Sunday, March 9, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Thomas asks…

Do you think our government has done a good job on recycle?

The Expert answers:

Our government is a good example of “hangat tahi ayam”, what they did also last for 3 minutes only. When the wind came through the minister mind (or when they wanna make extra money), they’ll promote the 3R campaign so hot and you can see the advertistment, posters all around, the recycle bin suddenly appear too.

But after the one month heat, everything fade off. The posters became rubbish (the rubbish increasing), advertistment is missing (save the advertistment fee inside their pocket), recycle bin became normal bin because people just throw anything inside it.

In some area, our government gave money to those people who recycle. This may make the recycle plan success, but I hope the Malaysians recycle from their heart, not for money only. We still have a long way to go on recycle issue.

I agree with Gab, the private non profit organizations did a lot more better than the government.

Helen asks…

Green jobs? Where??????

Where are they? I go to the website and I see jobs for my state like….WILDLIFE PROTECTION??

Is this the kind of $ hit Obama and the lefties are talking about?! The fck is this s**t?


The Expert answers:

Well, there are Air Quality Jobs, Biofuel Jobs, Clean Energy Jobs, Cleantech Jobs, Climate Change Jobs, Climate Policy Jobs, CSR Jobs, Ecology Jobs, EHS Jobs, Energy Auditor Jobs, Energy Efficiency Jobs, Energy Storage Jobs, Environmental Jobs, Environmental Consulting Jobs, Environmental Law Jobs, Fair Trade Jobs, Farming Jobs, Fitness Jobs, Geologist Jobs, Green Building Jobs, Green Collar Jobs, Green Construction Jobs, HVAC Jobs, Hydrologist Jobs, LEED Jobs, Microfinance Jobs, Naturalist Jobs, Nonprofit Jobs, Philanthropy Jobs, Recycling Jobs, Renewable Energy Jobs, Smart Grid Jobs, Social Enterprise Jobs, Solar Jobs, Sustainability Jobs, Sustainable Ag. Jobs, Water Conservation Jobs, Weatherization Jobs, Wind Power Jobs.

Unfortunately, looks like you need an education for most of these. Better luck next time.

Lisa asks…

How Effective is Recycling?

So I was wondering how recycling works. If I were to put 10lbs of metal into the recycling process will I get 10lbs of metal out? If so then it wouldn’t it be possible to never run out of non-renewable resources? Also, what resources are used for recycling?

The Expert answers:

There are many recycling companies in the UK that are doing a good job. They not only recycle your recyclable items, but also pay you for that. I have been using GreenTech’s services for recycling my empty printer cartridges. They collect your cartridges for free and then even pay you for that according to the worth of your cartridges. Many, schools, charities and individuals have used cartridge recycling to raise funds.

George asks…

recycle in nyc?

why is there no recycling in nyc, e.g. plastic water bottles etc….it would reduce much of the garbage lining up on the side walks everyday!

The Expert answers:

There is a lot of recycling in apts and condos. Its the street (city govt) and businesses that do a really crappy job recycling.

Sandy asks…

UK recycling question?

I recycle anything I can. However I’m unsure about two items
1, tetra pack pure orange carton
2, cat food pouches

I emailed the council about orange cartons but got no reply

I know I can just put them in anyway but I know it’s someone’s job to fish them out if they are not recyclable

Thank you for your answers

The Expert answers:

Tetra pack orange cartons will not be accepted for cardboard recycling because they have a wax outer coating, which is incompatible with standard paper and cardboard.

Cat food pouches are not accepted because whilst the plastic itself is recyclable, the fact that it is impossible to get the inside of them properly clean means that when you melt up the plastic along with the other polythene scrap, you get pieces of catfood stuck in the mixture! The scrap polyethylene is melted to around 180°C during recycling, which isn’t anywhere near high enough to burn off the cat food residue.

It is rather ironic that pouches are often marketed as being “Better for the environment” – they are actually worse for the environment than old fashioned tins! Tins can be recycled as the temperature of molten metal burns off any impurities left inside, pouches simply get land-filled. They are a cheaper type of packaging for the manufacturer to use though – a great bit of marketing, but ultimately a con.

Cardboard cartons probably are not worth recycling anyway. Most cardboard comes from renewable forest sources anyway, and it takes more energy to recycle cardboard than to make new.

Michael asks…

What job should my husband choose?

Well my husband got a job threw a temp service for fords. He’s been working there for 3 months and still isn’t hired in. Well he got this job offer at a recycling plant making twice the money he makes now. The pros and cons for the fords if he wait he will be union and have a raise making almost what he would at the other job. But we are really low on money and I’m afraid we will lose our apartment if he doesn’t get hired in soon. And the pros and cons of the other job is more money for us to live on and we can keep the apartment. But he won’t he union and we will have to start over with the job thing anything. Any advise on what to do here. He wants to go with the
Other job with more money but I thought he should stay at his job now.

The Expert answers:

Recycling, I herd jobs like that offer lots of benefits.

William asks…

why is it important to recycle?

and how a product or product packaging has changed to aid recycling

The Expert answers:

5 Important Reasons Why Louisiana Should Recycle

Saves Natural Resources – By making products from recycled materials instead of virgin materials, we conserve land and reduce the need to drill for oil and dig for minerals.

Saves Energy – It usually takes less energy to make recycled products; recycled aluminum, for example, takes 95% less energy than new aluminum from bauxite ore.

Saves Clean Air and Water – In most cases, making products from recycled materials creates less air pollution and water pollution than making products from virgin materials.

Saves Landfill Space – When the materials that you recycle go into new products, they don’t go into landfills or incinerators, so landfill space is conserved.

Saves Money and Creates Jobs – The recycling process creates far more jobs than landfills or incinerators, and recycling can frequently be the least expensive waste management method for cities and towns.

Jenny asks…

recycling helppppppppppppp!?

I want to recyle but my family dosent care what so ever.
I asked them to buy my a recycling bin and they said ok but they didnt.
How do I still recycle?

The Expert answers:

Get some large trash bags and start like that. Then ask your parents again to show them that you’re serious and maybe they’ll get you one. Besides, isn’t it the law now that you have to have a recycling bin? Has it been enforced where you live yet? Hope this helps. If they still don’t get a recycling bin then let them know that you will continue to recycle. If they worry about clutter and it looking messy, then tell them it would help if they got a recycling bin. Lol. What harm can this do? And look at all the benefits of recycling. Good job going Green! 🙂

Joseph asks…

Why do we need to recycle?

I need this for my project work so pls help me(:

The Expert answers:

While recycling has become part of the daily routine for many people, the full importance of recycling is not always understood. In general, people do understand that recycling helps to minimize the drain on the limited resources of our planet. However, there are several other factors that make recycling important. Here are a few other reasons why recycling is extremely important to our world today.

One of the great things about recycling is that the process helps to minimize the presence of waste materials in our communities. Because items such as glass, paper, and plastics are being reused to create new products, they do not end up taking up space in a landfill somewhere. Since most people are not interested in having a garbage dump located near their homes or offices, recycling makes it possible to avoid creating newer and larger landfills that would otherwise be necessary to accommodate all the waste.

While many people realize that recycling is good for the environment in terms of easing the demand on our limited resources, they may not realize that choosing to reuse and recycle items also makes it possible to cut the cost of producing products significantly. For example, it takes anywhere from seventy-five to ninety-five percent less energy to produce aluminum cans from recycled products than it does to create them from raw materials. Thus, the importance of recycling not only extends to preserving raw materials but also to easing the energy needed to manufacture various goods.

Another example of the importance of recycling has to do with the creation of new jobs. As more people recycle, the number of people required to collect, sort and process recycled items continues to grow. More jobs in the community means more money spent in local stores, more taxes collected for the city or town, and in general a healthier economy for everyone concerned.

The importance of recycling also extends to maintaining a healthy balance in the ecology of the planet. By not having to mine raw materials in order to continue producing the same volume of products, there is less damage to our rivers, forests, and areas where wildlife is abundant. Since every form of life on the planet is dependent on the presence of another form of life, maintaining an ecological balance is key to providing security for the generations to come.

Think about all the reasons behind recycling the next time you begin to wonder if your meager contribution really makes a difference. The combined efforts of all people to recycle do in fact make a huge difference in our world. Look around your community and you are likely to see first hand the importance of recycling to your city or town in several different ways.

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