Monday, March 10, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Mark asks…

Is it true that Lego can be used to build a house?

I have a piece of land and I want to build my own house. I thought that I might try and construct an “Earthship” sort of thing using old car tyres and recycled wood, Food Town bags and garbage cans. But someone suggested that Lego is a fantastic medium and that an amazing home was recently constructed with Lego in South Australia. Does anyone know anything about this?

The Expert answers:

Yes it is possible-

You’ll need to get building consent and I believe you’ll struggle to do this with a house made entirely from Lego.


Lizzie asks…

Aluminum can pricing in Ohio? – Appx weight of a 39 gallon bag full?

I have a bunch of 39 gallon garbage bags full of aluminum cans from the years past stacked out back. Any ROUGH idea what a bag full would recycle for in the Ohio area? Thank You so much in advance!!!!

The Expert answers:

The most accurate way at home would be to find out the local prices (most places have a website), weigh a bag on your bathroom scale, and calculate the total weight of all the bags.

OR if you’re closer to Michigan by any chance, they give you a nickel a can……

David asks…

What do I do with ripped/stained clothes and other fabrics?

I have a big garbage bag of clothes and socks that would be of no use to donate because they’re in pretty rough shape. Is there anywhere I could take them for textile recycling?

The Expert answers:

Here is a site that can give you some info about textile recycling. I did some research for you 🙂

To find out where you can go in your area to recycle textile, go to the link below and in the “Business search” box, put “textile recycling” and in the second box, put your city and state. It will show you some places you can go in your town or city.


Also, if you are into painting at all, you can cut the fabric into squares and use it to wipe your brush on instead of using paper towels. Its super eco-friendly because you don’t waste paper.

Hope this helps! Good luck!

Robert asks…

Recycling HELP!!!!????????????

How much money would I make if I brought a garbage bag FULL of plastic bottles and pop cans to the recycling center? in Canada.
This is doing research lol.

The Expert answers:

Canada is cool!!

Mary asks…

If you recycle all things plastic, what do you use for garbage bags?

The Expert answers:

Kangaroo pouches…100% biodegradable.

Sharon asks…

recycling aluminum cans?

I am concerned about the environment so I collect empty aluminum cans off the street when I walk my dog. Right now I have 3 large garbage bags full of crushed aluminum can. The problem is… some of the cans have dirt on and in them. Some of thoroughly flattened ones may even have small pebbles embedded in them. Will these be accepted at the recycling facility? I’m guessing it doesn’t matter because when they melt them any organic materials will burn away and any dirt particles or small pebbles will be separated from the molten aluminum. What do you think?

The Expert answers:

The dirt won’t be a problem, normally. The pebbles might, but I haven’t heard any mention of this being a problem.

Add: Aluminum melts at around 960 F, while most rocks won’t. By that time, the dried up sugars and cigarette butts will have all burned off. You can melt aluminum in a cast iron frying pan, but I really don’t recommend trying that: If a drop of water hits the molten aluminum it’ll expand somewhere around 1700 times it’s original volume, nearly instantly. This will be like a small bomb going off, and molten aluminum will spray all over. That’s quite dangerous, even if you do have protective gear.

Charles asks…

Will you personally wear this for anything?


I’m wondering if you personally wear an outfit/dress made out of unused/unused recycled plastic garbage/trash/bin bags for anything. If yes how and when, if no will you at least try it once.


The Expert answers:

Absolutely no way Jose. I only wear real clothes bought new.

Donald asks…

How do I recycle in Ontario?

Stupid question but we just moved into a house after years of living in an apartment. We now have to drop our 3 garbage bags a week for our 4 soon to be 5 person family and turn it into 1. We have a blue bin, a gray bag and a yellow bin but frankly Im not sure of the procedures of what goes in which and how to arrange everything. They are very strict around here and will leave it if not proper. I have called the city several times with no luck.

The Expert answers:

There are handy guides put out in local papers with the recycling times to place your ble bins and usually a monday. A recycling clender is available at city hall and maps should be available or directions placed on boards on city hall. Or in cities.
Also recycling companies drop off at collection depot .
Google maps might have the location.
One i know of is located on 4th avenue but yours would be different.
Anyway you couls just ask your local green party and they could have it racycled or you could use the plastic bottles as water bottles and plastic ice cream containers as rice containers or the mayyonaise and peanut buuter jarss you might have as food storage for raisens or brown sugar.

Paul asks…

Do you support this or at least heard of this cause?


Do you support or heard of the cause of making wearing unused/recycled plastic garbage/trash/bin bags as outfits/dresses a permanent mainstream fashion. If not will you at try it once or spread the word.


The Expert answers:


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