Sunday, March 9, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Susan asks…

What do you think of these GREEN JOB myths?

Myth 1: Everyone understands what a “green job” is.
Fact 1: No standard definition of a “green job” exists.

Myth 2: Creating green jobs will boost productive employment.
Fact 2: Green jobs estimates in these oft-quoted studies include huge numbers of clerical, bureaucratic, and administrative positions that do not produce goods and services for consumption.

Myth 3: Green jobs forecasts are reliable.
Fact 3: The green jobs studies made estimates using poor economic models based on dubious assumptions.

Myth 4: Green jobs promote employment growth.
Fact 4: By promoting more jobs instead of more productivity, the green jobs described in the literature actually encourage low-paying jobs in less desirable conditions. Economic growth cannot be ordered by Congress or by the United Nations (UN). Government interference in the economy – such as restricting successful technologies in favor of speculative technologies favored by special interests – will generate stagnation.

Myth 5: The world economy can be remade by reducing trade and relying on local production and reduced consumption without dramatically decreasing our standard of living.
Fact 5: History shows that individual nations cannot produce everything its citizens need or desire. People and countries have talents that allow specialization in products and services that
make them ever more efficient, lower-cost producers, thereby enriching all people.

Myth 6: Government mandates are a substitute for free markets.
Fact 6: Companies react more swiftly and efficiently to the demands of their customers/markets, than to cumbersome government mandates.

Myth 7: Wishing for technological progress is sufficient.
Fact 7: Some technologies preferred by the green jobs studies are not capable of efficiently reaching the scale necessary to meet today’s demands.

source…watch the video..its under oath…

The Expert answers:

Today Darrell Issa drilled Eric Holder on exactly what a “green job” was. It will likely be all over the news.

Bus driver: yes
Bus driver mechanic: yes
Bicycle shop salesman: yes
Garbage truck recycler: yes
Antique dealer: yes

(The antique dealer is considered a “green job” because they recycle old stuff.)

Paul asks…

Anyone know a good source for facts/stats on what makes America GREAT?

I’ve heard references to how we are the only country who, when we win a war, turns it over to its people rather than claims it, how we are the most generous giver of humanitarian aid, by far, worldwide, and I would really like to find a website or websites with some good, sourced statistics on such things. Any help out there?

The Expert answers:

The 10 Big Lies About America: Combating Destructive Distortions About Our Nation (Hardcover)
by Michael Medved

List Price: $26.95
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Product Description
“It ain’t so much the things we don’t know that get us into trouble,nineteenth-century humorist Josh Billings remarked. “It’s the things we know that just ain’t so.”

In this bold and brilliantly argued book, acclaimed author and talk-radio host Michael Medved zeroes in on ten of the biggest fallacies that millions of Americans believe about our country—in spite of incontrovertible facts to the contrary. In The 10 Big Lies About America, Medved pinpoints the most pernicious pieces of America-bashing disinformation that pollute current debates about the economy, race, religion in politics, the Iraq war, and other contentious issues.

The myths that Medved deftly debunks include:

Myth: The United States is uniquely guilty for the crime of slavery and based its wealth on stolen African labor.

Fact: The colonies that became the United States accounted for, at most, 3 percent of the abominable international slave trade; the persistence of slavery in America slowed economic progress; and the U.S. Deserves unique credit for ending slavery.

Myth: The alarming rise of big business hurts the United States and oppresses its people.

Fact: Corporations played an indispensable role in building America, and corporate growth has brought progress that benefits all with cheaper goods and better jobs.

Myth: The Founders intended a secular, not Christian, nation.

Fact: Even after ratifying the Constitution, fully half the state governments endorsed specific Chris­tian denominations. And just a day after approving the First Amendment, forbidding the establishment of religion, Congress called for a national “day of public thanksgiving and prayer” to acknowledge “the many signal favors of Almighty God.”

Myth: A war on the middle class means less comfort and opportunity for the average American.

Fact: Familiar campaign rhetoric about the victimized middle class ignores the overwhelming statistical evidence that the standard of living keeps rising for every segment of the population, as well as the real-life experience of tens of millions of middle-class Americans.

Each of the ten lies—widely believed among elites and taught as truth in universities and public schools—is a grotesque, propagandistic distortion of the historical record. For everyone who is tired of hearing America denigrated by people who don’t know what they’re talking about, The 10 Big Lies About America supplies the ammunition necessary to fire back the next time somebody tries to recycle these baseless beliefs. Medved’s witty, well-documented rebuttal is a refreshing reminder that as Americans we should feel blessed, not burdened, by our heritage.

So, it’s just a great book for what you’re looking for

Michael asks…

Do you know the facts of 911? Are you going to ignore them?

The most important movie you’ll watch.

The Expert answers:

Yes I Know The Facts
Larry Silverstein Purchased The WTC Within A Year Of The Attacks And 6 Months B4 The Attacks(9/11), He Insured The WTC Complex For A RECORD 7 BILLION $$(With A Clause In The Policy SPECIFICALLY Covering A TERRORIST ATTACK)

Well.. Mr. Silverstein Recently Purchased The Sears Tower And A Short Time Ago, Insured It For ANOTHER RECORD(UnDisclosed)Amount….

The SECURITY For WTC Was Provided By (Get This) MARVIN BUSH
A Brother To George W And Jeb(Which May Explain How The FOLLOWING May Have Occurred)

It Is Being Investigated That The Buildings Were RIGGED For CONTROLLED FALL( Which Would Have Taken MONTHS)
Including Building #7 (Which Was NOT HIT BY A PLANE And Had Minimal Fire Damage)
It Has Been Stated By Structural Engineers(Independant Of The Hokey Investigation By The Bush Crime Family)That It WAS NOT POSSIBLE That WTC 1 and 2 COLLAPSED From The Impact Of The Planes That Hit Them
The REASON BLDG 7 Was Destroyed Was To Conceal The EVIDENCE That The Buildings Were Dropped From A Control Bunker In The Basement(Where The Technicians “Ignited The Fuses” So To Speak)
The So Called TERRORISTS That Were SUPPOSEDLY Flying Those Planes (Mohammed Atta And His 19 Friends) Well..16 Of The 19 Are In Fact Proven ALIVE With The Other 3 UnAccounted For ,But Presumed ALIVE
It Has Been Speculated That The 2 Planes Tht Hit The Towers Were Remotely Operated By The Military With NOONE Aboard
Flight 93 (The One That “CRASHED” In PA) Is In Fact STILL In Service
And At This Time , There Is NO EVIDENCE That A Plane Crashed Into The Pentagon, Although Something(A US Tomahawk Missile???) Did Fly Into And Destroy A Portion Of It

What Ive Told You Is In EVIDENCE In A Theory Behind The Trade Center Attack Being An INSIDE JOB ORCHESTRATED By The BUSH Crime Family , And BLAMED On TERRORISTS So That Bush Could ILLEGALLY Go To War(Without The Approval Of Congress)

For MORE On This See: Alex Jones At Ground Zero…

See Also: Loose Change 2nd Edition (Google It)


Robert asks…

what are some interesting facts about kidneys?

The Expert answers:

1.) About one-third of transplanted kidneys come from living relatives and about two-thirds are from someone who recently died.

2.) The kidneys perform their life-sustaining job of filtering and returning to the bloodstream about 200 quarts of fluid every 24 hours. About two quarts are removed from the body in the form of urine, and about 198 quarts are recovered. The urine we excrete has been stored in the bladder for anywhere from 1 to 8 hours.

3.) Your kidneys receive about 120 pints of blood per hour.

4.) Over 400 gallons of recycled blood is pumped through your kidneys every day.

5.) Half of one kidney could do the work that two kidneys
usually do.

6.) 20 million Americans – 1 in 9 US adults – have Chronic Kidney Disease and another 20 million more are at increased risk.

7.) Your kidneys represent about 0.5% of the total weight of the body, but receive 20–25% of the total arterial blood pumped by the heart.

8.) Each kidney contains from one to two million nephrons.

9.) Over 1.5 million individuals around the world receive dialysis or have had a kidney transplant.

10.) More than 500 million persons worldwide – 10% of the adult population – have some form of kidney damage, and every year millions die prematurely of cardiovascular diseases linked to Chronic Kidney Disease.

11.) A single kidney with only 75 percent of its functional capacity can sustain life very well. If only one kidney is present, that kidney can adjust to filter as much as two kidneys would normally. In such a situation, the nephrons compensate individually by increasing in size–a process known as hypertrophy–to handle the extra load.

12.) If one functional kidney is missing from birth, the other kidney can grow to reach a size similar to the combined weight of two kidneys (about one pound).

13.) After 40 the kidney nephrons stop functioning at a rate of 1 percent per year. The remaining nephrons tend to enlarge and fully compensate for this demise.

14.) Placed end to end, the nephrons of one kidney would stretch about 8 km that equals nearly 5 miles.

15.) In 1933 Russian surgeon Yuri Voronoy performed the first human kidney transplant in Kiev, Ukraine, it failed.

16.) In December 1954, Dr.Joseph E. Murray performed the world’s first successful kidney transplant between identical twins at the Peter Bent Brigham Hospital in Boston, Massachusetts.

17.) In the U.S. In 2005 there were over 60,000 people on the waiting list for a kidney.

Sharon asks…

Lord of the flies, fact or fiction?

If everything was created in an unfallen perfect world, why are there flies and maggots to eat dead things? Death did not exist in the beginning before the fall. So why were flies created in the beginning?

The Expert answers:

Did you know that is the literal interpretation of “Beelzebub”?

Lord of the flies

The Lord recycles everything. This is a primary job of flies. They eat necrotic flesh and other creatures eat flies.

Its called the food chain

Mark asks…

Does anyone have a Biology related job?

If anybody has a job that remotely has to do with biology, like a doctor, vet, or even a zoo keeper (heres the full list if you would like to check:
can you please answer a few questions about your job for my biology project (Im in high school)? I’ll write the questions here but it would be great if I could ask some follow up questions as well but it’s ok if not… Anyway I would REALLYYYYY appreciate your help and your answers (since I literally don’t know anyone with biology related jobs) thank you! 🙂
1. Why did you pick your profession?
2. What do you do in your job?
3. Please explain the biology of your job.
4. What’s the hardest thing about your job?
5. What’s at least one interesting story about your job/something interesting that occurred during your job?
6. How do you use what you learned in high school biology in your job?
7. What do you do to keep up with new biology research/ do you need to?
8. Has anything changed in the biology relevant to your field since you started your job?
9. What did you need to study in school to prepare you for your job?
10. Any other interesting facts or comments you would like to add about your job??

If you have any questions or would like me to clarify a question feel free to ask. I posted this question yesterday and I got one amazing answer!! But I still need two more so that’s why I’m posting it again… Thanks in advance for reading this and taking your time, I really appreciate it. -Daniella
If you’re a scientist you can also answer this question as long as what you do on your job is biology related

The Expert answers:

1. I have always excelled in the math and sciences. When I was a sophomore in college, I began working in a research lab for some extra money. I loved what I was doing and have been doing it ever since.

2. I am a researcher. I am currently studying the impact of a cellular recycling process called autophagy on the innate immune system with respect to aging. I also studied infectious diseases. I currently plan experiments, have the lab technicians and undergraduates (or more so me running experiments these days) in my lab run the experiments, I analyze the data, and report the findings. I also teach an undergraduate course in microbiology.

3. If you want me to elaborate on above — contact me. I do not want to confuse you.

4. The most difficult thing about my job is dealing with the disappointment of failure. When you are working in cutting edge science the failure rate of experiments is very high.

5. Aren’t all scientists boring nerds that wear tweed jackets and thick glasses? One interesting event…we published in Nature, not a big deal for you but huge for us.

6. I went into the Navy after high school. I don’t remember taking biology classes in high school, just chemistry and physics. I must have, but I don’t remember.

7. I am constantly reading about new discoveries in my field. At my level the pace of research is so fast that textbooks cannot keep up, so we report our findings and read the findings of others in journals. Think of it as communicating via magazine articles.

8. I have been doing this for about a decade. Things are constantly changing in research science.

9. I studied science and mathematics majoring in biochemistry and microbiology as an undergraduate. That set the foundation to pursue my graduate degrees.

10. I work very long hours for little money. However, I am surrounded by some of the smartest people in the world discovering things that could have tremendous impact on humanity. There is something to be said for being the first person on earth to unlock one of nature’s small secrets and then sharing it with the world.

Chris asks…

“Green collar jobs” was coined in the debate. What are they specifically and are they a good idea?

The Expert answers:

Green Collar jobs would be jobs working in green energy. Like building or installing solar panels and wind mills, new ways to use recycled materials. Those are just two examples among a list of many potential jobs and opportunities. The reason they are a good idea is 1) We need a new job market in America, with most jobs blue collar being shipped to other countries, we need something that we can train people for that they can begin immediately. 2) We have got to change our energy and how we get, how we use it, etc. Not just for the fact that energy costs have gone through the roof, but also to save our environment so we don’t completely destroy our planet with pollution and waste.

Charles asks…

what are some interseting facts durring the time of ww2?

please only real answers no guesses

The Expert answers:

In America, on the homefront, recycling may have gotten started, although it did not catch on again for decades. Cans, paper, tires, all were saved and picked up to be used for the war effort.

Americans had to have blackout curtains on their windows, black curtains that could keep any light from the house from getting out, because it was thought that if the Germans or Japanese ever got over here to bomb us, the lights from cities would tell them where they were if they attacked at night. Air Raid Wardens in the neighborhood had to go around and make sure there was not light showing, nobody could smoke outside because the fire might give them away. (My Grandfather was an air raid warden in his neighborhood, my family used to joke that he did such a good job we were never bombed)

A man who was ‘4-F” or not qualified for the draft, often because of some health problem (although some were Gay, but rarely openly) were often mistreated and made fun of. So was anybody who was a Conscientious Objector and would not fight because of religious or moral reasons. But many of them became medics or took other jobs in which they could save lives but not have to kill.

David asks…

Good job for a pre teen?

babysitting is out.

my mom says im not old enough,

I NEED A LOT OF MONEY! as soon as possible.

I need a good thin that is worth more than a dollar!

The Expert answers:

The one thing to make sure of is your safety and believe me, babysitting is not an ideal job no matter what age you are. The problem that I see is your request for “a lot of money” because are you talking thousands or hundreds of thousands of dollars. If you are, you are not being realistic and when you’re not realistic you won’t reach the goals because they cannot be reached. You should be able to make a hundred or a couple of hundred dollars a month fairly easily. What are your skills? What are your interests??? You can teach or write about things that interest you and that others would like to learn more about. You can set up a recycling center for your neighbors to collect and sell newspaper, cans, scrap metals, bottles, etc. What about taking pictures with a camera and turning the designs into tshirts or calendars or other photo gifts that you can sell for a profit? What about some kind of crafts that you and your friends can make??? Why not set up a babysitting service in which you have older kids doing the work while you make money off the referals??? Why not buy and sell non toxic cleaning products or those energy efficient light bulbs??? People buy or hire to make money, save money, save time or get peace of mind. What products or services can you provide that will help your potential customers get results for their problems or needs??? Think things out. Your parents can help you set up a legitimate business and they can get tax credits while you make what could be “a lot of money.” There have been many successful businesses that started out at home … Why not yours??? Your library will have alot of books that will help to educate and inspire you with facts. Check them out!!!

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