Monday, March 10, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Michael asks…

extra summer cash?

so I have a job already, but I only work nights.
so I was thinking I can do some stuff for my neighborhood, like walking dogs, or taking out the recycle to the big bin.

what are some more things I can do, I don’t do yard work.
and no “intense” cleaning, like mopping or cleaning a bathroom.
well I do do them, but I don’t want a job doing them haha.

also what should I charge?
I don’t want to charge too much.
and how long should I take the dogs out for a walk? 30 min? 1 hour?

what would you pay someone to do for you?

Thank you (:

The Expert answers:

Mary Kay Facts
Summer Pilot Program

Try being a Consultant for a month or two,
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Mary Kay ~ Enriching Women’s Lives

Lisa asks…

i.m so desperate for a good…?

laugh right about now. i.m in a really bad mood. i need something to cheer me up? i.m bored && sad. please? just say something funny?

other than the fact that the suggested category is valentines day?

The Expert answers:

You Must Be A Redneck If

* You recycle your own toilet paper * Your mom has to shave more times a month than your dad * You see a bill board that says ‘Don’t do crack’ and it reminds you to pull up your pants. * You stare at a carton of orange juice because it says ‘concentrate.’ * Your bumper sticker reads: ‘One more Whore and We Get Gore.’ * The nativity scene you set up in your yard at Christmas includes two pink flamingos and baby Jesus lying in a painted tire. * Most of your teeth are on a chain around your neck. * You hunt from your bedroom window. * Your dad walks you to school because you’re in the same grade. * You refrigerate your food stamps. * You use a 10 penny nail to pick your teeth after a night of road kill. * You have ever dressed your child as a ‘Snot-rag’ for Halloween. * Your idea of a loaded dishwasher is getting your wife drunk. * You and your spouse get divorced and you are still relatives. * You go to your local ice cream store and order Copenhagen ‘sprinkles’ on your cone. * You know instinctively that red wine goes with opossum. * You’re always looking to find your Mother-in-Law’s picture on the back of a milk carton! * The officer that just pulled you over asks if ‘you have any I.D.’..and you respond ‘About whut?’ * You take a beer to a job interview. * You are caught roll’n your trailer down the street to jump start the heater. * When you finish eatin’ your bologna you use the rind for dental floss. * You go to Goodwill to meet women. * You and your friends are putting an engine in a pickup, drinking beer, and the conversation is: Which county jail has the best food!

Sorry you’re sad =[. Stupid jokes like these always make me laugh. You probably won’t think there that funny but i tried lol.

Sharon asks…

Please answer and help me urgently?

Hi everyone

Can someone please give me advantages of factory farming. I desperately need some facts.

Please help meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee


Thanks everyone 4 answering. Best answer will be rewarded.


The Expert answers:

Aspects of factory farming

Low monetary cost — Intensive agriculture tends to produce food that can be sold at lower cost to consumers. This is achieved by reducing land costs and management costs.
Standardization — Factory farming methods permit increased consistency and control over product output.
Efficiency — Animals in confinement can be supervised more closely than free-ranging animals, and diseased animals can be treated faster. Further, more efficient production of meat, milk, or eggs results in a need for fewer animals to be raised – at the expense of food quality and animal or plant health.[citation needed]
Economic contribution — The high input costs of agricultural operations result in a large influx and distribution of capital to a rural area from distant buyers rather than simply recirculating existing capital. A single dairy cow contributes over $1300 US to a local rural economy each year, each beef cow over $800, meat turkey $14, and so on. As Pennsylvania Secretary of Agriculture Dennis Wolff states, “Research estimates that the annual economic impact per cow is $13,737. In addition, each $1 million increase in PA milk sales creates 23 new jobs. This tells us that dairy farms are good for Pennsylvania’s economy.” [56]
Food safety — Reducing number and diversity of agricultural production facilities may make oversight and regulation of food quality easier. Centralized and standardized food production can protect general food safety.[citation needed]
Animal health — Larger farms may employ greater resources to maintain a high level of animal health. Larger farms can potentially employ expert employees who devote their working hours to assessing animal health, a task which would be cost-prohibitive for most small farms. Larger farms may be more able to make regular use of veterinarians and the resources of state and federal agricultural extension services. Industrial agriculture generally provides more mechanisms for the use of antibiotics to prevent and treat diseases than non-industrial agriculture.[citation needed]
Diseases – Intensive farming may make the evolution and spread of harmful diseases easier. Many communicable diseases spread rapidly through densely spaced populations of animals with low genetic diversity. Animals raised on antibiotics may develop antibiotic resistant strains of pathogenic bacteria (“superbugs”).[57] Use of animal vaccines can create new viruses that kill people and cause flu pandemic threats. H5N1 is an example of where this might have already occurred.[58][59][60]
Pollution — Large quantities and concentrations of waste are produced.[61] Lakes, rivers, and groundwater are at risk when animal waste is improperly recycled. Pollutant gases are also emitted. Concentrations of animals can produce unacceptable levels of foul smells as opposed to the tolerable odours of the countryside. In less intensive conditions, natural processes can break down potential pollutants. Large farms can maintain and operate sophisticated systems to control waste products. Smaller farms may be less able to invest in the same standards of pollution control.[citation needed]
Ethics — Cruelty to animals: Crowding, drugging, and performing surgery on animals. On some farms, chicks may be debeaked when very young. Confining hens and pigs may lead to physical problems such as osteoporosis and joint pain, and psychological problems including boredom and frustration, as shown by repetitive or self-destructive actions.[62] Animal treatment is subject to welfare legislation, though there is not consensus on what is acceptable. Some harmful treatments, such as debeaking, are tolerated on the basis that the alternative is greater harm to the animals.[citation needed]
Destruction of biodiversity — A tendency towards using single adapted breeds (a mono-culture) in factory farming, both in arable and animal farming, gives uniform product designed for high yields, at the risk of increased susceptibility to disease. The loss of locally adapted breeds reduces the resilience of the agricultural system. The issue is not limited to factory farming and historically the problem is reflected in the rapid adoption of one or two strains of crops across a wide area as seen in the Irish potato famine of 1845 and the Bengal rice famine in 1942.[63] The loss of the gene pool of domesticated animals limits the ability to adapt to future problems. This issue exists in all types of farming practices.[citation needed]
Nutrient poor food – Heavy reliance on non-heritage, high yield breeds of plants and animals reduce nutrient content. This is also symptomatic of heavy use of heavy chemical pesticides, fertilizers and depleted soil conditions from intensive, non-rotated use.[citation needed]

Carol asks…

If you were God,would you move around from one point in space to the next creating each planet?

seperately,which you could do if you were God,or would you initiate a process that you knew would get it all done ? And if you were God,would you create each animal in all it’s complexity seperately,or initiate a process that does the job perfectly ? I think if God is intelligent,He would put animals on earth,which is constantly changing it’s climate,that could change and adapt with it,evolve.?? ( not trying to prove God’s existence,that’s pointless !!)

The Expert answers:

Automated creation huh… Too cute.

Honestly, my take is that life/energy is never lost, just transformed. The universe is the perfect example of this, star constantly being formed by the matter that old stars exude when dieing. The universe is one big recycling center, in essence. So with this being said, if I believed in God, or in fact was God, I would like to make the process of creating (or rather recycling) as enjoyable and unique as possible. Spending my time getting all the quirky little details that would set this planet apart from the other trillion, just right!

What a fun thought process!

William asks…

I read today in the newspaper that Sheryl Crow asked her fans to only use one square of toilet paper…?

… whenever possible! That is just complete insanity! I need mittfulls of TP to properly clean myself after using the facilities! Jeepers Creepers! Has she lost her mind? I don’t need 2-ply, and I don’t need really fluffy, brand new stuff. In fact, I like recycled paper because it doesn’t unravel in your hairy crack. Sorry to be so graphic, but I NEED to be clean in that area… I sometimes feel it necessary to use ‘personal wipes’ that have been sealed in lovely lotion… Is that wrong?
I think she said she was joking only because she realized afterwards what a bonehead thing to say it was. But i could be wrong… I like her music, by the bye… and the question was kind of facetious too…. Q!

The Expert answers:

ROTFLMAO! That is sooo funny! I do agree with you, one square just won’t cut it esp. On the heavy duty jobs. Nothing wrong with being clean!

Daniel asks…

Permaculture: Can we buy ourselves green?

Permaculture: Are people missing the point about the green message? Instead of cutting down our own consumption people seem more concerned about buying themselves green. Buy MORE recycled products. Buy new dual flush toilet cisterns replacing perfectly good ones, when the could put a brick in the cistern? Buying solar panels and wind turbines instead of insulating lofts, filling gaps and putting on a jumper etc. Can we ‘buy’ ourselves green?

The Expert answers:

You’re exactly right. The key is to drop the myths and scare tactics of the special interests and look at the facts. You mentioned some specifics–here’s a counterpoint: the “macro” or broader view:

Shifting to a “green” way of doing things means economic development–in two ways. First, “conservation” means–or should mean–not “doing without” but increasing efficiency. That LOWERS costs. One small example illustrates the point: I switched to energy-efficient light bulbs. I’m not “doing without” anything–but my electric bill has dropped $8-10/month.

That’s money I spend on other things–which, multiplied by millions of people, means more demand for goods and services–hence more business, new jobs, etc. Economists call this the “multiplier effect.”

The other half of this is alternative enrgy production. That implies developing new technologies–which ALWAYS means new industries, new (and good) jobs–and economic growth.

In other words, yes–we CAN buy our way to a “green” world–in fact, that’s the best and easiest way to get the job done. Everyone benefits–especially the average person who will get more opportunities, better products, and ultimately cheaper energy.

Well, almost everyone. I suppose this is a disaster if you’re an oil company fat cat.

Maybe I’ll send them a sympathy card. Lol

Paul asks…

Why did someone STEAL the resonator on my car ?

Hi all.

I left my 1999 Grand am on the street and when I went to the car this morning it was really loud, I got scared and shut off my car. I looked underneath and someone cut off my resonator from the exhaust system. I was crying and I’m just wondering why would someone steal something like that off my car ?
No. the catyletic converter is on the car. they stole the resonator.

The Expert answers:

I would be willing to bet that your “resonator” was actually your “catalytic converter.” The catalytic converter has a high content of precious metals inside, and makes them quite valuable at a metal recycling shop. Unfortunately the metal recycle folks (many of them…not all) don’t care about the fact that they area recycling a stolen item – they just want to make a profit from the item that they just purchased.

I’m sorry this happened to you, but due to the fact that crack addicts need money, they steal high value items that are easy to turn into money. Here in my home town, the government has passed a law that the metal recycle shops have to get personal ID from everybody that brings in metal to recycle, and then they send a check in the mail: no cash.

Here is some good news though, you can purchase a replacement catalytic converter on eBay for about $100, and then have a muffler shop install it for about $70.00. By “good news” I meant that going this route will be a whole lot cheaper than just having a muffler shop do the entire job for you- that would be about $400.00. Call around and get the best price on the install.

My best to you!

Ken asks…

pray tell what is the meaning of this scripture??

weep and wail,because of the misery that is coming upon you. Your wealth is rotted,etc etc (more of same)will testify against you and eat your fleshlike fire. you have hoarded wealth IN THE LAST DAYS look the wages you failed to pay—-are crying out against you the cries have reached the ears of the almighty, you lived in luxury and self-indulgence(lots more of the same) the rich will be condemned. might this affect how one votes James , 5 :1-5

The Expert answers:

This is the prettle of an ignoramusWho is insulting God unwittingly. He seems to think that God is a magistrate fuctioning under him to conduct an enquiry into whatever a person did that was a sin acording to the whims and fancies of the ignoramusSuch tactics were used by somecrooks in the past proclaimig themselves the sole agent of god on earth to threaten innocent people of harsh punishments in the aftr-life which no one can ever dream of having have.The fact is that even when a man is alive , the pain is felt by the tissues of the flesh and teh brain idetifies the spot of the damage .This sensation won’t be there in spirit even assuming that the spirit really exists and is capable of independent existence. Another important facr , scientific fact is that nothing really ever dies.For proof , take a small bit of any part of the so-called dead body and scrutinize it under an electron microscope . You would see teh electron in evry atom of the various elements of which the tiisues of th body are made of spinning around teh proton with hte same speed with which they are running in the atom of any or the same element in the body of a so-called living being or any inanimate matter ever dies in thie world .cience has also has already testified to this fact and proved that matter never dies,This is what the hindu upanishads and Bahavad Gita also tells .matter is indestructible and and any bieng never dies . They change form one to another. Nature recycles as we recycle the tins . Plastics and paper. None of these recycled stuff return as what they were before recycling , but return as other stuff of the same kind .We go no wher and before no God for judgement .God is not a loafer with out any wasting his time doing the job of a magistrate to please the imagination of some ignoramuses.If at all he had done any such job , it should have been to judge the ignoraus to punish him by consigning him to hell for telling lies to thereaten innocent people to exercise authority over them by a false self-procalamation as his sole agent. For tunately for those people also , God could not hae have done that , for god has better things to do.. Nothing could ever follow any man to hell or heaven.neither his good nor his bad follows him anywher after his death , for he he goes no where . Nothing fromn theis earth is capapble of escaping the gravity and atmospher of this earht,Even the gods would not escape the earth’s garavity. All that a man hoards here ,will be here only as no man can take anything with him when he dies.A man has to forget even his name and address and everything he learned here , befeore he is fit to go. No man dies if there is evn a trace of consciousness . Only after the brain dies that a man is declard dead . So evey man reaches at the time of death ,the same stage at which he was while he was born. A blank slate . A blank hard disc in his mind . That means tha no man really takes anythign for himself and he leaves everything behind when he goes , Where is the question of his being punished for taking everything for himself ? If really people who preach such things to the innocen tpoeple beliegved in such things , there could have been no instnces of the preiests commiting sexual offenses in the premises of the churches and temples and ptople killing innocent humans in the name of religon. It is all humbug and falsehood . If yu want to see if really anything lives even after what we call death, just do this and see for yur self . Just burn some piece of paper to ashes . Now you have burned an apparently a piece of papaer you call that is life less and inanimate . Further you have burnt it to ashes . So absolutely thwre is no possibility of its having any life in it . Now if you see the shes under an electron microscope to look at the atom of the burned piece of paper the carbon element of the burned portionof the papaer . Try to get it by some labopratiory and see if it is dead. You e=will see the carbon atome very much alive . Water can not wet it and fiore can not burn it . It is itself water and it is itself is fire. It is undying and unceasing in its action. If it cease s to work , the whole unierse would cease to exist . Matter is never dead . Nothing made of matter is efer dead . Man also never dies . He only changes from one to another . We cahnge roles . That is the order of the universe.. We brought notheing , and so we take away nothing .The learned – very highly learned and the unletttered , the saint and teh sinner were all the same when they came and again they are all thesame when they go. It is only here that they are spoken of differently. But no wher elese.hell and jeaen are here only . And we who create it them and mange them. God does not demean himself to do such jobs for the ingnoramuses.So forget the prattle . Try to be happy . The only way to e happy is to keep evry body around you happy. You will feel a good scent and aroma in a gardenof lowers evenif you have some stink on you . But if you sit in th emidst of stinking filth , even if you have sprauyed yourself with the best perfume , you will only smell filth . So it is necessary to make people around happyif you want to be happy. Simple but great philosophy.that never involves any fear of hell or heaven.

Steven asks…

How many people are really afraid of nuclear power given that more people die every year…?

from lung disease shown to be caused by coal burning plants upwind of where they live? And the number of people actually killed by radiation since 1947 is less than the number of coal miners killed in any single decade? Have you really done ony NON-biased research into it’s pros and cons?

The Expert answers:

To answer brainiac’s question – The average electricity production cost in the US in 2004 for nuclear energy was 1.68 cents per kilowatt-hour, for coal-fired plants 1.90 cents, for oil 5.39 cents, and for gas 5.87 cents (US dollars).

And here’s some more facts:

– a coal fired power plant produces more radiation than a nuclear power plant, for the same size of plant. That’s becuase most coal contains a lot of uranium (50-100 ppm) and that all goes up the chmney in an uncontrolled mess. And don’t let the coal industry fool you with their propoganda about “clean coal” there is no escaping that coal produces huge amounts of CO2 during the combustion process.

– Nuclear energy is by far the world’s largest source of emission-free energy. Nuclear power plants produce no air pollutants or greenhouse gases.

– The energy in one uranium fuel pellet—the size of the tip of your little finger—is the equivalent of 17,000 cubic feet of natural gas, 1,780 pounds of coal, or 149 gallons of oil.

– Nuclear energy produces about 0.00001% of the waste as an equivalent sized coal fired plant, with less total radiation. 100% of the waste from a nuclear power plant is controlled and contained.

– A passenger on a jet plane flying from LA to New York in 5 hours will be exposed to more radiation than a worker in a uranium mine or nuclear power plant in one month.

So why are people afraid of nuclear energy – the media has done a terrible job of reporting the facts, and the majority of people don’t know the real facts.

Nuclear energy is the only rational solution to our energy demand that will not contribute to global warming.

EDIT – a comment for galactonerd and anybody else worried about radioactive waste.

In one year, a 1,000 MW nuclear plant produces about 27 tonnes of spent fuel. 24 of those tonnes are recycled into new fuel, and that leaves 3 tonnes of true radioactive waste. With the high SG of nuclear waste, those 3 tonnes comprise a block barely 40 cm (16″) per side – about the size of an average suitcase. That seems quite manageable to me.

In the same amount of time, a 1,000 MW coal fired plant produces 7 million tonnes of carbon dioxide, 100,000 tonnes of sulphur dioxide, 75,000 tonnes of nitrous oxide, 5,000 tonnes of radioactive fly ash, and 150,000 to 200,000 tonnes of radioactive solid waste. Now here’s the real kicker – coal naturally contains uranium, and the waste from a coal fired plant produces more total radioactivity than the 40x40x40 cm block from the nuclear plant. Not only that, the radioactive coal waste is spread all over the earth.

So the question on radioactive waste should really apply to the coal fired plant and not the nuclear plant.

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