct extract from a government backed web site;it took me approximately 1 minute to find it. En route there was a web site on which Peterborough invited anyone with questions to complete a form, on line and submit it; alternatively there was a number you could ring. It was also interesting to discover that Peterborough is in the forefront of waste control; there was a strategy document on this subject also given exposure. If I can get this far this quickly you should be get far more detailed information than I have ; explore the web.
List of Partner Councils and their household waste recycling performance figures for 2008/09, shown as approximate tonnes and percentage of total household waste
Recycled Composted Land filled total waste

Peterborough City Council 20,59823,056 47,211 90,865
22.67% 25.37% 51.96%

AS a personal observation; over 50 percent of waste still going to Land fill is an indictment on the waste inherent in our society.
Ps the table does not “carry across to the web site, so I will summarise it here:
Peterborough recycled 22.67 percent of its waste,composted 25.37 percent and 51.96 percent went to landfill

Thomas asks…

Can anyone give me some good statistics about recycling?

amount of waste generated, things that show why schools should recycle, ect.

The Expert answers:

You can find some good information on recycling here:

James asks…

can you give me recycling statistics and the resourses you found them from?

The Expert answers:

Our mother Earth which has a bio-capacity — natural absorption rate of organic carbon in the soil mantle, but our human animal had already discharged double that figure, with the developed nations being the biggest contributor and preacher of recycling, whilst shipping millions of tons of solid waste to another geological cleft.

In a vicious dose-dependent cycle, such amount of toxic waste affects global geochemical balance; further contribute to the shifting in climate and trophic levels (food chains) in the ecosystem, known as the bio-magnification. What a wise eclecticism.

The volume of solid waste discharged in the Earth’s biosphere has reached a geological figure of 400 million tons per annum and rising, in a generation’s time, mankind will suffocated in its own garbage.

The natural absorption rate of organic carbon in the soil mantle is estimated 42 million tons annually.

Human animal discharge of organic carbon had reached 85 million tons per annum — doubled the earth’s natural absorption ability.

Why rising, read below, no body even notice that 1 billion more people on Earth in just 10 years, a break record this time, not a good news. And only China is doing something about it – one world, one dream same nightmare.

We celebrated on the eve of the new millennia with 6 billion people on Earth, since another billion people had joined our party by 2010 — 6 billion in 1999 now 6.8 and by next year today 7 billion.

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