Monday, March 10, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

James asks…

Does Wal-Mart or any other companies recycle?

im doing a project on waste products and i want to know if Wal-Mart or any other companies recycle at all (for example like Johnson and Johnson). if they do can i please have a list of them.

The Expert answers:

You should check our CER wires for your research, theyre always putting out press releases to show that theyre not all bad

Donna asks…

How to terminate waste collection contract.?

I am so unhappy with the level of service I am receiving from a waste collection company called biffa. I reduced my collection from 2 to 1 per week as I opted for recycling with their company. I have quite a bit of backed-log waste as they refuse to take it claiming its too haevy & they don’t come back when they say they will. I spend the cost savings of the reduction on calling their offices almost most weeks, I have complied to what they say, like meeting them to take the waste out if it is too heavy at their stated time but they dont turn up!!

In this state of economy, you think meeting invoices is more stressful, but this company is far worst! Please help!! I have read their T&C’s, if I terminate they probably would make me pay damages of 40%. This contract was also automactically ‘rolled-over’ as I failed to notify them last contractual year.

Also, what is the regulation over ‘rolled-over’ contracts?? They seem to cause soo much problems!

The Expert answers:

You need to read your original contract and its conditions regarding the “roll-over”. It may have been in there that unless you told them by a certain date you didn’t wish to continue they could roll it over. If so, and you accepted those conditions and didn’t tell them you’re stuck, I’m afraid. If you’re uncertain of the terms you’ll need to get a lawyer to look at them.

Betty asks…

Where in Broward County can I DROP OFF a computer for recycling?

I am in Broward County, FL. As a favor, I am helping a friend clean out his small company’s offices. They’re moving. He is in a very small commercial park which does not provide, or have contacts with, any places where you can DROP OFF electronics items to be recycled. He has 6 old computers that need to be recycled properly. Not by hiring somebody with a sledgehemmer to come smash them, which another friend actually suggested to me (!)

No, I need to follow the law and have this disposed of properly. And we are NOT going to hire a trash disposal company to do this for him.

I know there must be a place, like a junkyard or some kind of waste mgmt center, in Broward County, FL, where a person can just drive in and drop off items to be salvaged/recycled. And yet, calling the county’s offices has not helped.

Does anyone out there know where I can take the stuff? Thank you for the advice. And please, if you own/know of a trash disposal company, plz do NOT respond.

The Expert answers:


Start there, and find the closest center to you. If you are a business, you need to contact 954-577-4160 for disposal information. If there isn’t too much stuff, you can claim the disposal as a resident to avoid fees. 6 computers are small enough to do that.

Daniel asks…

Where can a mid-sized corporation find information about a recycling program?

I’m a city planner and we’re always printing out large-format drawings, marking them up, and then throwing them away. Problem is, we just throw them in the garbage. Before I got to the company, they had a dumpster outside of the building that was to be used for paper and cardboard. This didn’t end up working out because after hours people would bring regular garbage and throw it in there with the recyclables. The recycling service said that once it’s all mixed up like that, then all of it has to go to the regular garbage. Bummer.

Since much of it wasn’t getting recycled, my company was no longer able to justify paying for the recycling services. I’m trying to encourage the VP to implement it again, but I’d like to have some good information so we have a good place to start.

Can anybody offer any advice or point me in the direction of where I can find examples of some ways corporations can benefit from implementing recycling programs? We waste a LOT of paper daily!

Thanks in advance.

The Expert answers: has lots of info about recycling.

Maria asks…

Does anyone have an issue with vehicles that waste fuel?

I have some issues with people who drive large vehicles to commute, especially with 1 person! I do my best to be kind to mother earth, recycle, don’t drive very much, purchase recycled materials and use green companies. I can’t stand to see people driving around in vehicles with only 1 person in them. What are other peoples views on this? Don’t we realize that our resources are going to run out?
I want to make it clear, I am NOT trying to offend anyone. This is important to me and am wanting to find out how other people feel.

The Expert answers:

Though I agree that humans, especially Americans (statistically), are incredibly wasteful, this isn’t really a debate place. But I won’t be a killjoy, I agree that people who drive Hummers sicken me. They cost $40,000 and have like 3-5mpg. They’re ugly too. When I see those people I wonder, “WHY?!” but the truth is, people generally don’t care about anything but their own lives. They may care a little about other things, but many people only care about what is going on in their lives. Some people are just uninformed. It’s sad really..

Sandra asks…

I want to know the uses of waste tires,how they can be shredded and recycled?

Any companies willing to share technologies for using waste tires – names and addresses and contact details will help.

The Expert answers:

I know they are used to rubberize high school tracks. The asphalt makes up the track then a company comes in a ‘rubberizes’ it. This makes it more comfortble and gives less risk of injury to the runners. I dont know any names or numbers, but check it out on the web. Lookfor companies that shred tires to rubberize tracks.

Sandy asks…

WHERE in Broward County can I DROP OFF a computer for recycling?

I am in Broward County, FL. As a favor, I am helping a friend clean out his small company’s offices. They’re moving. He is in a very small commercial park which does not provide, or have contacts with, any places where you can DROP OFF electronics items to be recycled. He has 6 old computers that need to be recycled properly. Not by hiring somebody with a sledgehemmer to come smash them, which another friend actually suggested to me (!)

No, I need to follow the law and have this disposed of properly. And we are NOT going to hire a trash disposal company to do this for him.

I know there must be a place, like a junkyard or some kind of waste mgmt center, in Broward County, FL, where a person can just drive in and drop off items to be salvaged/recycled. And yet, calling the county’s offices has not helped.

Does anyone out there know where I can take the stuff? Thank you for the advice. And please, if you own/know of a trash disposal company, plz do NOT respond.

The Expert answers:

Proof of residency required

North Collection Center
2780 N. Powerline Rd., Pompano Beach
Fridays and Saturdays, 8 a.m.-3 p.m.

South Collection Center
5601 W. Hallandale Beach Blvd., Hollywood
Fridays and Saturdays, 8 a.m. – 3 p.m.

ARC Broward, Inc.
10250 NW 53rd St., Sunrise
Monday-Friday, 8:30-4:00 p.m.

Jenny asks…

Poll Question: How many of you are aware of computer and other electronic recycling programs?

I am writing a paper, and need to conduct a public poll. If you want to add any info that you know about recycling of e-garbage or e-waste that would be fine.

Basically, all the computers and other electronic equipment that ends up in our landfills are causing serious harm to our environment. Some states offer rebates on your taxes for recycling, some companies offer the recycling for no cost to the consumer, some charge a fee to recycle the equipment.

How many of you are aware of such programs in your state ( or if you live in another country, programs where you live) that accept used electronic equipment for recycling? If you answer yes, have you ever used these services? If you answer no, are you aware of the effects on the environment from disposing of electronic equipment in landfills or in burned in incinerators?

The Expert answers:

I am aware of it.

Lizzie asks…

i work im a constuction company in kuala lumpur and i would like to sell my wood waste?

im finding a list of company to buy my wood waste and could use in recycle industry such as agriculture

The Expert answers:

You could post selling leads on B2B to find the wood waste buyer.

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