Monday, March 10, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

James asks…

how does recycling help anything?

i dont have no clue how recycling help anything?

The Expert answers:

Recycling helps in many many ways,

Reusing materials, objects and resources from the earth helps reduce the amount of pollution, i.e. Greenhouse gases. However, to reuse a lot of things, they need to go through a process, which will use up a lot of energy, putting out more fumes into the atmosphere by actually running the machines.

They say that when you recycle your softdrink cans and any plastic bottles, you are doing a good job for the environment. In a way you are, but as i said before, they need to go through a process, a machine that uses up different resources that are from the earth, like fossil fuels and coal and oil ect.

To get these resources, there are mines, which are major contributors to global warming.

Recycling is one way you can save the world, but behind this there are more ways that are against saving the world.

To every good thing a person does to the world, there is a bad thing done by somebody else, may it be a machine or human…

Global Warming is a natural cause which has happened before. Humans are just a contributor to the cycle.

Robert asks…

What are the advantages of recycling? ?

The Expert answers:


— Recycling helps to limit the amount of glass, paper, plastic, condoms, boobies and dildos that must be produced. This will end with less garbage in landfills because it’s being reused. Currently, 100% of all refuse is recycled.
— Adds jobs to the economy;
— Slows the consuming of natural resources;
— Makes people environmentally aware;
— Promotes scientific advancements in recyclable and biodegradable materials;
— Makes governments and businesses choose programs and apply policies in consideration of preserving and respecting

Jenny asks…

Recycling paper and cardboard?

What types of paper can be recycled? Can they be taken to the recycling center where cans are taken? What about the cardboard boxes that are in the pantry (for food)?? Is it just newspaper that can be taken in??

The Expert answers:

It really depends on where you live google the recycling center for plastic thats where you take paper and little boxes and some places have services that pick them up with your trash you just have to ask for a bin and get it set up. This site should help you. Out and great job helping keep us clean. Also join

Donna asks…

What’s the best Energy Job?

California Energy Codes will create jobs I want to know what jobs are available for the new Energy Laws.

The Expert answers:

Recycle!…help save the planet!

Sandra asks…

Jobs in Vancouver Washington?

I am fifteen and i wanna get a job so i can get some money,
i just applied for a job at mcdonalds online like ten minutes ago
do you think im for sure getting that job?

If im not then what are some other good jobs i can apply for?

The Expert answers:

Heres a JOB you can do yourself


OK heres a fairly easy way to make a lot of money cash daily !

SCRAP metal recycling !

IF you can find or have some kind of cart to push around it’s easier to do this !

Aluminun cans are up to .64 cents per lb plus the pull tabs on steel cans are aluminum squash them down so you fit more per lb in latrge trash bag

reg aluminium like your storm doors aluminum siding lawn chairs and old tv anetennas 0.57 lb

Copper wire cleaned $3.06 lb

insultaed $1.18 lb

dosent pay to remove insulation on thin braided wire no weight to it at all

Brass as in door knobs , locks , plumbing fixtures $2.10 a lb

carry a magnet with you at all times some things look like brass and are not !

Iron steel dont bother with it not even chrome plated kitchen ware it’s only .09 cents lb

IF ya really good and find a junk car with the catlytic converter still attached to exhast system on outside of it is PLATINUM shiled about four tiny bolts hold in place

also inside the converter is platinum and it’s worth more than gold today at $1200.00

an ounce !

SO look up your yellow pages for nearest scrap metal and iron yard take all your metal to them and get paid !

I’m sure someone will drive you there !

Maria asks…

What should I recycle?

What is worth the most? I heard of people reycling metal scraps and making $100?? I remember when I recycled cans and made $1!
Where do you find scrap metal to recycle???? I’ve never just seen metal laying around before. I don’t understand how someone would come up with all that metal?
I have a tourmaline ceramic flat iron, bike, and some old chargers. Any of these items good?

And do magazines count as paper? I have a ton of old ones laying around.

Thanks 🙂
Um, is anyone going to answer:
Where do you find scrap metal to recycle????

The Expert answers:

One legally finds scrap metal usually as a result of their job (i.e. – they create it as a part of their job).

Other people find scrap metal illegally by going to construction related business and stealing copper, aluminum and steel from the office or job site. The jail time and fines from this are NOT cost effective. Most construction sites now have video survailence to catch people robbing them. Stealing man hole covers for scap is also illegal. The recycling place will often report you to the police for attempting to turn a man hoel cover.

Your items listed are not good for scrap.

If you want to get into metal recycling, try approching places of business (offices mostly) and asking to put recycling cans for plastic and aluminum in the employee break areas. You will need to pick them up every other day, but some places may generate a lot of stuff for you.

I did this while working as a facility manager for a 3 story office building, until management figured out that I was making $200.00 a month from it. Then, they suddenly implemented a recycling program as they felt I had given myself an unauthorized raise.

It was really bad because I was donating the $200.00 a month to a homeless shelter (I was making just above minimum wage and had no extra cash, but wanted to find a way to donate to the shelter).

When I left, they cancelled the program as it was too much work. Plus they started locking the dumpsters so no one could get into it to get the recyclables.

Donald asks…

what can i put on a poster about recycling?

and also about saving the earth by using hyprid cars and stuff

The Expert answers:

Since recycled products are usually recycled within their local region, recycling creates jobs for local workers and helps us utilize resources we already have on our soil. For example, we don’t have to send our money to Brazil, China, Australia, or Russia to get new aluminum, as the pure product already exists in the community.

Ken asks…

What are the benefits of recycling?

a friend of mine told me that he saw a report on recycling and it was saying that recycling doesn’t make a big difference in the environment at all. Is this true?

The Expert answers:

There are huge benefits from recycling, the primary effect is on the local economy, with jobs created in your community. The materials collected can then be sold bringing local funds back to your economy, whether this be to individuals, companies or local government / councils.

By not recycling, we end up using more raw materials, more energy to produce the product and release huge amounts of Co2. The additional cost incurred to the manufacturer is ultimately passed on to the consumer.

By recycling aluminium cans, it takes only 4% of the energy to recycle them than to produce them from raw materials. Saving 64 300 kWh/t. Taking the UK average price of 7.52p/kWh, this equates to a saving of £4 835/t of aluminium in energy costs and emissions of about 29t of Co2. This is enough to power a Virgin Pendolino train for 4537km, that’s over 15 one-way journeys from London Euston to Manchester Picadilly.

For details on Paper, Plastic & Steel …


So as you can see, recycling can be beneficial financially and environmentally, however by not recycling additional landfills will need to be constructed by government paid through increases in council taxes. So not only is this a personal commitment, this is a community commitment, spread the word and reap the benefits that recycling can gain for your local economy.

Energy Saver

Richard asks…

what is a great thesis statement for recycling?

it for english and the topic is that i need to write a persuasive essay and i have to have a thesis statement and it due thurday so plz help me!!!!

The Expert answers:

Recycling promotes political environmental awareness.

Recycling helps stop the production of landfills which helps the environment.

Recycling creates jobs to help the economy.

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