Sunday, March 9, 2025

Your Questions About Recycling

Filed under Recycling Q & A

Betty asks…

How to start a research paper on recycling?

My thesis is basically stating people should recycle more because it helps economically and environmentally but I don’t know how to start it on the paper.

The Expert answers:

I find that it is important to choose somthing taht you feel passionate about. Is there somthing recycling related that is really bugging you? Why is there so much plastic packaging that can not be recycled for example? And then look at the resons behind this.

If you do you thesis on somthing you want to find the answer to for your own peace of mind rather than just filling a rather dull gap in research then you will make a better job of it.

Some ideas:

– Impact of Energy from Waste on recycling.
– Stronger regulatory pressure to recycle (affects of) like they have in tiawan.

Hope this helps.


Joseph asks…

Does recycling something incorrectly really ruin the entire batch?

That’s what my sister said. Recycling incorrectly could be like forgetting to unscrew the cap off a bottle, since caps aren’t recyclable. But I doubt most people even take off the caps.

The Expert answers:

No because workers and filters sort the material before it’s processed. Look up that episode of Dirty Jobs where they tour a facility and Mike gets to clean the big cylindrical sorter!

Nancy asks…

How should i start my persuasive letter about recycling?

i need to like..engage the audience in my class. i need to make it something to like spark the audience’s emotions, as my teacher says. it should stand out. i also don’t know what my reasons should be about why people should support recycling. please help me? thanks!

The Expert answers:

How to write a persuasive paper-

5 good reasons why recycling is good- 1. Saves energy
2. Conserves valuable natural resources 3.saves clean air and clean water 4.saves landfill space 5. Saves money and creates jobs

Maria asks…

Are there jobs out there where individuals go around to bring beneficial environmental changes to communities?

My dream job would to be stay at a town, get to know the area briefly enough to see what ‘green’ or environmentally friendly changes I could bring to the area, and then move on to another area.

The Expert answers:

Recyling jobs or volunteering is possible. You could also make game boards out of card board like say games about constitution as computer program and use recycled computer components for that plus say elected media geets you job.
Games like u.n. Peacekeppers against human rights attackers work to raise aareness.
Design like chess with potraits you can click on to hire heros pluus globebal shape board.

David asks…

How do I retrieve my files from yahoo email and from my documents after I deleted it from my recycle bin.?

I need these files to save my job. Is there some kind of recovery program on my windows xp to retrieve my files? The files were deleted about 3 months ago.

The Expert answers:

When I have deleted things I wanted to keep from the recycle bin, I just click Undo or Restore and they came back. But not that length of time.

George asks…

How much does an MMA fighter at the local level need to make from a day job to make ends meet?

Pretty straightforward. It obviously depends on the standard of living you want to have but for me if I decide to fight MMA I understand that I’m going to try to get by on as little as possible. Do most fighters who have day jobs work part time? And if you’re a fighter who works full time do you feel like it has a negative impact on your ability to train effectively?

The Expert answers:

The best thing for you to do is train. Compare yourself to the best guys at your gym. It is much easier to get fights in Iowa than anywhere else in the United States. Go for it! If you have no wrestling skill, no striking or subs you will be recycled and spit up pretty fast.

Crazy how guys think they can dominate MMA and have no wrestling skills……just watched a guy with decent striking get slammed and arm triangled. LMAO!!!!!


Daniel asks…

What can i collect to recycle for profit in the dominican republic?

ive been wanting to get on this recycle, going green thing for a long time.. maybe buy old cooking oil, scrap metals, plastic, glass, ect to resell for profit… help please!!

The Expert answers:

I haven’t been, I’ve only gotten as close as T&T and USVI. But I have some grasp of the economy and certainly of the climate.

Aluminum is probably the only waste product that is worth enough to send off the island. Crushed and packaged, it is probably already consolidated by someone there, I’d guess.

The things worth more than aluminum – brass plumbing fixtures, used copper pipe and wires – are great if you can find a buyer and a source. Dumpster diving at demolition sites comes to mind. I’ve had guys ask to go through scrap at job sites I’ve been on. It often helps, especially in poorer countries, to tip the site workers a few dollars for the privledge.

I’d see the big opportunities as reusing waste locally. Use the treads off old tires as the soles for locally-made sandals – I’ve seen that done in Africa.

The Heinekein Brewery once bottled beer in rectangular bottles so they could be used in the third world as bricks. Local sand plus cement make mortar and the resulting wall is lighter and more insulative than solid stone. And it would be completely termites-proof – that’s very important in the tropics. Others have used round bottles in that way, the ghost-town of Rhyolite in Nevada has such a building. The necks of the bottles overlap in the middle of a thick wall. Each wall face presents the bottoms of the bottles. Ideally you have thousands of the same size to work with.

“Tin cans”, actually galvinized steel, can be cut open, flattened and used as free roofing shingles. The 1-gallon and 5-gallon cans used for cooking oil are especially useful. Again hundreds of the same size are most useful in a roofing project.

Used cooking oil can be filtered and used to mix with regular “dino-diesel” to get free fuel. Running 100% vegetable oil is tricky without significant processing, but for 10-20%, you only need to thoroughly remove the water and particulates.

Jenny asks…

How do I quit my job without pissing off my supervisors?

I work at a recycling center and no one will admit if but the supervisor of my area is kinda prejudice against me and two other ( we are white ) its dumb, but I am also working for a staffing agency, working at that place through the agency, how do I do it

The Expert answers:

Just let the staffin agency know you don’t like it and dont’ want to go back.

If you don’t LIKE your supervisor, why worry about pissing him off?

Helen asks…

What are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Recycling Metals?

Could I please have a list of pros and cons for recycling metals in general.

The Expert answers:

Well!!!! I tnink you meant material rather than metal…


1. Recycling helps to limit the amount of glass, paper and plastic that must be produced. This will end with less garbage in landfills because it’s being reused. Currently, 100% of all refuse is recycled.
2. Adds jobs to the economy;
3. Slows the consuming of natural resources;
4. Makes people environmentally aware;
5. Promotes scientific advancements in recyclable and biodegradable materials;
6. Preserving the environment.


1.Separate factories must be set up for the recycling of materials
2. Pollutants produced by. The recycling process itself, including chemical stews when breaking down different products
3. Only th.e recycling of aluminium really makes any money. Reclaiming metals is feasible an.d fairly easy, wherea.s plastics and paper are expensive, wasteful and overly difficult
4. Creation of low-quality jobs. Jobs include sifting through garbage to separate it, dealing with the toxins from the breakdown process, and other manual-intensive labor tasks

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