Monday, March 10, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Mary asks…

Would this be a high dollar profit Recycling Business?

I would like to collect cans and bottle and run them to a state that pays a premium for them. For example Michigan and Iowa pay 10 cents per can or bottle. Taking transportation out of the equation since I can calculate those costs. Does anyone know any business that would pay on large volume? Do they pay as good in those states with large volume?
I live in Minnesota so transportation costs would be high. Where would be the best places to get the product to sell for as cheap as possible?

The Expert answers:

Better yet- on trash day ,go around and take all the recycle bins
your cost zero

Donna asks…

How to request a recycling bin?

Hi there, I live in Michigan, in Oakland County. I was wondering, if I don’t have a recycling bin, where can I request one?

The Expert answers:

Talk to Waste Management…they will be able to help you.

Carol asks…

Can you get in trouble for taking recycled newspapers from recycling dumpster?

Not so much the newspapers, but the coupons.
I am talking about the yellow & green recycle dumpsters that are at schools & some churches…
Any help (links) is appericated!
I am in Michigan
Whats so gross? Its newspaper…! There is no garbage

The Expert answers:

No, of course not. I suppose that by taking the newspapers your kind of recycling them also so that
can’t be bad, can it?

James asks…

Which states give you money per can for recycling?

I live in Pennsylvania and they give you money per pound but I wanted to know what state gives you money per aluminum can.  I heard it was 10 or states including California and Michigan (which gives you .10 cent).Does anyone know the other states?

The Expert answers:

I used to work at a recycling center and for anything under 10 pounds, the difference is nominal at best between per pound and per unit. If you go per unit, it becomes more tedious and time consuming than it is worth. The only advantage of recycling per unit is you avoid the water weight deduction that comes with weighing the cans/bottles.

The answer to you state question can be found on the can/bottle. Michigan is the only state that offers 10 cents. I live in CA and assure you it is 5 here. The other states that offer cash for recycling are HI, CT, ME, VT, DE, IA, MA, NY, and OR.

Lisa asks…

Why, in Michigan, do you get a $.10 deposit on bottle/can returns?

I have always believed that this deposit was designed as a way to lure people into recycling. I have recently found out that you only receive a deposit on carbonated beverages. Why only carbonated? The purpose is clearly not recycling if non-carbonated beverages are not included.

The Expert answers:

If the “purpose is clearly not recycling if non-carbonated beverages are not included” then what is the purpose?

It clearly is for recycling purposes. Compare the litter of pop cans and bottles, beer cans and bottles on the roadsides of Michigan with neighboring states and you’ll see how successful this program is.

The reason it is only carbonated beverages (and beer, wine coolers, and the like) is because that is the way the law is written. The law was written well before we had bottle water and the like.

Betty asks…

I live in Michigan (Detroit) why can’t I recycle all my plastic trash they only take #1 #2 plastic?

I dislike throwing out plastic things toys,bottles,kid pools etc

The Expert answers:

Some plastics actually cost more to recycle then it does to make brand new…these plastics fall in that category !!!

Chris asks…

How would I go about recycling a large variety of items & materials locally?

I live in the Capital Area of Michigan, and need to find somewhere to recycle a large variety as well as quantity of items and materials.

Here are some items & materials which I have to recycle. Please keep in mind that this does not cover every item or material, and some items and materials I am currently able to recycle.

Used motor oil, oil containers, used anti-freeze, anti-freeze containers, metal paint cans, oil based paint, latex paint, spray paint – some have paint and others don’t, cell phones, dead batteries from UPS (Uninterpretable Power Supply) units, CD and DVD drives, paper, magazines, news papers, various plastics some with and without recycle category number, speakers, magnets, computers, LCD monitors, CRT TVs, CRT monitors, rear projection TVs, printers, toners, inkjet cartridges, washers, dryers, refrigerators with compressor full (it’s bad for the Ozone to just cut the lines, so don’t suggest that), card board boxes (both layered and flat), fans, various car parts, steel, stainless steel, copper, aluminum, electric wire (strained and solid), coax (the cable line used for TVs).

There is much more that could be listed, however, I feel that this is more than sufficient for giving you a general idea. I’m not a “tree hugger” as many people label others that care about the environment. I just figure why trash it, I have to live here. While others may hate to recycle or won’t; I offer to do it for them, hence how I get so much stuff. If it’s any good I will try to sell it or donate it. Profit usually goes toward my truck for repair and fuel as there is little to no profit to be made.

If you know of any companies in the area, or any websites listing information please let me know. Any and all viable information is much appreciated. Several of these items I am already able to recycle. The items and materials listed above are just an example of what I have to recycle. I’m currently able to recycle most metals easily. It’s the other items that are a little harder to move. Once again, thank you for your time and input.

Well, I have, what I believe is apprx, 10 Gal. of motor oil in sealed containers. I’m not a business. I merely scrap stuff, and keep others from sending it to a land fill or dumping it in the woods. As far as newspaper, I haven’t ever heard of being paid to recycle it. Most containers are empty or close to it. If a container has more than a few drops, I’ll empty it into a larger container. Aware of MSDS. Businesses which are supposed to take back oil when you buy oil often don’t, hence my current amount. Disposal, rarely will anyone find out what others do. I seen a neighbor dump stuff out back before. Makes me wonder where they think it goes. I didn’t man any offense by saying “tree huger” either, if I have offended anyone I do apologize. I appreciate all help. While doing my part, I don’t feel like paying to do what’s right. They can either take it as-is, or I can just put it all in a ton of small bottles and make a trip once a week. Seems that you would be awarded for doing right…

The Expert answers:

Http:// ~ this is the link to Waste Management. They will take a lot of substances including electronics that others will not take.


Above is the Link to Michigan DEQ. If you contact them before they contact you, you can do a ‘self-disclosure’ and ask for assistance in getting that cleaned up and in compliance.

Many of the items you have listed above are waste or toxic substances that must be disposed of per the MSDS that comes with those products.

If you are in business and have all these substances laying around you may be in violation of Environmental Regs at least federally. I don’t know MI Dept of Environmental Quality, but I know if you store toxins on your site, you are required to file your Tier II with your local Fire Department. Any of the substance you have listed if allowed into the ground, will affect the aquifers and your water supply.

Donald asks…

Reduce,Reuse,Recycle Research Project?

OK so in school we are doing a Reduce,Reuse,Recycle Research Project and we had to pick a topic and I chose to find out what happens to used electronics and if they can be recycled or not (IN MICHIGAN). I need to know where online I can find answers to that. If anyone can help me that would be great.


P.s i need the information by Thursday May 15, 2088.
I also need a site that i can find a graph to make somehow?

The Expert answers:

See source below

Jenny asks…

I can’t find a recycling place that takes 3-7 type plastics, only 1-2. Any ideas?

I live in S.E. Michigan (Detroit area). I haven’t been able to locate anywhere that takes more than just the 1 & 2 plastics. I have a lot of 3, 5, 7 plastics that are just getting thrown away because I can’t find anywhere that will take them. Thanks!

The Expert answers:

Go to type in what you want to recycle and your city you will get a list of nearby recycle centers.

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