Monday, March 10, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Chris asks…

How do i restore a 60 yr old fishing rod?

I have a wooden 12 ft sea fishing rod i would like to restore.( a project for my 14yr old man cub and myself) It is in 3 sections of the same length. made of a very close grain dark red wood, (not a split cane). It weighs 35 oz`s including the remaining brass Ferrell’s and existing eyes/line guides.There is no reel keep/seat but signs that the reel seat sat approx 26 inch from butt end with a hand grip at the butt end. The brass feralls are fubar and the line eye`s/guides/runners are silver/chrome but showing signs of age, eg like green verdigris on copper.Non of these are with ceramic inserts.The top section has 7 runners,mid section has only 2 runners, 23mm & 30mm(apologies for metric! man cubs metric,i`m old school imperial ) The rod had been expertly brush painted in a bronze/copper colour. What type of paint and best way to apply to this rod?The original whipping is black. Can`t think of any more info i can give, besides the fact we`re both learning how to whip rods!

The Expert answers:

Wow…..You’ve got a job and a half on your hands.
You can get some very good but expensive lacquers and varnishes for rods and more affordable types..
If the wood looks good after sanding, a clear varnish will make it look even better, done right. If it’s not so eye-candy-ish, well, a colored lacquer or varnish may be best.
Whichever way you want to go it’s a long job , and of course if a real nice varnish pops into your sight on the shelves and stands out, well, maybe it’s telling you something….daft thinking but I’m not 14 any more…..logic doesn’t have to be logical for everything we do.
Sand off the old varnish or lacquer, inspect every inch of the wood ….Oooops!….every 12.27mm… For cracks or other damage. Fix up any damage however slight. Stitch in time.
That’s the first week of spare hours gone. Slow and steady, no point rushing this sort of job.
Spare hours?
Recycled ones., some hopes…it just means something else not done….always plenty of that anyway.
A very fine sandpaper followed by fine grade steel wool, good brush off everywhere with a stiff brush, wipe off with a spirit-dampened cloth to remove any oil or grease traces, and re-lacquer or varnish with 3-4 coats minimum leaving a day at least between each coat and sanding down real smooth with fine sandpaper before the next coat goes on.
Builds up a treat and gives a classy superior finish that way.

Furniture is best replaced with modern stuff. It’s an awful long job getting bits properly cleaned and with rings especially it’s better to have bright shiny new ones than fixed-up old ones. You’ll have matching rings all the way up then, and you’ll be able to trust them. There are lots of types so just choose as takes your fancy, but big enough for the job and positioned so you get the line running smooth and straight all the way through the lot of them on the way out and with the rod flexing the way it’s designed too on the way in with a 12-pound bass (OK,we can dream) which is almost impossible if you’ve never had it in use before.
The flexing that is, not the bass…beginners luck might just just work a treat first time out.
New rings won’t always have the same depth…stand-off from the rod—as the old ones had so you might need to choose new positions for one or two of them if you can’t find rings that closely match the originals for dimensions.
Whipping thread can be got in all sorts of grades. You can get thread varnishes and glues or use superglue very sparingly and varnish over it, maybe in a contrasting color….might look good, depends what you can find. A small jar of proper varnish made for the job will be handy for other rods too.
Where there’s one….just takes time and then there’s two.

Ferrules can be tough decision time. Leave them on if they only need a slight clean and it’s a smooth fit with it’s mate and in real good condition after a clean with wire wool or cut gently through them, carefully prise them off and get new ones. They’ve normally got a cement under them, so it’s a slow careful job. Brain surgeon time.
Copper cleans fairly easily but if the verdigris is deep or the metal is wearing thin or is too distorted for a simple fix, well, it’s cutting off time. More time gone, but nothing beats a proper job. With bare wood all the way you can do a nice neat job of the sanding and varnishing.

Have a look for any sign of an identification on the rod. The more info you can get the better you can fix it up as it was.
That rod seat for example. You can get a few types to fix on to suit different reels. Get the best you can find. With time and money invested in the rest of the rod, no point cutting corners.
Some are pricey for what they are. Some you can make yourself with a couple of rings.Consider the balance, appearance, and what type of reel you are going to use, and of course the line of rings you intend to fit.
The whole course of the line from the reel spindle to escaping from the rod into fresh air and adventure and coming home again should be as smooth and efficient as possible, so a large drawing and some notes would be very helpful to work from. Wallpaper comes in more than rod-length sizes and a very cheap roll of it is very handy for drawings for rod building furniture making, hobbies, craftwork etc. 50c or $1 from a thrift shop if you’re lucky.
At 14 he’ll want it done in a day I suppose. Bet on a couple of weeks at least till it’s done and another week after that till you’re fishing with it with hardened enough lacquer or varnish. Don’t test for hardness on the rod. Varnish something else the same as you did the rod, for a test piece. Just an inch or or whatever on some scrap wood, end of a broom handle, whatever.
When your fingernail doesn’t make an impression on that bit the rod is ready.
Have a great time.
There are loads of forums to read and get tips….even roller tips for rod ends,haha…and sites for rod building and repairs.
Http:// . . . . . .
Http://,221931 . . . .
Http:// . . . . .
Http:// . . . .
Check list for building a fly rod but useful to read…PDF . . . . ..

Donna asks…

How can i make money?

So my parents have told me that in order to drive my car (hand-me-down) that I have to pay my own gas, insurance, and for the plates. Well that is fair, except for the fact that I don’t have job… I can’t really help my neighbors because I live in the country, so there isn’t anyone to help. My parents don’t pay me for doing chores, they just expect it to get done. I also have sports after school until about 5ish… Can someone help me out here?

PS. my mom would never let me do online surveys.
Oh also im only 15
Lol by the way i’m a girl

The Expert answers:

Here is a list of simple ideas that should be easy to put into practice :

Collecting old papers and delivering them to a factory for recycling ;
Offering to teach lessons to younger children at school or helping them to do their homework ;
Finding a summer job : harvest, gas station, restaurant, tourist guide…
Writing a short story and selling it to a review or a newspaper.

William asks…

Whats the best way to skip school?

High school

The Expert answers:

Why do I believe that you are giving no thought to the fact that your parents are paying for your education? In a few weeks time you will possibly write another letter asking why your grades are slipping.

You need to get real about your education because it will be too late when you apply for your first job only to be told that you are not adequately qualified.

Time you waste cannot be recycled. When you waste your time, you waste your life.

Do the right thing.

Mandy asks…

If there is not modern day Revelation in Islam then what are clerics Eamon or mullahs for?

How do you hear the voice of God is their personal revelation or purpose?

The Expert answers:

Lots of reasons but in fact they are deceived, blind guiding the blind
mohammud is an accursed false prophet who borrowed from the monotheism around him and used war, violence, murder, etc. To start his false religion (with the devils help of course)

he recycled a moon god called allah who is really a demon if anything at all
so the mullahs are in it for tradition, a job, pride, ectc
the only revelation they can have is to compound error upon error, wrong upon wrong

Sharon asks…

ideas for making money?

my language class is thinking about taking a trip to France as learning experience. we are a very small class so i was wondering does anyone have any good ideas of how to make money. i cannot get a job due to the fact i take multiple ap.classes & heavily involved in after school programs. its about $3000 per person. any ideas ?! thank you for all the help!

The Expert answers:

Here’s how to save/make money: Stay away from cigarettes, alcohol, & drugs. Stop drinking sodas/energy drinks & drink water instead. Start growing/hunting your own food instead of buying frozen junk/fastfood. If you use CFL or LED bulbs in your house it’ll lower your electric bill. Just don’t spend money on anything frivolous/destructive that doesn’t benefit you.
Then some ways to make money besides getting a job are recycling cans & unwanted metal, selling books & DVDs to book stores, garage sales, & looking for coins in vending machines & loose change around your house.

Avoiding the junk listed above will not only save money at the counter, it’ll save you from future medical bills & it’ll make you healthier making you a better worker.

Richard asks…

About cell phone packaging.?

I want to know more about cell phone packaging (the box). There should be environmental facts and all those other stuff…

The Expert answers:

Knock yourself out.
Mobile Phone Boxes – Packaging materials for the mobile phone industry
Mobile Phone Boxes for companies dealing in used, refurbished and 14 day … Mobile phone – The re-cell solution. Packaging materials for the … – 12k – Cached – Similar pages – Filter

Placon;Better Design:Better Packaging, Thermoformed Products, Cell …
Better Design: Your source for Plastic Packaging, Packaging Design, … 9/10/2007. Placon Announces New Cell Phone Accessories Packaging … – 14k – Cached – Similar pages – Filter
Placon;Better Design:Better Packaging, Thermoformed Products, Cell …
Placon Announces New Cell Phon. 9/10/2007. MADISON, WI (September 10, 200 … 2008 Placon all rights reserved | phone: 1-800-541-1535 fax: 1-608-271-3162 … – 12k – Cached – Similar pages – Filter

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PlasticWorks Packaging — Product Packaging
Let that someone be Plasticworks Packaging! We provide packaging solutions for cell phones and cell phone accessories. Maximize your product’s appeal. … – 22k – Cached – Similar pages – Filter

Cellphone-packing smoke detector dials for danger – Engadget
Cellphone-packing smoke detector dials for danger. By Donald Melanson, posted Feb 21st 2007 at 4:24AM. While most smoke detectors will handle the basic job … – 59k – Cached – Similar pages – Filter

Sony Ericsson @ CTIA – W800 Walkman phone packaging – Engadget
Mar 15, 2005 … Normally we couldn’t give a rat’s ass about the packaging a cellphone comes in—it’s almost always some generic box with images of the phone … – 101k – Cached – Similar pages – Filter

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The Life Cycle of a Cell Phone
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat – View as HTML
and can result in waste. Some packaging, how-. Ever, can be made from recycled materials. Useful Life. Unlike other countries, cell phone companies … – Similar pages – Filter

Buy Unlocked GSM Cell Phones, Cell Phone Accessories – PureMobile
Save on mobile accessories like cell phone chargers, memory cards, and car kits from Golla, …. Wireless Solutions iPhone Car Charger Retail Packaging … – 103k – Cached – Similar pages – Filter

Advanced Packaging – EoPlex to Manufacture Innovative Cell Phone …
May 15, 2008 … Advanced Packaging – EoPlex to Manufacture Innovative Cell Phone Antennas – (May 15, 2008) Redwood City, CA — EoPlex Technologies disclosed ……/328806/36/ARTCL/none/none/1/EoPlex-to-Manufacture-Innovative-Cell-Phone-Antennas/ – 51k – Cached – Similar pages – Filter

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Wholesale Cell Phone Accessories, Cellular Phones, ipod Accessories. Importers and Manufacturer from China. Retail Chain and independent stores are welcome. … – 56k – Cached – Similar pages – Filter

Jenny asks…

Do you think if gas prices were to go down to “normal’ level, most people would stop thinking “Green”?

you know, alternative energy sources, recycling, energy conservation, back to big SUV’s, selling their PRIus’s, etc.

The Expert answers:

I have been doing extensive research on people’s attitudes towards environmentalism and the research shows that people are concerned about the environment when the economy is doing well. When people are worried about their job, they can’t worry about anything else. Just like right now, many people are in denial that oil is finite and we have to take drastic measures if we want to avoid a huge disruption in our social system when the oil starts running out. So people aren’t thinking green right now, they are thinking about saving themselves the most amount of money possible. The media is telling everyone to go green and I think it’s starting to sink in more to the general public.

Another conclusion I found is that people are so petrified of alternative energy, they are willing to ride the oil bandwagon until the last drop is drilled. They think that sustainable energy will not provide enough economy. They aren’t thinking about the fact that their electric bill would be substantially less each month.

If the power elite of this nation all decided to “Go Green”, it would happen. Only our mega corporations have the money to build a sustainable infrastructure. The only way for that to happen is for public pressure, or to stop earning record profits from fossil fuels. Right now, the public is too concerned with gas prices and the Iraq war to even notice that the Arctic is predicted to be completely unfrozen for the first time in recorded history. The environment will continue to be a second-rate issue while our economy crumbles. It’s really sad because we have the ability to fix both the human effects on the environment and the economy by switching to alternative energy sources.

Thomas asks…

If Paul Wolfowicz was the chief mastermind of the Iraq war…?

Why is he allowed to be recycled into the system and get promoted at the World Bank, if he is as much to blame as anyone for the Iraq mess?
right, Wolfowitz, thanks for the correction.

The Expert answers:

This one man is responsible for a whole lot more than just the outline for what we are now seeing in Iraq—-he goes WAY BACK in the system of the Republican mastermind think tank (the American eqivilent of the “Republican Guard”)
Under Reagan — he came up with a document that is called to this day —-the Wolfowitz Doctrine—in which he states that the United States has the right to govern the world and should proceed with all haste to do just that !!!
He has been at the center of multitudes of globalist think tanks in which his views of a world governed by the moneyed elite is the only future FOR the world and THAT single thing and his INSIDE THE CORE CONTACTS is the EXACT REASON he has the job he has right now !!!
It is VERY unfortunate — but we have not seen near the last of this little dimigod — but he will never be out front— he and his kind always work from the back room of the biggest STAR CHAMBERS of world leadership— they are the little trolls that manipulate the ‘talking heads’ that appear to us as if they are the leadership– when in fact all that they are is the puppets of these dudes in the back room (Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain—ie–wizard of oz) !!!!!!!

Sandra asks…

Hlp i need money plz answer my question?

Can some one tell me where can a 15 year old boy get a job in dallas tx i really need it any ideas at least

The Expert answers:

For one thing you should get your local board of education on the phone to ask about getting a work permit. They may know of local employers that need competant summer help but you’ll never know if you don’t ask.

Working for an employer is a great way to get experience working with money, working with customers, teaching responsibility, handling and budgeting money, paying taxes, etc. But you’ll make way more money if you set up your own business than you will working for someone else. Think about what you enjoy doing and you might be onto something that will pay you year-round.

Check your library for books like “Fast Cash for Kids” by Bonnie & Noel Drew. There are many books like it. In fact, as you research the answer to your question, think about writing your own book because almost every teen I know wants to make money. Why not make $2 a copy from your book and sell 100 or more books a day, week or month??? Money adds up.

Think about a recycling center for local residents and businesses. Think about babysitting or taking it to the next level with puppet shows or story hours. Why not write a newsletter on a favorite topic or hobby? Why not tutor kids in favorite subjects? What about making crafts? How about cooking or baking desserts or lunches for local office buildings? What about mowing lawns? Taking kids on local field trips to museums or movies or other local activities? Vacuuming out dryer vents to prevent fires? Designing websites for small businesses? Working with stained glass or wood or making garden flags? What about pulling weeds or growing spices or raising goldfish???

You see there are alot of things you can do but you have to be the one to come up with what is right now only for you but for your customers.

Check the library, talk to family or neighbors or local business owners, or get an Ebay account. Do something TODAY to start your journey to success. Mainly, believe in yourself and what you do.

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