Monday, March 10, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Sandy asks…

Why do people recycle? It’s pointless. ?

Even if everyone in America recycled and rode their bicycles instead of driving there still would be every other industrialized country not recycling and polluting, and killing the environment. Recycling is POINTLESS. Stop wasting your time, accept that soon humans will die out. So enjoy yourself while it lasts instead of turning into an eco-nazi.

The Expert answers:

Yes but we are the biggest polluters in the world so WE should start the recycling trend. Yes, humans will die out eventually but that doesn’t mean we should destroy the world…..

William asks…

food ans waste 10 points?

i need help for a project
-Name 8 food items, whether each item was consumed completely, whether it was in the trash or recycled, its frequency of use, and whether it was a necessary item.
– Which food items do you think will have the least amount of waste over time?

-How could you change your habits to better consider conserving food consumption and waste?

The Expert answers:

This is an observation project for your own home. We cant answer this and have it be anywhere near useful to you. If you want a completely fabricated story just pick 8 items and assign a status to them.

Steven asks…

What are your favorites “green” products?

– Which green products do you believe have the greatest impact for the for personal use?

– Which ones do you like the best?

– Which ones are a waste of time?

– Do you go out of your way to buy earth friendly products if it is a comparable price and quality?

– Would you be willing to pay a little extra to buy more earth friendly products?

– Do you even take it into consideration if it is earth friendly or not when making your purchase decision?

– Do you think that people overstate their “greenness” to be trendy?

– Are you considering buying green Christmas/ Birthday Presents?

– Which of these do you consider earth friendly:

Solar products
recycled products fair trade
wind energy Products
organic products
bamboo products
efficient lighting
recycling assistants (bins, can crushers, sorters, water purifiers, water bottles, etc)
Earth Friendly cleaning supplies, cosmetics, body care products, etc.

I would greatly appreciate people providing feedback on this topic.

Basicallly I am starting a green goods store because I try to buy everything I can that is eco friendly, and I have found that a majority of it is crap that Ii end up having to pitch anyway, and almost all of it is overpricced for what you get bbecause it has the “green” label on it. Obviously I am in it to make some money, but I am primarily in it to help others to be more environmentallly friendly, be confident in the quality they will recieve, and know that each product was researched for the validity of their “green claims”.

What do you all think?

The Expert answers:

I believe that products that create the biggest impacts will be products you use frequently.
Some examples would be:
Eco-Friendly Household Cleaners
Reusable Bags
Efficient Lighting
Recycling Products

Items like solar phone chargers and wind energy radios for the most part seem to just cash in on the “green” label and either don’t function correctly, are too costly, or just useless.

I am willing to pay more for an eco-friendly product if it is well made and if I’m sure that it really is a greener alternative.

Lisa asks…

Why do i feel perfect when i know i’m not?

I need to know something… i mean i need to figure out what’s wrong with me. Lately I’ve been thinking about this a lot and… well i feel perfect. First off, i just wanna say that im not a spoiled brat, my parents don’t spoil me at all. I have really nice curly red hair, and it’s completely natural. You need to understand that i have gotten thousands of compliments on my hair. I’m not joking. It’s like every week and even sometimes more than once a week i get compliments. I get people that come up to me when I’m shopping and tell me, and even once i got someone tell me my hair was lovely at a recycling place. Then there are my eyes, they are a very sea green and i used to think they were blue but i supposed eye colors can change because they look very sea green to me and my family now. My brother told me that they were so sparkly and pretty. And he is 21. I’ve been told my skin is so pretty, and my freckles are too. I have nice long nails and people compliment them too! Just yesterday my mom was telling me about someone saying i was so pretty and asking how old i was. I’ve gotten that before. And then there are my hobbies. I LOVE doing a lot of things like dancing, singing, and acting. I have been told many times I’m an amazing dancer, I’ve been told that my singing voice is great, and that acting is something i will sooo be an actress when i grow up and that im really good at it. I also love to write! Stories, poems, and lyrics. One of my best friends told me that i am so good at writing, and so have my English teachers. I enjoy doing hair and makeup and fashion, and i get compliments on that too. I have been told numerous times how sweet, kind, and thoughtful i am. I have 4 very close sweet best friends, and other friends too. My parents and my family are great, even though my little sister has attitude problems and gets angry at me for no particular reason that is my fault, and i love all of them so much!

So now i know what your thinking. What is this all about? She has a great life, so what? Yeah, i do have a great life. I LOVE my life. But the thing is… i know i’m really pretty and nice and maybe talented. That’s the problem. I feel so… proud. I’m so vain!! I wake up in the morning and i spend maybe an hour and a half primping myself. I shower, fix my hair, do my makeup, and try to pick the right clothes. I do that even on days when i don’t go anywhere. When i will just be home all day. I always find myself wasting time staring into the mirror trying to get my hair, makeup, or clothes just right. And i always frown at what i do and waste more time just so i can look ‘perfect’ for nobody but me my parents and my siblings. Why? It’s because i get compliments all the time. All the time. I get tired of them! I want to tell people “Thanks, but your just making me vainer and prouder” and the thing is, i don’t even know if that’s it! Maybe it’s something entirely different. I don’t know… honestly the more compliments and flattery i get the happier and prouder i get. Now i just wish i wasn’t so…. well what looks like perfect. Oh yes, i have also been called perfect before. By a number of different people. I know i’m not perfect, but how can i stop being so proud and vain? When I’m vain and proud, i don’t feel pretty, but like an ugly spoiled girl that gets anything, everything, and whomever she wants. I don’t wanna be like that… Please. How do i stop thinking that im so… well perfect? Thanks in advance, and thanks for reading this because i know it’s very long(:

The Expert answers:

There’s nothing wrong with being proud of yourself, Hun. As long as you’re not looking down on others or thinking youre better than people because of it, keep your confidence! 🙂 hope this helps!!

James asks…

Recycling waste question?

I am unsure about recycling. We have twelve separate dustbins in our small flat; one for tin cans, one for telephone directories and unwanted copies of the TV Times, one for PVC and plastics, one for the labels off tin cans, one for old shoes, one for old clothes, one for veg and potato peelings, one for green bottles, one for other bottles, one for electrical appliances under 30cm, one for broken crockery and finally, one for old cars.

Where should I put my daughter’s recently deceased Guinea pig? I have tried telephoning the council, but they are unable to help.
“Small flat”. We do not have a garden to bury it in, I’m afraid.
Freecycle is a very good idea. I might just… Some of the things you see there on offer are in much the same category!

The Expert answers:

Hmmm… Have you tried yahoo groups? There’s a frecycle near you for ‘items’ such as these.

Ruth asks…

How does it cause global warming if I waste electricity?

I leave all of my lights, tv, radio, and computer on 24 hours a day. I waste tons of water too. I litter all of the time too. I never recycle anything.

The Expert answers:

It doesn’t cause global warming….. Or Cooling.

Go ahead and live life to its fullest!

George asks…

Persuasive Speech?

I am taking grade 11 english. I need to make a persuasive speech, my topic is “Recycling– The most expensive waste of time“. Now tell me, what should the setup be of a persuasive speech?

The Expert answers:

Write the paper as if you need to convince your parents or buddies what a waste of time recycling is. You need to persuade, or convince you reader of something

Mandy asks…

Am I supposed to throw by gum in the recycling bin or in the trash?

All the sweet is gone and I only feel the plasticky thing roaming around my mouth. It’s time to get rid of my chewing gum.

So, the question: where do I throw it:
– In the trash, together with food waste?
– In the recycling bin, since it’s all plastic anyway?

The Expert answers:

On the ground.

Donna asks…

Do you think recycling is overrated?

Well, if you ask anyone I know whether or not recycle, you will get three possible answers. The first possibility is a slap in the face (I’ll admit I’m exaggerating). The second is a “YES!! Recycle!! It’s not that hard! There’s a recycling center on the way to school/work…” (my family recycles) and the third is a combination of those two.

But the symbol for recycling is that one triangle with the arrows and the name I forget… never mind that, the point is, it’s a triangle and it’s got THREE arrows, THREE sides, and THREE angles, not one! I thought the motto had the words “reduce” and “reuse” BEFORE the “recycle”! Now it might as well be “recycle, recycle, recycle” and nobody would notice!

If only 12% of what we send in for recycling is ever actually recycled, if there’s so much energy required to take the materials to the recycling centers, if for every ammount of waste we dispose of, 70 times that is disposed of to even MAKE it in the first place, if a recycling center requires 11 times more people to operate than a landfill… I pose the question, might recycling just be overrated?

By the way guys, I’m not saying “let’s just throw it all in the landfill,” but can’t we reduce (if the whole world consumed like America, we’d need about 3 Earths to have that kind of resources) and reuse (99% of all items bought in an American household will not be in use six months later) at least a little first?

Oh, and yes, I did wathch The Story of Stuff ( recently… but I’ve had the question for a longer time than that… and a search for the phrase “recycling is overrated” only returned 19 results, none of them explaining why in a very convincing way…

The Expert answers:

I am sorry you are discouraged by the recycling effort. I agree that we should all REDUCE and REUSE, along with recycling. There are groups on yahoo that promote the REUSE part of the triangle. In yahoo groups, look for a “freecycle” group in your area, or start one! Using the old belief that “one man’s trash is another man’s treasure” you can give away items you no longer need or want, and accept things that other people don’t want or need anymore. That way the stuff doesn’t end up in the landfill. You can also encourage others to REUSE by using a cool metal thermas to carry your water in, instead of buying water in plastic bottles. I bought a Britta water picther to filter my water, and I’m real happy with my tap water now. It tastes great! Little changes in daily life make a big difference to the enviroment, and in the way we appear to others. Never stop questioning. And always remember that it you aren’t part of the solution, you’re part of the problem. Just find a part of the triangle that you are comfortable with and stick to it. And remember… We’re all in this together. Plus there are alot of websites that have tons of info on different ways to approch the issue.

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