Monday, March 10, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Daniel asks…

Is it illegal going through blue recycling trash cans?

you know how people leave their trash cans out on the curb on trash day? is it illegal in California to look through those and get recyclables? if so what is the fine?

The Expert answers:

Technically, yes. (at least in Los Angeles County)

Once in the blue cans (and the regular “trash” and “yard waste” cans for that matter) the waste is technically “city property.” I’m not sure about the exact fine….in L.A. I believe it’s less than $100.

The “crime” however is largely over-looked. The cities say they have better things to worry about. I personally think that part of it is because recycling is actually very expensive for the cities and they’d rather have individuals taking the stuff to local centers on their own.

In any case, the only time I’ve heard of them cracking down on this is when organized groups of “pickers” swarmed into a neighborhood on trash day and made the locals nervous.

William asks…

Help with Recycling ?

well i have aluminum cans ( like those coke cans ) i want to recycle for money. they have the recycling sign but no “Hi; Me 5c ” so does that mean i don’t get any money for recycling ? I live in California ! Thanks .
I also wanna help the earth ! not just for the money ! 🙂

The Expert answers:

The cans never have my state on it (MT), but I can still get $ for aluminum, it’s just not as much as the states listed on the can.

You can also recycle lots of plastics, paper, and cardboard, although you can’t get money for it. Glass is a huge one too, and I think CA recycles glass (Montana doesn’t have the ability to though so sometimes I tike mine with me on trips to WA).

Good luck.

David asks…

where in california can i recycle car batterys for $12.00 each?

city,location,name of business.
“where they pay you a 12.00 core for each battery

The Expert answers:

Del Norte Solid Waste Management Authority
1700 State Street
Crescent City, CA 95531

Free of Charge, no fee.

Sandy asks…

where can i trade my soda cans for money in santa rosa california?

i am currently living in santa rosa i moved here about a month ago and my soda cans have been piling up can someone please tell me where i can find a recycling center that will pay for my cans?

The Expert answers:

Try Safeway.

Sharon asks…

Are there any recycling places in Olympia WA that will pay you for bottles and cans?

In California they had places where they would pay you for beer bottles, etc

I can’t find a place that will pay me for used glass.

The Expert answers:

You have to keep in mind: 1) Washington has no bottle deposit fees, 2) Olympia isn’t that big a city — the chances that somebody else from Olympia who knows the answer will read your question before expiration is pretty small. So you had probably be willing to accept a “generic” answer:

— Check the yellow pages under “recycling”
— Call the municipal offices, probably the Solid Waste division

Mark asks…

Where in california can i recycle car batterys for $12.00 each?

The Expert answers:

Usually wherever you buy ’em you can return ’em for a deposit. I don’t know about California’s deposit amount, but I’d imagine it’s the same across the state.

Try Wal-Mart!

Donald asks…

Is there an article or map/chart showing recycling rates broken out by U.S. state? I’ve been unable to find.?

I know the average, which is currently 32%. But I wanted to see a map or chart that breaks down the recycling rates by state. California is clearly leading in the recycling movement. I wanted to get a better idea of what it is like across the U.S. I’ve been told it is night and day comparison… I can’t imagine places without recycling but they do exist…

Thanks ahead.

The Expert answers:

It’s hard to get real recent rates among various states.

In 1995 According to sites below Washington State has the best recycling rate at 48% of waste generated. California rates highest in waste generated, however isn’t in the top 10 states in regards to recycle percentages.

In general the rate nationwide may be 32% however it all depends on the various rates in all the different commodities.
It’s hard to get real recent rates among various states.
Sites below with give the best and worst states, etc. However not a specific state. Keep searching on your own.

Start at:

then click on various links there like:

Sandra asks…

if i put like rocks on recycling cans do i get more money?

because i heard that they pay u by pounds of cans. how much money do they give u by pound in california? and if they pay you by weight cant i just put like rocks or something? would it be possible?

The Expert answers:

It would work…but DONT DO IT!
Its totally dishonet and itll mess up the recycling system.

Laura asks…

can u recycle glass bottles in california for money?

n where do i go… n there alcohol bottles like uv vodka n stuff
idk how it got put in this category haha… but where do i go? whats the place called

The Expert answers:

Your local redemption center. I’m in CA and take our cans in every week, and I see people with plastic water bottles and glass bottles all the time. They pay by weight, not the CRV value.

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