Monday, March 10, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Ruth asks…

The soil on a farm can very quickly become depleted of the minerals essential to plants because harvesting of?

A)reproductive cycles of animals
B)recycling of inorganic compounds
C)flow of energy
D)transport of groundwater

The Expert answers:

If this is your home work. I don’t wonder that you are confused. None of the four answers given is complete or accurate.

The depletion of minerals in farm soils is caused by either the export of those minerals in produce. Be it animal or plant. Or the leaching of those minerals from the movement of water and soil particles from that ecosystem.

A good soil structure with lots of humus and organic matter will mean that minerals will be held in the soil. Also all farms should have nutrient traps to prevent nutrients from leaving the farm other than in produce. Most active biological soils have the ability to access and replace mineral loss through the export of produce. The quickest way to deplete soil minerals is to kill the soils biological activity and force water through the ecosystem with out Nutrient traps.

You will find some information on Biological farming here


Lizzie asks…

Will YOU do your bit to save the environment?

Basically, I just want everyone to work together to save our beautiful planet.
So, would you like to help?
All you have to do is do two or more “green things” today, like turning off all of the unused lights in your house, gathering up some recyclable trash and recycling it, or walk, cycle or use public transport to get to work tomorrow. Then answer in what two or more green things you did today (remember: the more, the merrier!)
Thanks for stopping by to do your bit!

The Expert answers:

I don’t understand why people feel the need to make facetious, unintelligent and rude remarks on topics such as this one. Congratulations on being ignorant and selfish! Way to go!

I ride my bike to school
Recycle as much as possible
Refuse excess packaging
Keep the heat turned down
Don’t buy bottled water
Eat lower on the food chain

Nancy asks…

Do i need to recycle filter media that came from a tank thats already been cycled?

My friend has a tank that he wants me to have, and he already cycled his filter. But the filter hasn’t had water running through it for a few weeks. is the bacteria dead? Or will it come back once I run water through it?

The Expert answers:

You will be starting over. The beneficial bacteria in a filter start to die off in a matter of hours.

In that case, you might as well start with fresh filter media in case anything got to it while it was not in use.

Mary asks…

What would be the best supplement for a cutting cycle MR. Supplements Beastdrol or Helladrol?

Yes, I wanted to know would be best to run first MR.Supplements Beastdrol or Helladrol? I want to gain some muscle and also cut a bit. So what would be best for a cutting cycle Helladrol or Beastdrol? And my pct would be anabolic innovations cycle support, PES Erase, Purus labs recycle.

The Expert answers:

Your best answer would probably come from a personal trainer or a doctor that works with body builders. There are far too many products on the market and far too many spammers and scammers (those who sell fake products and whatnot) that you’ll want to find out the type of product you should get from a trusted source and you can probably find said product at your local health food store. Any answers for a specific product you would get online would probably just end up being spam. Good luck and I hope I helped!

Thomas asks…

how does the water cycle recycle matter?

I need this for school and i could not find it on the internet… HELP! plz

The Expert answers:

A matter of evaporation.

Carol asks…

Earth’s geochemical and biogeochemical cycles are important because they tend to maintain a balance of Earth’s?

Earth’s geochemical and biogeochemical cycles are important because they tend to maintain a balance of Earth’s materials.


On Earth, old matter is recycled into new matter.


The Expert answers:

Earth’s geochemical and biogeochemical cycles are important because they tend to maintain a balance of Earth’s materials.


On Earth, old matter is recycled into new matter.


Mark asks…

Is it possible to ever run out of water?

I don’t know the technological aspect but I can’t imagine that water, which is recycled through the Earth’s natural cycles, like every other resource would ever run out.

The Expert answers:

Ocean water? Probably not.

Clean, drinkable water? Yes.

Jenny asks…

So I have to recycle my tank cos I had to clean it out. Will the cycle start again on it’s own?

I have a betta in there. Can he survive a cycle. How can I make sure he does?

The Expert answers:

Depends how well you cleaned it?

If the gravel remained wet, and you kept the filter media then you still have most of the cycle, even if you scrubbed the tank and changes 100% of the water.

Even if you didn’t, the tank will naturally cycle again, and a betta will probably survive the process.

Extra water changes for the next few weeks should ensure he stays healthy.


James asks…

Can someone please answer this biology question?

Which of the following is NOT recycled in a biogeochemical cycle in the biosphere?

A. Energy
B. Nitrogen
C. Carbon
C. Water


The Expert answers:

A, Energy.

It says, well known cycles are
“carbon cycle, the nitrogen cycle, the oxygen cycle, the phosphorus cycle, the sulfur cycle, and the water cycle”

carbon cycle, the nitrogen cycle, the oxygen cycle
doesn’t say the Energy Cycle. After all, it doesn’t pass through the environment as energy. Nitrogen goes through as nitrogen compounds, but Energy goes through chemicals like Carbon Dioxide and Oxygen.

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