Monday, March 10, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

John asks…

What can you put into your blue recycling bins?

What are some things you can put into your big blue recycling trash cans? Be specific, don’t just put bottles, please put shampoo bottles, etc. Thank you 🙂

The Expert answers:

Different regions have different rules.

I can recycle

– any paper including milk cartons, tetra-packs, cardboard, shiny boxes used for toothpaste or aluminum foil, rolls from toilet paper, magazines.

– any glass, tin or plastic that was used in food packaging. (not broken toys, light bulbs, mirrors etc.)

– plastic bottles from household products – shampoo, dish detergent, peroxide etc.

-plastic bags & food wrap, clean (not greasy) aluminum foil

I can not recycle any styrofoam but my daughter can recycle styrofoam meat trays so I save mine & give them to her.

Lisa asks…

How many different types of recycling bins are there?

need a little help!!! what sort of bins can you get and what are they used for??plz help

The Expert answers:

It depends on where you live…. I’ll list all the ones I know:
Blue box- for recyclable plastics, glass, boxes, etc….
Green box- strictly paper
Green Bin- Not recycling,it gets made into compost.

Sandra asks…

Do you know where can I get/buy recycling bins in Selangor, Malaysia? It’s for my university.?

Where can I get recycling bins in Selangor, Malaysia? It’s for my university.?

Could you tell me any companies which I can buy from them or they would like to sponsor?

I’ll be running a recycling project soon at my university

The Expert answers:

Just google for otto malaysia, they made the best rubbish and recycle bin

George asks…

How can you get free blue recycling bins that is used for curb side recycling?

No one has them in my town
that sounds good. But yes there are not any recycling bins of any kind. other than some people collect cans but they take them an hour away just to recycle them.

The Expert answers:

Unfortunately, most cities do not have free recycling and it costs about five dollars a month to participate in the program. In my opinion, it saves to pay it though. You’ll ultimately get the money back through the saving of the world. :] i am a huge advocate of the green movement. :] your local trash collection service should most likely offer a recycling program from which you can buy a recycling bin. Give them a call.! Good luck.! :]

Susan asks…

Is it illegal to remove aluminium cans from other people’s recycling bins?

Before the recycling trucks take them.

The Expert answers:

I sure hope not….I’ve done that for years.

Maria asks…

How do I unstick my recycling bins?!?

A seemingly simple question, I admit, but when the city gave out blue bins they were stacked one inside the other and now I cannot separate them, any suggestions?
Thank you, worked like a charm!!

The Expert answers:

Introduce a little water between the two bins. You should be able to slide them apart after that. Failing that, fill the inner bin with cold water; the plastic will shrink slightly and should come loose.

Joseph asks…

How do I politely write an email that asks teachers to tell their students about recycling bins?

I’m writing on behalf of my environment club. Should I mention my club at all?

The Expert answers:

Just say:

Dear Teachers and Staff,

On behalf of the Yourtown School Environmental Club, we would like to remind all staff and students to please use the school’s recycling bins. As a year long project, our club is trying to raise awareness about the benefits of recycling.

If you could please pass this information along to your students and help to remind them to use the bins we would be very grateful.

We hope by the end of the year for the school to recycle 100% of it’s paper, and your help towards this goal would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you
Your name,
Yourtown School Environmental Club.

(If the bins are new, you might want to add a sentence or two explaining that you now have them.)

===Keep it short and sweet. Get to the point and be polite.Teachers won’t read it if it is too long. Don’t go into statistic about the benefits, the plan, teachers aren’t stupid – they know it’s a good idea – and they don’t really care about the details. All they need to know is to be reminded to use them and remind students. Thats all. ===

Charles asks…

i heard that when the glass in recycling bins is collected they all go into the same truck?

you know the way theres different bins for green , brown and clear glass ? if they are all dumped into the same truck dont they just get mixed up anyway? if so whats the point for different bins for different colours?

The Expert answers:

You heard wrong.

The whole disposal bin is taken away full, and empty ones put in their place. The glass is kept separate for recycling.

David asks…

Why are most recycling bins blue and not green?

Did this evolve from curbside pickup where green containers would be harder to see in the grass?

The Expert answers:

See only one person got the answer correct. Blue is for the oceans that we are trying to save. Green is for the earth…You’re seeing it only one sided there eddie. And P.S. There is a lot more blue than green that we need to save

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